Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Oct 6, 2018

So, our prediction was correct. Or, if you wanna hear the more meme-y version...


I'm laughing so hard, i ligit read it with the deep voice

last edited at Aug 4, 2019 6:19AM

joined Oct 22, 2018

So, our prediction was correct. Or, if you wanna hear the more meme-y version...


I'm laughing so hard, i ligit read it with the deep voice

I'm unsure which would be the more appropriate reply to this? "Thank you" or "You're welcome"? Possibly both?

joined Feb 22, 2018

Their usual dynamics are knight/damsel with roles set in stone, so I say it would be trope-smashing if Tadokoro turns out to be the top in sex, lol

But reversal is a trope, too ... ^^

Just make them both switches and do a double reversal ;).

Did versatile suddenly fall out of fashion? Nobody takes turns in the saddle anymore? Kids these days.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Just make them both switches and do a double reversal ;)

Tape them together face-to-face to create an infinite spin situation as they vie for who shall be topping, hook up to a generator and BOOM. All the world's energy problems solved by lesbian sex. (Which is as it should be.)

joined Dec 20, 2018

Troll of the year award goes to the mom. Excellent! :D

joined Oct 22, 2018

Just make them both switches and do a double reversal ;)

Tape them together face-to-face to create an infinite spin situation as they vie for who shall be topping, hook up to a generator and BOOM. All the world's energy problems solved by lesbian sex. (Which is as it should be.)

Make enough such generators, and we'll be building a Dyson Swarm and an interstellar human civilization in no time at all.

joined Apr 27, 2014

The mom is the best ever.

Please no predatory senpai down the line

joined Jan 27, 2016

That mom is truly the best

last edited at Aug 4, 2019 11:02AM

joined Oct 30, 2018

mom's serving THE tea

joined Mar 28, 2015

Based Okasama.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Mom knows! And is supportive. That's perfect. She will be like: "Oops. We don't have a spare bed for you to sleep in. I am sorry but you two will have to sleep in the same bed." in the next chapter. That'd be amazing.

joined Aug 27, 2013

Mom knows, everybody knows! That's part of what makes it adorable :-)

joined Mar 22, 2018

The idea popped in my head how I would have laughed louder if mom gave Nikaidou some condoms with her tea.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Please no predatory senpai down the line

Do you really think that a predatory senpai is going to be any more of a problem than the thrown baseball, the truck-kun, the bully, or anything else that ever seemed to pose a threat to our pair of lovebirds?

joined Jul 26, 2016

She'd have to out-badass Nikaidou; a preposterous scenario in the face of it.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Blastaar posted:

Please no predatory senpai down the line

Do you really think that a predatory senpai is going to be any more of a problem than the thrown baseball, the truck-kun, the bully, or anything else that ever seemed to pose a threat to our pair of lovebirds?

Yes :(

joined Oct 22, 2018

Blastaar posted:

Please no predatory senpai down the line

Do you really think that a predatory senpai is going to be any more of a problem than the thrown baseball, the truck-kun, the bully, or anything else that ever seemed to pose a threat to our pair of lovebirds?

Yes :(

Obi-Wan voice Well... Then you are lost!

joined Dec 20, 2018

The idea popped in my head how I would have laughed louder if mom gave Nikaidou some condoms with her tea.

Hey, those are important, after all.

joined Oct 22, 2018

The idea popped in my head how I would have laughed louder if mom gave Nikaidou some condoms with her tea.

Hey, those are important, after all.

Why thank you for reminding me of that hilariousness, kind individual.

joined Oct 1, 2014

The idea popped in my head how I would have laughed louder if mom gave Nikaidou some condoms with her tea.

Hey, those are important, after all.

I love how you knew the exact chapter just to reply that.

joined Aug 1, 2011

The idea popped in my head how I would have laughed louder if mom gave Nikaidou some condoms with her tea.

Hey, those are important, after all.

Technically, there are some uses for condoms and similar devices in lesbian sex. I'm not sure how often they actually get used and I doubt the character in that scene was thinking of them, but it's not entirely off base.

When's next CH? I might need to hibernate.

joined May 30, 2013

Cat Riser!

joined Jan 27, 2019

yall gotta admit the moms pretty hot

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