Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined May 8, 2017

redemption arc when?

joined Feb 28, 2019

okay I guess

joined Jun 11, 2018

happy ending is best ending. forgive the bulli already :D

joined Aug 21, 2017

inb4 Kirigaya also falls in love with Tadokoro

joined Nov 22, 2018

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years? No, they deserve to live with the guilt of making someone suffer for the rest of their lives without being given any sympathy. This is why i like how SoraYori handled the bullies in hinata's episode, just completely removed them toxic shits from your life and this is what nikaido intends to do but todorako is just too kind for her own good.

joined Aug 4, 2018

joined Jun 5, 2016

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 10:54PM

joined Jun 20, 2017

this has gotten waaaaaaaayyy too self-indulgent, ugh, I think I reached my limit

joined May 8, 2017

maybe this manga will shift genre and become a psychological thriller manga where all of Tadokoro's bullies will be psychologically mind-broken by Nikaidou and confront their true selves. And then it will delve into how these guilt-ridden characters try to change themselves and become better people. And then Tadokoro will get into a dangerous situation, and they will all unite and fight for her in some cliche but awesome shounen-like battle against the Big Bad.

last edited at Apr 21, 2019 12:56AM

joined Aug 18, 2015

...I was never bullied, so I can't relate with any of this at all.


I guess I'll just say that I expect Kirigaya to either fall in love with Tadokoro or yandere-style protecc Tadokoro x Nikaidou now. More likely something along the lines of the latter.

Actually, now that I think about it, Nikaido is kinda a yandere herself.

last edited at Apr 20, 2019 11:46PM

joined Jul 26, 2016

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years?

That would be up to the wronged party to decide, no?

joined Jun 5, 2016

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years?

That would be up to the wronged party to decide, no?

That, and, forgiving and forgetting are two vastly different things.

I was bullied endlessly, from 1st through 12th grade. Small town, same people in my classes every one of those years.

It made me a bitter, jaded, and solitary person.

Then I realized that what had been done to me was never my fault, but holding on to it did me no favors. So I let it go, frankly far too late, for the sake of personal growth.

So, forgive? Yes. Because that was the only way I could cast away the bonds that I'd let others chain me down with, and become who I wanted to be.

Forget? No. Because to do so would be an irredeemable failure to learn something vitally important; in this case, that life is rarely fair, and that there are a lot of people out there who thrive on the pain of others... and that I have the capability to do what I need to do to keep such people out of my life in any meaningful way.

last edited at Apr 21, 2019 12:15AM

joined May 27, 2015

Reading this feels like reading a deviantart or tumblr fanfic. Tadakoro is the author self insert to the point where she's also an artist and Nikaidou is the author's "ideal lover" which is a bland mary sue that solves all of Tadakoro's (the author's) problems simply by existing. This wasn't a big deal during the SoL chapters but once an actual antagonist (bully-san) appears it really becomes obvious how ridiculous these characters are. I'm 99% sure that the author was also bullied during highschool days and this 'bully saga' is her imagining how better her life would be if a 'Nikaidou' exists back then to stop her bullying problem (and all her other problems).

btw, Tatsubon (the author) is male as far as I know...

I mean, there are plenty of dudes who wouldn't mind self-inserting as a cute girl whether they're writing fiction or playing video games. And no, they're not all "eggs".

last edited at Apr 21, 2019 12:35AM

joined Oct 3, 2018

Don’t force yourself to forgive an abuser the second they admit a fuckup, kids.

(Forgiveness in general is okay if it’s unpressured tho.)

joined May 30, 2013

YES! I love it!

Let the healing begin! Let the yuri flourish!

joined Jul 4, 2018

Years of bullying, fine.


joined Oct 14, 2016

Nikaidou from badass to clingy in instant ahahahaha

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Nov 22, 2018

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years?

That would be up to the wronged party to decide, no?

And this is one of the main reasons why bullying still exist up to this day, they always get away with their bullshits because apparently they were already "forgiven" by the wronged party after apologizing so the authorities doesnt have to do anything anymore.

joined Nov 23, 2014

Ahaha, some really vindictive people here.

That, and, forgiving and forgetting are two vastly different things.

I was bullied endlessly, from 1st through 12th grade. Small town, same people in my classes every one of those years.

It made me a bitter, jaded, and solitary person.

Then I realized that what had been done to me was never my fault, but holding on to it did me no favors. So I let it go, frankly far too late, for the sake of personal growth.

So, forgive? Yes. Because that was the only way I could cast away the bonds that I'd let others chain me down with, and become who I wanted to be.

Forget? No. Because to do so would be an irredeemable failure to learn something vitally important; in this case, that life is rarely fair, and that there are a lot of people out there who thrive on the pain of others... and that I have the capability to do what I need to do to keep such people out of my life in any meaningful way.

Thank you for sharing. I certainly did not have it as bad as you described, but I can relate to some extent. Honestly I am not sure what I would say to certain people from my past were I to run into them today, probably I would react in a way worse than I hope because deep down I think I have plenty of vindictiveness of my own. That said, letting all that control me for the rest of my life is something I am not interested in.

joined Jun 5, 2016

Thank you for sharing. I certainly did not have it as bad as you described, but I can relate to some extent. Honestly I am not sure what I would say to certain people from my past were I to run into them today, probably I would react in a way worse than I hope because deep down I think I have plenty of vindictiveness of my own. That said, letting all that control me for the rest of my life is something I am not interested in.

Well, I'm no angel either. There are many people in my past that I've "forgiven" for stuff but that doesn't mean that I might not still have a dirty look or sharp tongue were I to see them again. Though admittedly I'm old enough now that the bullies from school are pretty vague memories at best and honestly probably don't even remember me much. Family or recent exes, on the other hand... welllll.......

joined Sep 21, 2014

Years of bullying, fine.


Nika did tell Kiri that she should never talk to them again and that she despises her. What do you want her to do? It's a school. Throw a punch and you'd be suspended for a week at least. That's too much time away from Tadokoro-san!

joined Mar 16, 2019

And this is one of the main reasons why bullying still exist up to this day, they always get away with their bullshits because apparently they were already "forgiven" by the wronged party after apologizing so the authorities doesnt have to do anything anymore.

The worst thing is even if you stand up against them, you get nothing in return. Me and my friend fought back, i admit we went overboard but, 1/ we were under age, 2/ we did what the laws allowed us to, 3/ we were defending ourselves (the judge said so himself), 4/ no one died. We cleaned the trash, we gave other students peaceful school time and what we got in return were: 1 months suspended (held us back a year), everyone isolated us, looked at us as though we are the ones at fault, got badmouthed that we only got away because myfriend's parents were rich. God, just remembering that time makes my blood boil.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Warning: excessive bullying may lead to school shootings in certain parts of the world.

joined Apr 18, 2018

as always bully didn't get any punishment.

Not really sure by what criteria undergoing a complete emotional breakdown doesn't count as punishment.

While you can say it's a punishment but do you think that's enough of a punishment for someone who bullied a person for years?

That would be up to the wronged party to decide, no?

And this is one of the main reasons why bullying still exist up to this day, they always get away with their bullshits because apparently they were already "forgiven" by the wronged party after apologizing so the authorities doesnt have to do anything anymore.

Do you honestly think bullying is gonna go away if the bullied started retaliating as well? It's just gonna worsened everything. Better start wishing for humanity to disappear if you wanna bullying to stop because it ain't. Some people are just assholes and there's no helping it. There are various outcomes that could showed up, and this manga presented one of those that people may not agreed with, but it suits Tadokoro's character, as she's kind and become moreso after meeting up with Nikaido. I got bullied as well back then, but I stopped giving a shit because it's all over ages ago and I had moved on. Of course, that's just me and I understand if some may find it hard to let go so I'm just gonna implore people to do what they find to be most suitable. Though, please don't desecrate this manga just because it doesn't kill the bully. It is someone else's story and he can write it however he seems fit.

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