Forum › Kyou Kara Yonshimai discussion

joined Aug 15, 2016

WollMilchWombat was given a clear choice, and decided to double down. So they're accordingly taking a month off.

Nya-chan, your comment was neither appropriate, accurate, or helpful. Please keep such things to yourself in future.

WollMilchWombat perhaps didn't argue it in the best way, but I think his point is fair about the use of the tag, it's misleading.

Nya-chan's comment was pretty understanding of the situation, I think it was meant to calm people down as this topic is not something people are gonna come to an agreement on. You saying that it was not accurate seems to indicate that it is not faith based, then if possible and if it isn't too much of a bother could I get a link to something that proves this a fact.

Seems like you are the problem here Nezchan, you're so deeply religious that you think it's okay to trick people with misleading tags and even bullying active members of the community to enforce your opinion. In my case I was discussing something I didn't like in this manga, but you made the discussion about me not conforming to gender politics.

As for the previous comment of mine, I did say he deserved ridicule, you can't ridicule someone without being offensive in some way. If me calling a man for a man is baffling to you and makes me look bad, I'm totally fine with that. I hope you are also okay with making yourself look bad when it comes to this topic, as to me and other more normal people you probably look like a bizzaro person from another dimension. Previously you also called me "dude", that is inferring my gender, you lost at you own game.

In short: You can like what you like(to your own benefit or detriment of coure), but don't trick people and don't force people to like the same thing. I don't like gender politics, so don't force me to play your game.

(For onlookers: I don't hate Nezchan, far from it, I just think this one particular case wasn't handled in the best way.)

last edited at Jun 24, 2019 9:48AM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

The only part that was not handled well is that it was not a permanent removal of you TERF scum on sight. There's no room for NAZIs here, doesn't matter if it's 8/u/ scans or you Heritage Foundation pricks. If you don't like yuri (and saying this is misleading means exactly that) you can fuck off.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Hazukish posted:

Previously you also called me "dude", that is inferring my gender, you lost at you own game.

Except a huge amount of people use "dude" as a unisex term. I call my cat dude, my sister dude, my male and female friends dude. Gender literally doesn't matter in regards to it. The only one who has actually lost here would be yourself bringing up what appears to be a months old discussion and acting like you won while in reality making yourself look like a total buffoon.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Hazukish can go play their game, whatever that's supposed to mean, and call "a man for a man" somewhere else from now on.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Seems like you are the problem here Nezchan, you're so deeply religious that you think it's okay to trick people with misleading tags

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that actually, Nezchan doesn't have authority over tags! That's me, cheers.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Seems like you are the problem here Nezchan, you're so deeply religious that you think it's okay to trick people with misleading tags

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that actually, Nezchan doesn't have authority over tags! That's me, cheers.

So, just so I'm clear... I should probably suck up to BOTH of you, for different reasons?

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Seems like you are the problem here Nezchan, you're so deeply religious that you think it's okay to trick people with misleading tags

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that actually, Nezchan doesn't have authority over tags! That's me, cheers.

I mean for this series in particular it was me. Or possibly tooko. I don’t quite remember when each of those things happened.

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Seems like you are the problem here Nezchan, you're so deeply religious that you think it's okay to trick people with misleading tags

Hi. Just wanted to let you know that actually, Nezchan doesn't have authority over tags! That's me, cheers.

So, just so I'm clear... I should probably suck up to BOTH of you, for different reasons?

If you're trying to optimise, there really is a lot of sucking up to do...But you're plenty nice and likable on your own, so you probably don't need to stoop to any kind of sucking?

I mean for this series in particular it was me. Or possibly tooko. I don’t quite remember when each of those things happened.

B-but I did first...
More importantly, there's just a really nice sense of authoritarian satisfaction with saying "I have the authority," you know?

last edited at Jun 25, 2019 12:14AM

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

I mean for this series in particular it was me. Or possibly tooko. I don’t quite remember when each of those things happened.

B-but I did first...
More importantly, there's just a really nice sense of authoritarian satisfaction with saying "I have the authority," you know?

Thus spoke yurimandias, queen of queens.

joined Jun 5, 2016

you're plenty nice and likable on your own, so you probably don't need to stoop to any kind of sucking?

Hey now! Which one of us is doing the sucking up here? lol

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

you're plenty nice and likable on your own, so you probably don't need to stoop to any kind of sucking?

Hey now! Which one of us is doing the sucking up here? lol

The proximity of "stoop" and "sucking" here is....interesting.

joined Jan 8, 2019

I couldn't care less about all the het parts of the story, or this Botan person trying to somehow take the moral high road about cheating (somehow it's her sisters' faults, for telling the married man's family that he was cheating with her???).
I was here for what looked like it might be a trans-positive lesbian relationship... which ended up only barely teetering on the edge of being trans-positive in the end! Wowza!
You may want to read this one, and the second part.

joined May 25, 2019

This was bullshit BUUUUUULSHIT. I didn't liked it but I think it was nice...I liked it but I didn't liked it!!! I didn't liked the het. I thought I get some Yuri incest but no it was little lesbian het stuff. Well whatever the titts were nice!

Botan is a good person, she didn't hate kashiwas decision of being a girl and she told the married man to take care more of his family because it is not granted for free, she even saved up money for kashiwas surgery. She really loved her family even though they ruined her life since her father basically left because they were there but they were innocent. The only one in this story that is a piece of shit are here sisters ESPECIALLY KASHIWA WHO ONLY CAME BACK BECAUSE OF THE NEED TO SAVE MONEY! Well at the end Botan stayed in contact with them, so yeah cool.

Also Kasumi is a good person she doesn't force kashiwa to stay as a man even though she would prefer it because she wants a family and marry in the future. Like she said their relationship could eventually break in the future because of that and/or is going to cheat on Kashiwa because of this but this is for another story but from the end she stays with Kashiwa and she even told Kashiwa to get rid of her expectations (of the relationship to end someday because of the gender change).

This goes to my favourites AND NOW DELETE THIS SHIT FROM MY SEARCH HISTORY...probably not thought.
It won't.

Good shit!

last edited at Dec 19, 2020 5:39AM

joined May 18, 2021

Trans person here, this is uh, yeah, uh, huh.

I really don't know how to feel about this manga

joined May 18, 2021

I mean, representation is representation I guess.

joined Jan 31, 2020

I kinda felt the forced kiss at the beginning was a denial of physical boundaries in response to the refusal to set emotional boundaries via that vague confession response.

I think the concept could be interesting if done properly in a better work.

last edited at Feb 22, 2023 9:33AM

joined Feb 29, 2016

Honestly I feel like Botan doesn't get enough credit in these comments. She went through so much shit that I feel like the sisters never even realized how much she had to sacrifice for them, and probably still think they were completely in the right when they put the final nail in the coffin and ruined her life. Why would she give a fuck about abandoning her sisters when she's been abandoned herself and all she ever got was taken for granted and judged by her sisters? She had a tiny sliver of joy in her life and they (mostly Momiji tbh) fucked it all up.

I initially read this because I was hyped for some positive trans rep, but in the end I related to Botan so much more, and I feel she deserves way more recognition. (All the problematic stuff and casual transphobia at least got better near the end.) All in all, this was surprisingly both super problematic and super thoughtful, and much more towards the latter as it progressed. The expressions of Kashiwa's dysphoria and her relationship with Kasumi, Momiji's growth from a selfish little shit, the sister's acceptance of and growth about financial hardship and sacrifice, and of course Botan's attitude about her dismal situation really did help me forget the casual sexual harassment and repeated transphobic beats.

I guess this comment was just motivated because some of the messages ragging on Botan reeked of hypocrisy and moralism and I couldn't stop thinking "some of y'all grew up priveliged and it shows" lol

last edited at Jan 7, 2022 8:04AM

joined Jan 3, 2020

I have complicated feelings about this one.

I really related to some bits of this. Either the author is trans or is really good at empathy because the "I can't stand men, especially myself" bit is straight out of my own thought process in my darker times. Additionally, the "I was planning to disappear, so nobody had to hate me or feel disappointed" line of thought is also something I have considered often.

But what they did to Botan was absolutely savage. They ruined her life and their own family by extension. Then Kasumi reveals she really isn't into girls or willing to have a life without marriage, children, etc. Then everyone is so crippled by poverty that they all have to give up all their dreams and ambitions.

Realistic? Yes, but maybe realism this stark isn't what I wanted at the end of a trans story.

joined Jun 23, 2015

Another trans girl here. Definitely not crazy about this story. At some point I think I was just hate reading. The comments weren't much better. Reading the 2014-2015 comments did make me realize how far we've come in regards to trans education. I have zero sympathy for Botan, especially since she equated kashiwa's transition and fear of familial abandonment/violence to botan's wish to have affairs with married men and never have her family ask questions about her personal life. Like uh no sorry bitch, you have no ground to stand on. I don't give a flying fuck that she was saving pennies in a teddy bear. My response to, shockingly, like a third of the characters in this story is that there's no excuse for abuse. Ever.

Kashiwa left out of fear, botan and their father left out of hatred, plain and simple. She can fuck off. And the amount of transphobia in this manga was so triggering. Specific scenes and lines reminded me of things my parents have said, my suicidal ideation, the difficulties of transitioning, and similar experiences my partner has had. I cried like three times and one additional time from the comments.

This series is really rough. Definitely a product of its time and region. Despite those things, certain elements were simply unforgivable. Every piece like this was a stepping stone to more people being educated and other creators avoiding the same mistakes.

joined Jul 16, 2022

i looooved this one even if its pretty messy.. i think a lot of the time ppl on here want trans manga to be like.. perfect, uncomplicated, and never "get it wrong".. this idea that if a character is going to be sympathetic they have to instantly understand the viewpoint of its trans protagonists and treat them with flawless kindness is um. like im trans and this has never happened to me. a comic where everyone has these ugly initial reactions or subconscious thoughts or (re: kashiwa planning to full on disappear) valid frustrations reads a lot more emotionally honest than one where everything gets tied up and nobody thinks anything weird ever again.. like theyre all either children or in their mid 20s! of course theyre stupid! of course nothing is that easy, of course money is an issue.. dont want my second ever comment on here to start a big argument so ill say, this is just my point of view/personal tastes in fiction lol.. i'll just say, IMO i dont think the goal of queer art should ever just be educating a non-queer audience on the correct way to think, bc our lives are complicated and messy and beautiful and sometimes horrible and telling our own stories means telling all our own stories, even if they are hard to swallow
uh im not saying kyou kara yonshimai is like truly great art or anything, just i enjoyed it a lot even if its kinda stupid sometimes :)

joined Feb 18, 2013

What a messy and depressing series. I should have known I wouldn't end up liking it after the SA in the first chapter, but there's still not enough good trans rep in the world, so I pushed through and... welp. Ugh.

There's a bunch of other stuff I could say about the characters, but I'm mostly stuck on how Kashiwa deserves so much better than Kasumi.

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