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joined Feb 18, 2018

Been waiting for this manhwa to be properly translated to English for so long and it finally happened. "Shut up and take my money".

last edited at Oct 25, 2018 6:47PM

joined Aug 22, 2016

This girl is kinda getting yandere and it's getting real creepy

Anyways, I still hope she gets a happy ending because it's disappointing to see a cute face turn sad

Yes, because looks are the prerequisite for caring. Yandere is a fetish and used as an excuse, mental health shouldn't be. She's desperate and lonely, not creepy. She's not "sacrificial", a "nut-job" nor "crazy" as other posts here say; all words and labels of aversion to personal struggles. Maybe, just maybe, be happy for a character that has found a part of herself once more and is moving on to hopefully a healthier life?

I swear, comments here can be quite cruel sometimes.

last edited at Nov 7, 2018 12:36AM

joined Aug 30, 2018

I pray for a sequel or a continuation

joined Mar 21, 2017

I pray for a sequel or a continuation

The whole story is finished and translated, just not on here sadly.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Es0teric posted:

I pray for a sequel or a continuation

The whole story is finished and translated, just not on here sadly.

Not quite, the group translating was re-releasing the chapters in better quality (specifically better dialogs, more easy to understand because the old ones seemed google translated) but it seems like they stopped doing that, so all is left is the old translation... and you'll miss a lot of impact and important clues, not a good idea honestly.

Lucky for us the history was left where they get back together and the only issue around is the girl stealing the lip stick so I'm just gonna pretend it ended there.

joined Mar 21, 2017

Es0teric posted:

I pray for a sequel or a continuation

The whole story is finished and translated, just not on here sadly.

Not quite, the group translating was re-releasing the chapters in better quality (specifically better dialogs, more easy to understand because the old ones seemed google translated) but it seems like they stopped doing that, so all is left is the old translation... and you'll miss a lot of impact and important clues, not a good idea honestly.

Lucky for us the history was left where they get back together and the only issue around is the girl stealing the lip stick so I'm just gonna pretend it ended there.

Its fully translated on Tapas, just not for free.

joined Feb 18, 2018

It's on Tapas, and fully worth the money. I'd say this is one of the best romance mangas I ever read, extremely relatable and with a depiction of adult life that really works.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

So here I was looking for manga to read and then I suddenly see this manga again and I thought "wow it's been quite a bit since the last update" and I saw the last updated chapter was in March so I read the chapters to see where I left off. I was confused when I realized I already read the last 2-3 chapters updated, then I went back to the manga's chapter selection and I saw it said 2018 and I only realized it was 2019 after a couple of seconds. Guys, I'm still living in 2018, and damn wtf happened to a year that went by to fast. Which makes sense though since my 2019 has been absolute shit so far.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Huh, I remember seeing that the other chapters were translated and had requested them a while ago, but I didn't realize that there was already an official paid English translated version. I understand why the fan-translated version was never uploaded here.

joined Mar 22, 2019

its on MangaRock. chapters 41-56(?) are just rough translations tho. hope this is useful ^^

joined Jan 20, 2014

It's on Tapas, and fully worth the money. I'd say this is one of the best romance mangas I ever read, extremely relatable and with a depiction of adult life that really works.

Yeah, I had purchased it totally and love it ♥ but I wish the end could tell us more :( I think it was good, but I wanted a little more...

joined Jun 25, 2019

Isn't this one who finish on a flashback ? or didi get mess up with another one ?

joined Jan 20, 2014

Isn't this one who finish on a flashback ? or didi get mess up with another one ?

Yeah it is ^^ I made a commentary explanation it on Tapad, let me copypaste it
The comment was answering to one who asked "Wait so they never actually knew each other?"

Look at the brunette's ear, she hasn't any piercing in the last picture. I bet this is a flashback, showing that they almost know each other since their worst times, one, when the greyhead was graduating and two, when the brunette had that thing with her grandmother. I bet the "If we met" it's like "we had so much suffering but this will stop the moment we met" like this was showed in the series

joined Mar 26, 2014

I just have one question about the author of this mahnwa.... Is he/she okay? I saw some post on Twitter saying they died. I hope it's just a hoax.

joined Feb 18, 2018

I just have one question about the author of this mahnwa.... Is he/she okay? I saw some post on Twitter saying they died. I hope it's just a hoax.

Would you be confusing with the author of Fluttering Feelings maybe?

joined Dec 9, 2014

We need more Korean stories ;-; There's a whole another vibe and way of storytelling in the manhwas compared to the mangas. The Korean GL era was pretty nice.

Feels like this story ended too soon. The premise of the girls who were being two timed ending up dating each other was very interesting. I liked the first half of the story more though and the drama after chapter 40 wasn't that wow. Like the Kim Ester work drama. I only liked the part with that other co worker girl liking and obsessing over Guk hwa. I'd like it if Jun min was more active in that part of the story, since they were already dating, so might as well make more use of their relationship.
Both of their family drama was meh, and even though it was some heavy sh!t, it didn't feel much rewarding reading about it. It didn't have much impact to the present story besides to show how they were destined to be together in the very last chapter. Also I think it's a bit of cliche to use abuse for a character's background to make it more impactful. Or the classic crazy ex bf thing. That was also a bit overused and dragged in here too imo, but at least it helped the story move forward and their relationship to progress, so I wasn't bothered.

Overall I prefer the stories before the couple dates, because there's more drama potential there. But I liked how Jun mi was so forward with her feelings when she confessed. And the author should really have showed the scene of Guk hwa meeting Jun min's sister. Why cut it there? Also there was some lack of sexy scenes.

joined Jun 5, 2016

This story has a panel that always, ALWAYS makes me giggle when I see it, and so it's my favorite:

"Hot pink fuck you", lol. I actually think of it when I'm angry at someone but can't express it.

This is is a close second:

last edited at Aug 5, 2019 8:38PM

joined Dec 4, 2017

i really love this manhwa, if this series got a s3 pleaseee inform mee thankyouuu

joined May 2, 2018

This story has a panel that always, ALWAYS makes me giggle when I see it, and so it's my favorite:


"Hot pink fuck you", lol. I actually think of it when I'm angry at someone but can't express it.

My favorite too but it does need the context of the preceding panel for maximum impact.

last edited at Sep 4, 2019 8:51PM by Nezchan

joined Mar 22, 2018

It wasn't until I just now finished reading this on mangadex that I realized it has an official English translation. Now I want to bang my head against a wall, but will cope by sharing my misfortune (stupidity) here. I'm sure it would have been a lot more comprehensible. Either way, I liked reading about these two lovable idiots. I wish there was more of them just doing couple stuff, though.
I'll probably wait a few months and then read it on tapas.

joined Oct 28, 2018

It's been a while since I last read this series. But yeah, I find it to be a pretty cute story how these two girls started going out with each other after finding out the guy they were with had been caught two-timing them. I agree with an earlier comment that it is refreshing to have two, presumably bi-sexual girls falling in love with one another and guess what, they actually did stick together in the end, downplaying the stereotype bi aren't faithful lovers and will leave their gf for a guy.

My favorite character is of course Guk-Hwa. She's such a badass, the way she shrug off her trashy ex-boyfriend and the pervert old man. Plus her tattoos add to her character :)

joined Mar 21, 2017

The tapas translation is less confusing too. Might be time for a re-read. Good characters and the plot lines get resolved (from what i can remember).

joined Jan 9, 2014

Is the version on Tapas finished?

joined Mar 21, 2017

Is the version on Tapas finished?

Yeah it was completed last year.

joined Jan 9, 2014

Is the version on Tapas finished?

Yeah it was completed last year.

Thanks! I just finished it, and i need a S3 of it. T.T

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