Forum › Hino-san no Baka discussion

joined Oct 4, 2018

... But just how sensitive is Koguma to collapse so easily from having her back rubbed -- and through her shirt, for that matter?!

Look at the bright side. At least now Nagisa knows how to get Koharu to finish better or finish faster.

joined Feb 9, 2019

It makes more sense once your realize Hino is Koguma's dom and they're both really into roleplaying.

yep. koguma is pretty much down to go along with whatever hino asks bc she knows it will lead to feelin nice. she even asks for more sometimes.

adorable baby gays. they have a bright future ahead of them.

joined Jun 12, 2014

On an unrelated note, can we talk about Hino's room for a moment? It looks like most of the walls are metal plates, except for one that's a cloth curtain. Does she live in some sort of evil-lab?

Not to mention the clock too which looks too uncommon for your normal room. Well, it's not like Nagisa herself is your normal girl but still...

This is making me seriously worried. I'm afraid this is foreshadowing a dark twist down the road somewhere, it's no accident the author put in effort to specifically detail this room the way it was.

Yeah, it almost looks like a minimal security prison of some sort, the way things are bolted in and on military time.

joined Jun 5, 2016

On an unrelated note, can we talk about Hino's room for a moment? It looks like most of the walls are metal plates, except for one that's a cloth curtain. Does she live in some sort of evil-lab?

Not to mention the clock too which looks too uncommon for your normal room. Well, it's not like Nagisa herself is your normal girl but still...

This is making me seriously worried. I'm afraid this is foreshadowing a dark twist down the road somewhere, it's no accident the author put in effort to specifically detail this room the way it was.

Yeah, it almost looks like a minimal security prison of some sort, the way things are bolted in and on military time.

To me it just looks like she lives in a super cheap apartment, they do show the outside of it as well.

runrin Staff
joined Feb 9, 2019

re: hino's room--

i was too distracted by it being super cute to notice the first time thru, but looking back it is super strange. koguma's room looks completely normal, so it's not just the artist being lazy. it could just be a silly touch, or it could come up later as a plot point. hopefully the former. this is perfect already without hino having some weird secret lab.

edit: actually wait. hino's house is shown in chapter 4, when she is talking about moving in.

seems normal there...

last edited at May 16, 2019 1:16AM

joined Oct 27, 2017

And they don’t stop comin and they don’t stop comin and oh my god I’m gonna die from cuteness

Sanya Juutilainen
joined Apr 8, 2019

Collarbones? Koguma, you lewd, lewd girl!

Edit: Also, Eilanya wedding? I approve wholeheartedly!

last edited at May 16, 2019 1:50AM

joined Sep 14, 2016

Kids, don't use drugs. Hets manga is simply minded, standardized, horribly slow burn and all the same things happen over and over. And I won't be convinced no matter what. All praise the yuri God, fuck hets.

Although I of course hail the yuri goddess every day like everyone else, I think we need to drop this mindset that people falling for hetshit all use drugs. There is a myriad of reasons why someone might stray from the pure path, and reducing it all to outside sources is avoiding responsibility for the societal forces that lead to the straight

Jokes aside, this is getting even gayer, and with Hino re-affirming her attracting to Koguma it's also getting more serious

last edited at May 16, 2019 1:55AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Sexting already?

mei is waifu
joined Dec 13, 2017

Hets are so forgettable anyway.


what? don´t know what are you talking about but toradora and tonari no kaibutsu are leagues above every yuri hosted on this site not even yagate kimi ni naru or nettaigyo wa yuki that are top tier yuri reach the level of qualitity of toradora and tonari no kaibutsu, don´t get me wrong im not saying they´re bad in fact they´re great and both probably are on my top 30 mangas of all time but right now shoujo manga/anime is way ahead of yuri manga/anime in quality and quantity

Um sis? This is a site that is mostly concentrated on hosting Yuri manga. Don't bring your "toradora" into discussion here. Everybody knows that show is a carcinogenic piece if het harem bullshit. So is most het manga, either harem or focused on rapey dynamics. Also shoujo het romance is better than yuri? What planet are you living on? It is a known fact that:
Yuri ≥ Yaoi >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Het. Get some therapy. Stop embarrassing yourself.

And if you think shoujo's better than yuri wtf are you doing here? Go read "Boys over Flowers" or something, stop infecting this site with your het agenda. We have enough of those irl.

joined Dec 1, 2017

Toradora is cynical trash.

last edited at May 16, 2019 8:53AM

joined Apr 18, 2018

Stop acting like youtube commenters. I like yuri as much as the next person here but no need to be baited by some random poster because it's off topic.

last edited at May 16, 2019 2:35AM

joined Jan 27, 2016

Toradora is trash.

You are trash

joined Mar 20, 2017

Hets are so forgettable anyway.


Mostly, but the love of Scorpion for his dead wife will always hold a place in my heart
I still ship him with Sub Zero though

joined Mar 28, 2015

Whoa... you should calm down. Both of you should stop putting your preferences as facts.

I love yuri, but I've read tons of good het shoujo, without harem or "rape". I've read lots of good shounen too, with romance elements.

It all comes down to taste and there's no absolute rule about what's better.

joined Apr 20, 2013

I feel bad for Nezchan

joined Jan 8, 2014

Kuma Shock! Lol XD

joined Aug 26, 2018

(I may have unwillingly been involved in starting that chain, but I sure ain't taking the blame)
She doesn't have to do the pokerface at home. Sooo cute!

That newspaper showed a gay wedding! Nice. Wonder if those characters are from another work.

Hino-san is really concerned for Koguma... but she also wants to grope her lol
Koguma might actually be a cat though. She is even sensitive on the lower back like one. I saw what you did there author~

joined Feb 7, 2018

Why don't you ban people from the forum that don't talk about Hino-san no Baka in this discussion like me now?

joined Nov 18, 2017

It makes more sense once your realize Hino is Koguma's dom and they're both really into roleplaying.

yep. koguma is pretty much down to go along with whatever hino asks bc she knows it will lead to feelin nice. she even asks for more sometimes.

adorable baby gays. they have a bright future ahead of them.

Koguma is definitely bottom, but she also has high reversal potential, meaning when she tops, SHE TOPS!

Also, I feel Hino's backrub is revenge for the two reversal chapters.

Amazing Despair
joined May 12, 2019

Hino has an interesting way of caring about Koguma. Also, did Koguma feel too embarrassed to shout or just didn't want Hino to stop ? Maybe Both ?

joined Jun 12, 2015

"Beware of bears" Hino should take this seriously or she will really get eaten at this point, especially once Koguma realize how much effect her "plain" body actually have on Hino. And nice stealth confirmation that Hino is indeed Aquarius.

About Hino home, I think it's just a cheap one room apartment. I don't think there is anything special about it. The author didn't have a specific appearance in mind when they drew it in the earlier chapter.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Or the people here should be reasonable and stop that silly arguments by themselves.
Especially when we have new chapter to discuss already ( Do people at Yuri Ichigo even sleep ? Seriously they are fast)

joined May 1, 2018

Yuri and het manga are equally good or bad, either on artistic or moral grounds. There are plenty of both healthy and toxic relationships in either of them, just like IRL. I believe saying yuri or het manga is the worst means either you have read the wrong titles or you want to see evil in it.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I'm convinced they translated all of these a month ago and are now releasing their entire supply of deadly ammunition.

So Hino makes leather things, which explains the train strap last time. But it also shows that she seriously makes everything herself. She also seems to live by herself. All of that smells of someone who learned to survive on her own.

Look... I may overlook molestation, groping, lecherous skirtflipping... BUT PUBLIC HANDHOLDING?
Not only are they fully aware of their shameful deed, they are even provocatively displaying it to the school! Hino even forced Koguma to tighten he grip... Sweaty palms getting intertwined, oh the depravity.

PS: I am not a fan of where that cliffhanger is going. Toilet play is a world that needs not be discovered in this manga. Ew.

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