Forum › Hana Ni Arashi discussion

joined Aug 22, 2016

Yeah, I think most of the uproar comes from assuming that this Mai story is Igarashi 2.0.
And, her introduction and her whole "Nanoha is dating (another) girl, so I totally have a chance with her" logic did certainly give off bad vibes...

But, plot-wise? She's been active and around our love-birds now for ...I think even more chapters Igarashi had. Yet, all she effectively "did" was push Chidori to try and get to know her beloved better. far, this has been the worst she could come up with.

As for Chidori's jealousy... I think, one can be "jealous" (or miffed about) a beloved spending less time with oneself and more time with a third party instead, without being jealous in the sense of having resentful feelings for said third party.
But it seems to me, that Chidori makes the best of the situation and spends her few time with Nanoha more productively (going over to her home) as well as finding ways to fasten their relationship even during the off-hours (writing love-letters).

So yeah, I think what many of us thought when Mai realized Chidori "doesn't care": Chidori trusts Nanoha. (And has no reason not to do so.)

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 12:32PM

joined Oct 25, 2015

What is with all this communication? They're sharing and talking through friction. I love it!! (~˘▾˘)~

igenetycs Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Aug 14, 2019

Then again Mai butting in make the progress a bit slower

Did it really though? It took 48 chapters for a kiss, and it's been less than 10 since Mai's introduction. What progress were you expecting this quickly, anyway? Even with Mai around, we've had home visits, an increasing desire for kissing and physical contact (see ch 61), and love letters.

We waited 48 before having a kiss and Chidori saying "i love you",

For what it's worth, the first "I love you" from Chidori was chapter 24: Maybe earlier, but that's the earliest instance I can remember.

she have circumstances about that's still damn slow for 2 girls who are supossingly dating plus we just go out of the Chidori's Senapi arc so having another rival right off the bat is annoying. It's up to personal opinion but the pacing make it hard to not see Mai as a potential problem.

You're free to hold that opinion of course, but it's worth noting that the previous love rival was specifically used as a vehicle for progression. Mai, by comparison, is far less antagonistic than the sempai was, and she is also being used as a vehicle for progression. That just isn't her sole purpose like it was for the sempai.

joined Feb 9, 2019

this brat... >:[

joined Jun 25, 2019

You're free to hold that opinion of course

That isn't my strict opinion, i just try to explain why some peoples are upset with Mai's addition with only the chapters we had

For what it's worth, the first "I love you" from Chidori was chapter 24: Maybe earlier, but that's the earliest instance I can remember.

My memory is bad at those times so i don't remember it.

Even with Mai around, we've had home visits, an increasing desire for kissing and physical contact (see ch 61), and love letters.

Again, at first you can't really know if Mai's attitude will have been harmless. I mean when she thought "she date a girl and kiss her then maybe i have a chance", it's legitimate to have fear about it. Of course after the last two chapters on Mangadex, i know that Mai don't seem that mean and even feel like a third wheel and also said she feel guilty to stick to Nanoha.

joined Dec 9, 2014

You know, you can't always judge a third person entering the story so quick.
Generally, there are other signs of what the character will be.
If it's going to be serious, we get the hints beforehand.
For example with Igarashi (who wasn't a threat either but was more of an antagonist than what Mai seems to be) we had hints about Chidori's past suffering because of an unnamed person before even Igarashi showing up.
With Mai, not only there are no hints of anything serious ever happening, her character design is also silly. She gives off goof vibes and she even kinda ships them.

joined Jun 25, 2019

She gives off goof vibes and she even kinda ships them.

Maybe now but that don't give good vibes neither she ship them.

joined Oct 22, 2018

She gives off goof vibes and she even kinda ships them.

Maybe now but that don't give good vibes neither she ship them.

Is this the point where a philosophycal conversation starts about the meaning of "to ship", until a mod inevitably shuts that convo down?

joined Aug 22, 2016

She gives off goof vibes and she even kinda ships them.

Maybe now but that don't give good vibes neither she ship them.

Is this the point where a philosophycal conversation starts about the meaning of "to ship", until a mod inevitably shuts that convo down?

I don't think that's necessary. There's literally a wiki-definition of shipping.
And, yeah. No. Mai doesn't "ship" them. She very much ships herself with Nanoha, whom she's obsessed with. She maaaaay project herself into Chidori at times (upcoming) and get therefore flustered about anything even remotely charming or anything with a possible romantic- or double-entendre-read Nanoha does (to or with Chidori). And even if she kinda likes Chidori or thinks she's cute at times, that's not necessarily a sign of her shipping those two (yet). But there's a chance that her devotion for Nanoha changes from "I want her, even if she's already happy with someone else" to "I want her to be happy, even if that's with someone else", and evolve into her eventually shipping them... But thus far that's not the case.

I would agree on her being a bit more on the goofy side of the spectrum, tho... Which may be an indicator by the author for the audience to not see her as a source of upcoming heavy drama... which apparently (or judging by the discussions) did not translate too well?

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 7:29PM

joined Mar 3, 2019

Heart-pounding indeed. Poor Nanoha LOL.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 8:02PM

joined Aug 11, 2019

Double kabedon on both her girlfriend and the kouhai that has a crush on her. Nanoha's gonna unlock the harem end at this rate.

joined Nov 28, 2019

Is it just me or does kouhai-san is now crushing on both chidori and nonoha ?

joined Mar 31, 2018

I love how in two chapters, Mai went from “I have to break them up” to “just kiss already”

joined Apr 22, 2017

Is it just me or does kouhai-san is now crushing on both chidori and nonoha ?

I think she just enjoys others cuteness, just like all the readers here, lol.
UwU This is just too cute and pureeeeee

joined Jul 29, 2017

It seems like Mai’s function is to not to serve as romantic threat (a la Igarashi) but as an outside (but motivated) observer commenting on the central relationship in a way that couldn’t happen with one of the other girls without changing the core group dynamic.

Which just reinforces my sense that the other girls still don’t know that Nanoha and Chidori are dating.

joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Sep 21, 2015

I love how in two chapters, Mai went from “I have to break them up” to “just kiss already”

Maybe author-san changed mind because liked the character and didn't want people hating on her.

joined Dec 9, 2014

I love how in two chapters, Mai went from “I have to break them up” to “just kiss already”

Maybe author-san changed mind because liked the character and didn't want people hating on her.

She never expressed she wanted to break them up though. It's a bit different the fact that she thought she had a chance with Nanoha.

Is it just me or does kouhai-san is now crushing on both chidori and nonoha ?

Yes it seemed like that to me too. Not to the degree of an actual crush but you know.

last edited at Dec 7, 2019 9:09PM

joined Apr 6, 2013

Mai is actually pretty fun, at first I was a little wary since third parties so late in the game are more annoying then anything but its going well.

joined Mar 6, 2012

hmmm no. I still don't like her :/ Go away 3rd wheel

joined Sep 30, 2017

It's here.... The famous double kabeidon. I thought it was just a myth....

joined May 25, 2017

wheres the harem tag.. nanoha is just a super player now huh

joined Jun 3, 2014

I'd be fine with a poly end tbh

joined Dec 5, 2018

Nanoha you womanizer
Those blushing fingers and the double kabedon though, funny as heck XD XD

joined Sep 25, 2019

NANOHA IS SUCH A DORK. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

New girl is really sweet and really deserves a love of her own though. Mayhaps Okitsu-sempai?

Or maybe go the Komi-san route and set up a legit a 3way relationship? I don't get the feeling this author would go for that though, the lead two are way too single-mindedly into each other.

last edited at Dec 8, 2019 3:15AM

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