Forum › Mimi Mix! discussion

joined Jan 24, 2018
Pfffftbaahaha, chapter 13 is on of the greatest things I've ever witnessed in a cute girls doing cute things manga! I was in stitches all the way through

joined Aug 23, 2013

I spilled my spaghetti at 'Ass shop'. I feel like a 12 year old.

joined Oct 27, 2018

What happened to the main character?

joined Jan 6, 2015

The main character is animal ears.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What happened to the main character?

Author put Neon and Nono together so he doesn't have to care about them anymore.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Don't fight it, Chika, give in to your desires!

joined Oct 7, 2017

I swear to goodness gracious if I see ONE more series acting like young girls being seriously unreasonably self-conscious about their weight is something cute or funny I WILL yell and it will be loud.
it's the same shtick every single time, almost as bad as beach/onsen episodes

joined Jun 25, 2019

Spoiler since Ch.16 just came out on MD If you like side characters getting laid then you will be happy because of the non-surprise announcement of Mikan/Chika dating but if like me you remember that Nono is suposs to be the MC and she supossingly love Neon and have confess to her in Ch.11/12 then you will be very mad. For starter, don't think that the relation between Neon and Nono have change in any way. They still act to each other like before and if you skip 11 and 12, you won't see much differences.And also the reaction of Neon to the announcement is borderline stupid if it's what i think. Basically Neon seem rather shocked by the announcement. When you consider she said that she said she was a unique child and consider Mikan like a sister than you probably understand where i want to go. SHe probably think that now the two others are dating (and having sex for those interested), Mikan will not have time to spend with her and she is will be alone again. Combine it with the precedent statement that the relation between Neon/Nono seem be back to start and you understand why i'm mad. Other scenarios, one better and one worse.
Better scenario is Neon realise she is not really lovey dovey with Nono and is shocked that the two others have gone further than them. Worse case scenario is Neon was actually in love with Mikan (or Chika w/e at this point) andis shocked that her love got snatched away, even if Nono is here, probably the least probable because of 11 and 12 but then again the author seem to forget it happen so.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Unless that's the end of the manga I don't see a reason to get mad.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ch.17 is the last chapter so i will be mad till the end.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

sleekie posted:

Unless that's the end of the manga I don't see a reason to get mad.

The initial premise of the manga was romance between neon and nono. It's understandable to get annoyed when it seems like author forgot what this manga was originally about.

joined Apr 20, 2013

sleekie posted:

Unless that's the end of the manga I don't see a reason to get mad.

In a way, stuff like that resulted in the end of the manga... get it? because it was axed XP

sleekie posted:

Unless that's the end of the manga I don't see a reason to get mad.

In a way, stuff like that resulted in the end of the manga... get it? because it was axed XP

Was it really axed or are you just saying that?
Because everytime one of these series is short people always say it's because they got axed rather than maybe the series wasn't meant to be long running.

Spoiler since Ch.16 just came out on MD If you like side characters getting laid then you will be happy because of the non-surprise announcement of Mikan/Chika dating but if like me you remember that Nono is suposs to be the MC and she supossingly love Neon and have confess to her in Ch.11/12 then you will be very mad. For starter, don't think that the relation between Neon and Nono have change in any way. They still act to each other like before and if you skip 11 and 12, you won't see much differences.And also the reaction of Neon to the announcement is borderline stupid if it's what i think. Basically Neon seem rather shocked by the announcement. When you consider she said that she said she was a unique child and consider Mikan like a sister than you probably understand where i want to go. SHe probably think that now the two others are dating (and having sex for those interested), Mikan will not have time to spend with her and she is will be alone again. Combine it with the precedent statement that the relation between Neon/Nono seem be back to start and you understand why i'm mad. Other scenarios, one better and one worse.
Better scenario is Neon realise she is not really lovey dovey with Nono and is shocked that the two others have gone further than them. Worse case scenario is Neon was actually in love with Mikan (or Chika w/e at this point) andis shocked that her love got snatched away, even if Nono is here, probably the least probable because of 11 and 12 but then again the author seem to forget it happen so.

I agree with you on neon's reaction not making a lick of sense and questioned it heavily. But all my thoughts kept bringing me back to her reaction being contrived no matter what.

But I'm not as salty as i thought i'd be. Though 2 simple short lines would fix the flaws i have with her reaction.

Wasting chapters on pointless side characters strikes again.

last edited at Nov 16, 2019 3:37PM by

joined Oct 27, 2018

sleekie posted:

Unless that's the end of the manga I don't see a reason to get mad.

In a way, stuff like that resulted in the end of the manga... get it? because it was axed XP

This is what happens when you have no faith in your lead character.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Still no ending in dynasty but hey, look! a new manga by the same author... and still yuri Is This What A God-Tier Game Means ?

last edited at Nov 18, 2019 1:00PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Funny that the other manga come before the last chapters of this one.

joined Sep 16, 2014

Happy ending. Took her a while, but Nono figured out how to win the heart of her girl for real.

And this makes a pretty cool wallpaper:

joined Mar 5, 2019

Mikan the reluctant top fanart when?

joined Aug 21, 2017

Well, despite its flaws, I still thought it was enjoyable.

joined Apr 27, 2013

At least Chika and Mikan seem to have a healthy relationship? Neon and Nono seem to have ended up together mainly because Neon has issues she needs to work out (though said issues weren't really noticeable previously?). That said, I did enjoy the twins' screwed up relationship, but at least it the series wasn't pretending it wasn't screwed up

joined Oct 2, 2018

It had some ups and downs. But at least they got together in the end unlike many other manga I have read.

joined Nov 3, 2019

So glad they didn't go down the love triangle route and that the girls all had a happy ending!

All in all, this was a cute and enjoyable read :)

joined May 20, 2013

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ♥

joined Jan 24, 2018

Ah that was great while it lasted, defs one of the funniest cute girlsoing cute thing I've ever witnessed. Prove me wrong if you dare..... just wants recommendations

last edited at Nov 20, 2019 8:17AM

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