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joined Apr 16, 2018

I think this really kinda highlights what’s often so wrong with age gap. The girls fall in love with her just cause she’s doing a bit more than the bare minimum for being a decent human being, and they aren’t old enough to understand that. At least The Lady seems to.

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 1:24AM

joined Dec 16, 2014

Lmfao, kids need some motherly affection

joined Apr 27, 2013

Man, that did not look like a 4. I've been through a 7 and the potted plants were all fine. Low centers of gravity

Also, why is this turning into a harem?

joined Aug 4, 2018

I'm not sure if these kids need a lover or a mother or maybe both...loool

How about a mother like Ayako in 1 x ½?

joined Feb 8, 2019

Shion's friend fell in love with her?? Are you fucking serious?? Dude, they met for the first time 5 minutes ago and the only thing that she did was being a decent human being, why would she feel like that??
And it's just the second chapter, why would you add a Love Rival when you haven't developed the main couple at all???

I guess that the next chapter will decide if i drop this series...

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 1:43AM

joined Aug 4, 2016

Earthquake season or something?

That scene with the guy was very forced. In fact, a lot of this chapter felt forced...still chuckling at Akemi basically turning a girl gay though lol.

joined Jan 19, 2019

Okay okay,Now this is interesting.

joined Mar 22, 2013

And then Akemi started to build her school girl harem just by using her maternal instinct. The end.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I think it's pretty unrealistic for the dude to just skip out on her like that, unless, you know, he's George Costanza

joined Mar 13, 2014

This started well. The second chapter has me rolling on the ground in laughter. The random earthquakes, the random guy used solely as a plot device who runs off like a cartoon character, etc...

Keep it coming. But we might need a comedy tag soon.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Well... That went zero to sixty instantly. Welp, let's watch this trainwreck happen.

Exactly my thoughts hahaha

joined Oct 16, 2013

What even was that chapter 2???

joined Mar 7, 2017

30 year old Earthquakes turn the girls gay

joined Apr 20, 2013

While is true that there are more earthquakes lately, chapter 2 really pushed the limits hahaha, it would've been better with a rainy season and using thunders.
Boi this really went far away from the direction I was expecting, last thing I wanted was a triangle and right from the start... Here I'm hoping ch3 makes it seem like the friend was actually confusing romantic love for paternal security and then we leave it at that, like "ok my friend was confused but I AM serious about you!" that's what for me would be the best outcome.

joined Dec 18, 2018

One route the manga could take from here is if we find out that Reina's mother is dead. It would explain her extreme reaction to just being comforted when afraid, and probably would produce a feeling that someone inexperienced could mistake for romantic love.

joined May 29, 2019

those earthquakes lmao. can't wait to see who wins the old lady bowl, contender #3 should be one of the actual old ladies that lurk around her workplace

joined Jan 17, 2017

She getting all the girls

joined Nov 13, 2018

Reina seems like a pretty good friend

joined May 3, 2019

Two chapters in and love triangle already smh

joined Oct 25, 2014

the second chapter was so random it was funny to me. There you have it lads, be a decent person and the girls will fall for you.
Akemi feels so soft, warm and calming that I actually see her more like a mother, I get why maybe depressed and stressed japanese high-schoolers would find confort on her and want her near... b-but already call it l-love? H-how?? talk about rash (at least the black haired girl had a bit of time building her crush, but her firend? what? made me laugh)

joined Jun 12, 2019

Oh my god LOL that's actually hilarious
High school girls are falling for her left and right thanks to her kindness and warmth lmao
Akemi is pretty wholesome tbh, i liked ch2. Ofc it makes things awkward and sudden but for what it was, it was sweet.
When's the next girl to her harem going to be introduced lmao

joined Nov 7, 2017

...still chuckling at Akemi basically turning a girl gay though lol.

Just gonna say she probably didn't turn anyone gay. Often the people who have the biggest or loudest reactions to queer situations are those of us who are in the closet. We turn the self-loathing society taught us outwards in order not to poison ourselves too much... Just FYI.

joined Dec 1, 2016

ch 2 is so funny lmao like wtf is happening

joined Dec 13, 2017

Sigh. Another love triangle crap.

last edited at Jul 16, 2019 4:56AM

joined Mar 22, 2018

Well... that chapter was a thing that happened. Better luck next time, series.

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