Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Apr 28, 2014

This series doesn't waste any time, man. It's like every time the chapter ends, you think 'man, I really hope-' BAM next chapter, it happened, no one's got time for that will-they-won't-they shit, we're on the CLOCK.

"Tadakoro is cute. I hope she wins over Sakur-" - Already mutual.
"They really like each other, maybe they-" - They're spending time alone together.
"Snap, at this rate they might as w-" - Both confess.
"Shit, this is going fast, but now what's going to come bet-" - Bullying!
"What a bitch, I hope Sakur-" - Instant karma.

They aren't even hitting tropes, they just distilled and concentrated the yuri into a solid block to bludgeon you in the face with adorable feels and a stable relationship built on shared interests. You were supposed to dilute it, Tadakoro-san! Yuri was never meant to be this pure!

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 5:31AM

joined Nov 22, 2018

If only it worked like this, but it doesn't. Kirigaya had been completely, gleefully unrepentant up until now, even admitting she knew she was doing wrong the whole time. The only thing that changed is she got called on it, not what a completely shit person she is and always has been. The author can attempt to wrap things up with a few Deus Ex Machina lines saying "she just went through a complete, redemptive emotional/personal transformation in this instant" all they want, but I don't buy it.

ikr, i was hoping there would be a redemption about how the bully realized herself that tadokoro doesnt deserve all the shits shes getting and feels bad about what she has done but literally the only reason why she's feeling bad now is not because she feels guilty about the bullying but because her crush hates her for doing it so i really hope the author doesnt go to the "you're forgiven since you already apologize, now we're friends yay!!" route here.

joined Feb 9, 2019

Awwww. The bully cries.. Hahahaha! You deserved this! Get rekt. Mmm. Awesome Chapter.

joined Jan 13, 2019

Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again

joined Jul 29, 2017

Bully is just another baseball or truck-kun.

joined Jun 3, 2017

Kirigaya-san should count herself lucky that she's still alive. But man did she get demolished real bad. Can't say she didn't have it coming though. She reaped what she sowed, plain and simple. Serves her right.

I agree with Cryssoberyl and DeltaCZ. Kirigaya did not have a revelation that she was bad towards Tadokoro-san. She's just crushed that her beloved Nikaidou thinks so poorly of her now. Anyway, at this point the "bully arc" is pretty much wrapped up so there's no reason for Kirigaya to be included in the story from this point on. It'd just make things needlessly complicated. Maybe we could have one chapter where Tadokoro-san and Nikaidou-san have a heart-to-heart chat with each other about what happened, but after that it's back to fluffy good times with them.

Also, for some reason Kirigaya's villainous breakdown reminds me of those murderers in the Ace Attorney game series, when they get exposed for their crimes and they completely lose it. Here she quite literally reduces herself to a pile of snot, which is exactly what she is.

joined Oct 1, 2014


joined Mar 6, 2012


joined May 30, 2013

Haha. God tier pacing. I like it.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Be gone THOT!! but, honestly the bully had it coming but she needs to understand that what she did to inko not just on the fact that her crush fucking hates her now cuz she bullied her gf

joined Mar 16, 2018

I think it speaks to the raw power of Nikaidou more than anything
With one chop she alters the chemistry of Kirigaya's brain and forces her to have a mental breakdown and see the error of her ways

Now that's power!

joined Mar 16, 2019

Oh shit, this gives a completely different vibe, like straight outta an action manga. Lol

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 7:54AM

joined Mar 22, 2013

This is getting better and better!!!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, so much for that bully. She had her chance to repent, only made excuses, and was cut off with a smile. Whether she's truly sorry or not, now it's too late for her to get on Nikaidou's good side again.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Just ignore her and move on please, you might forgive her if you want but don't try to be friends...

joined Oct 9, 2017

Am I the only one to think that this manga is utterly bad ? It's becoming harder and harder to read and god knows I'm not difficult to please.

joined Feb 17, 2013

^Yup absolutely. Everyone else loves it - there isnt anything bad about it worth disliking it let alone thinking its utterly bad.
You either have bad taste (imo) or some personal bias is making you dislike it for no rational reason.

Because there isn't anything objectively bad about it. You should at least recognize its not to your taste and NOT that its bad. Can you name anything objectively bad and not things that are not to your liking?

No point reading it and leaving negative comments if you dislike it that bad read something else and skip this.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 9:37AM

joined Feb 17, 2013

If only it worked like this, but it doesn't. Kirigaya had been completely, gleefully unrepentant up until now, even admitting she knew she was doing wrong the whole time. The only thing that changed is she got called on it, not what a completely shit person she is and always has been. The author can attempt to wrap things up with a few Deus Ex Machina lines saying "she just went through a complete, redemptive emotional/personal transformation in this instant" all they want, but I don't buy it.

I agree to a point - but sometimes a person CAN reform in an instant if they fully internalize and realise what they have done and they need to change. Its just a lot rarer than that they dont.

I dont think she was let off easy- I think being told she was despised by someone she admired was a lot harsher than almost anything else Nikaido could have done - and such a shock could easily make a serious impact one someone.

I think how real or not it feels will depend in part on what comes next, and also how she behaves in future.

Or like Blastaar said she was more a plot device like truck kun without a great deal of depth being needed who has now served her purpose and we wont see again.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 9:44AM

joined May 20, 2013

Nikaidou confirmed to have Haki.

(Really though, that crying is straight outta one piece)

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 9:43AM

joined Jul 11, 2017

Am I the only one who thought she looked adorable sobbing like that? Nope, just me? Aight

joined Feb 17, 2013

^She kinda did but I hope she isnt instantly comforted- she needs to come to terms with her actions properly and that might undo too much of the lesson imo.

joined Apr 20, 2013

FluffyKaoru posted:

Am I the only one who thought she looked adorable sobbing like that? Nope, just me? Aight

Lol all I thought was "uugghhh" and I really hope we don't see her again, I mean, it's a good thing this isn't serialized but a great way to get your manga cancelled is to focus on characters that no one likes and try to redeem them ... A great example of that would be Accel World/Dural: Magisa Garden, there's a bully there, a more disgusting one who would even throw rocks at one of the girls and later on the manga she gets a very similar scenario as we see here, that should've been the end of it but noooooooooo let's give her an arc and pov from now on, let's write about her family situation too and then let's make her the key factor to introduce new characters!! shortly after the manga was axed...And that's just what I can tell from the raws because the translation died too and I'm willing to say, she was the reason that the translation stopped too. After all, who wants to spend time on something they dont like?

Worse part, the manga was beautiful and the art was great with yuri subtext.... But only when the shit character wasn't around.

joined Jan 26, 2019

Finally, the harem comedy part may begin...

joined Aug 4, 2018

Ah, the most eagerly awaited new chapter of any manga in the history of the Dynasty forum finally arrived! (^_^)/

Gonna dl it, read it, and be back to you.

joined Dec 13, 2017

Am I the only one who thought she looked adorable sobbing like that? Nope, just me? Aight

Yes. I almost puked.

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