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joined Mar 14, 2016

What's needed is a 5th kitty named 'ero' and I want this kitty to win from time to time

Yeah no thanks, that wouldn't suit Yuki at all, this isn't a trashy ecchi

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

What's needed is a 5th kitty named 'ero' and I want this kitty to win from time to time

Yeah no thanks, that wouldn't suit Yuki at all, this isn't a trashy ecchi

Not trashy ecchi, but just ecchi, that would be welcome
Every chp Yuki looks like she is more and more gay for A. so it's normal that she has ecchi desires for her, or else her love is 'sisterly pure' and she's just another part of the group of friends

joined Nov 8, 2017

Did that girl in the end appear already?

joined Jan 24, 2018

Did that girl in the end appear already?

Which girl? The one who got 4 balls in at once in the ball toss comp is inui, she was introed in chapter 42 or 43 as a member of chat noir. Or do you mean the girl eating a sausage on a stick at the end of chapter 47, that girl is Ogurin (what she wants people to know her as when she's human) also known as Maron (her actual name by the looks of things) she was introed way back around maybe the 8th or 10th chapter? She works at the @home maid cafe as the only catulus maid, she also attends the same highschool as the main characters, she is Ogurin in school and also models as a human after school and goes by the name kuripon when she models. She appears consistently throughout the series after her intro.

Done a complete re-read of this series cos I was getting a little confused as to what's happened since new characters appeared (outside of the original 4 characters) and I feel pretty well versed in who's who after doing so. There's history plot and future plot involving two characters outside of the four original characters which I didn't notice after just reading each time a new chapter was released, but I think I've got at least half a clue of where its been and might be going (in terms of plot). So if you're a fan (I was considering dropping catulus syndrome a few chapters in cos I thought it was slow and dull but honestly became more invested as I read more and now I'm looking forward to new chapter releases lol) I would defs re-read from start to finish at this point in time, really cleared things up for me and was also enjoyable to binge read so many chapters

last edited at Jun 5, 2019 12:07PM

joined Sep 28, 2018

Anime adaptation confirmed

Edit: False alarm, apparently it’s just a short clip that was made as a prize for a contest

last edited at Jun 7, 2019 8:31PM

joined Apr 28, 2014

I want to see the these standards used in more sports.

"Welcome to tonight's MMA matchup between defending champion and judo expert - oh god he's been stabbed, challenger Mike Stapleton has brought a sharpened umbrella to the match!"

"Well, Jim, there's nothing in the rules that says you can't bring an umbrella, and we all know Mike 'Downpour' Stapleton has been training extensively with this style of fighting."

joined Oct 3, 2018

There’s nothing in the rules that says a dog can’t be a catgirl.

joined Nov 8, 2017

I don't even remember the names of all of the main 4 girls lol
Yuki, Anna, and who are the other two?

Edit: I skipped chapter 48 without noticing >.<

Edit 2: @KangaNoodles I meant the girl with the sausage. I didn't recognize Oguri there. lol

last edited at Jun 8, 2019 5:28PM

joined Nov 29, 2013

C50 proved one thing. This manga is not subtext! It is yuricrush!

joined Jan 26, 2019

When the subtext becomes text is a joyous moment

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Chapter Where Yuki Is Literally Too Gay To Function

joined Apr 28, 2016

same energy

joined Sep 21, 2015


joined Jan 24, 2018

The Chapter Where Yuki Is Literally Too Gay To Function

She's definitely a fan of pudding "If you know what I mean"

joined Oct 20, 2017

I appreciate that the existence of sports bras was acknowledged.

joined Jun 4, 2015

This chapter was to wonderful for words alone, if you know what I mean

joined Jul 26, 2016

The Chapter Where Yuki Is Literally Too Gay To Function

She's definitely a fan of pudding "If you know what I mean"

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Nov 1, 2018

This chapter was almost like an episode of Who's Line Is It Anyways? I half expected her to mention fluffing her Garfield, /if you know what I mean/.

joined Aug 28, 2016

Yuki didn't win, but, like, she kind of won... If you know what I mean.

(Is this still really "subtext" and not "yuri crush"??? I guess just barely)

joined Jun 4, 2015

Finally some plot between Anna and Maron. I got jabaited with the grandpa volunteering first though lol
Still going with the “far fetched” theory that she was a regular human when those two were friends. Either way it’d gonna be great.

joined Jan 18, 2017

As much as I love this series. Just once I'd love to see Yuuki calm and cool. She always seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Girl needs something to mellow her out.

joined Nov 23, 2014

As much as I love this series. Just once I'd love to see Yuuki calm and cool. She always seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Girl needs something to mellow her out.

She just needs to channel some of that online FPS persona of hers.

joined Dec 5, 2018

As much as I love this series. Just once I'd love to see Yuuki calm and cool. She always seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Girl needs something to mellow her out.

you can she her calm and cool when she play those FPS game

last edited at Jun 22, 2019 6:05AM

joined Dec 5, 2018

i know it's just try to be comedy funny but decide everything on your own and ignore Yuuki feeling is so fucking annoying, she is a person not a subject that you use to make a bet you know.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Hey girls, here's a novel concept: how about you let Yuki decide what she wants to do with her own life and her own time.

Finally some plot between Anna and Maron. I got jabaited with the grandpa volunteering first though lol
Still going with the “far fetched” theory that she was a regular human when those two were friends. Either way it’d gonna be great.

Personally I suspect Anna was a regular human, but Maron was not.

last edited at Jun 22, 2019 7:04AM

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