Y'know, as much as I dislike Kaoru for her messing with many girls (especially Shizuka), there are some chapters that almost makes me like her and think she wouldn't be such a bad person if she could stop acting like everything around the world is ultimately about her.
I loved that, when Kaoru the lesbian huntress spots a prey, she stalks her on all fours, like a panther, and the ground she treads on starts spontaneously blooming with lilies. 
Also, last one about Yuu and the twins kinda made me feel like Yuu wouldn't mind adding them to her pets. ^^; Could be fun seeing her trying to get all dom on them and the twins messing her up just by being themselves.
I kinda get this feeling that Yuu is secretly scared of the twins, haha. Mari is one thing: she knows Mari would never try to steal the initiative from her, so she can control their relationship, no sweat. But the MahiMahi are constantly bubbling with new ideas and acting on them as soon as they think of them... and that our poor Yuu can't handle at all.