To bring the discussion back on topic, when I first started reading them, the opening of YagaKimi reminded me more than a little of the opening of Citrus—the obvious character design similarities between Mei and Touko, of course, but also the rather assaultive first kisses.
As it turned out, they ultimately couldn’t be more different in their approach to plot and structure, though. YagaKimi has been faulted for being excessively methodical and architectonic (an argument I’d be inclined to grant for readers who are looking for more emotional fireworks and roller-coaster thrills), but I personally have really appreciated the sense of a firm hand at the wheel of a craft that knows exactly where it’s going.
I’d have to go back and really look to see where in Citrus I finally realized that there was no master plan—it was a sinking feeling, I do remember that.