I feel like the author's entire MO is, they can't be lovers, like the poster before me said, but anything else is okay, and the story practically breaks its back to get there.
They're just SEVERELY lonely I guess, and Konatsu's entire character has been changed for a false narrative where she's jealous of Honami-senpai. Ugh.
We're seriously in a depression arc because it just can't ever be yuri, it's really weird. I mean, I expect this in western media all the time. Every single excuse is made as long as someone doesn't cross the line from heteronormativity, but in this instance I find it quite sad.
Japanese media intrigues me because it embraces 'otherness'. Whereas in western media it's subsumed into all normativity, except that character is now 'weird'. 'Weird', ha ha. ]:
Or crazy, more like.
Well anyways, author put this story through the grinder just to point out that Konatsu is now emotionally unhealthy levels of lonely all because Honami befriended a few people, even though she was healthy emotionally in the last arc.
I feel like I got whiplash from how fast Konatsu fell into the ether.