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DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

Yesterday I posted a comment on page 53 and now we're at page 58
and I really hate having to wait 1-2 months for a new chapter

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 12:25AM

joined Sep 21, 2011

" Do you want to build a snowman?" ROTFOL So far the best part of this depressing series.

joined Nov 15, 2018

My heart is breaking for Uta

joined Jun 6, 2013

My heart is breaking for Uta

Same...feels way bad man. Sucks for Kaoru too, though not nearly as much.

I'm trying to digest "I can't be family anymore and stop being so kind to me." Can't quite put myself in her shoes to get it because like hell life gives me closure on that stuff.

Actually maybe once...and I remember at first feeling so dumb and dejected. I wanted to leave right away and stop talking to that person. I think it's mellowed out with time, but the relationship doesn't feel the same for some reason.

A good reminder to just keep my emotions to myself regarding a woman in my yoga class.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 10:54AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

My heart is breaking for Uta

Same...feels way bad man. Sucks for Kaoru too, though not nearly as much.

Eeh? "Not nearly as much?" Are you kidding?

Kaoru has no parents, her "little sister" is leaving because she's in love with her and her husband is (probably) cheating on her with one her best friends.. If things go that way, Kaoru will be abandoned and will have nothing left.

Kaoru would have literally nothing. Not even a house, not even a job.

It sucks a lot more for Kaoru than for Uta. Which explains why Kaoru clings so desperately to her "family". Uta still has a mother and a brother. And she may find a new love interest later in life. A divorced woman in Japan, with no job and no family... tell me again it doesn't suck as much as a broken heart?

joined Jun 6, 2013

My heart is breaking for Uta

Same...feels way bad man. Sucks for Kaoru too, though not nearly as much.

Eeh? "Not nearly as much?" Are you kidding?

Kaoru has no parents, her "little sister" is leaving because she's in love with her and her husband is (probably) cheating on her with one her best friends.. If things go that way, Kaoru will be abandoned and will have nothing left.

Kaoru would have literally nothing. Not even a house, not even a job.

It sucks a lot more for Kaoru than for Uta. Which explains why Kaoru clings so desperately to her "family". Uta still has a mother and a brother. And she may find a new love interest later in life. A divorced woman in Japan, with no job and no family... tell me again it doesn't suck as much as a broken heart?

Hmm... didn't think about it that way. I forgot Kaoru didn't have parents. That would be hard. No wonder she's so clingy.

joined Jun 5, 2016

At this point I'm kind of hoping for a time skip, and I usually dislike those. Not a huge one. Just one where Uta is back with her mother or possibly already in university, and Kaoru has left her crappy husband (cheater or not, he's still crappy) and is getting her life back together elsewhere.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 2:26PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

I can't agree. I mean, I think this is where it is For Kaoru, sure, but with what we've seen of his and Risako's behavior when they're away from Kaoru (hell, sometimes when they're with her) I think it would take a special kind of naivite to rule not guilty.

We’re not disagreeing—I’m talking about what has been made definitively clear in the text itself. You seem to have considerably more faith than I do that the author couldn’t potentially pull some fake-out to explain away all the circumstantial evidence that so apparently points to Reiichi cheating.

We’ve also established that you have considerably more respect for the writing and structuring of this series than I do, so what I see as authorial dithering and intentional withholding of information from the audience for no legitimate reason you see as . . .something better than that. I actually hope you’re right.

Fair enough. I dunno, when I look at this series as a whole, to me it just looks like pieces of a puzzle gradually snapping into place. Every little revelation that we've gotten, Reiichi's cheating (probably) his background with Risako, Kaoru's mother's death...It all feels like it perfectly explains behavior that previously seemed a bit off. The characters feel like real people, too. Even Reiichi, cheating scumbag though I believe him to be, I kind of understand why he's like that. He married Kaoru out of obligation and pity because he felt responsible for her mom's death, because his deadbeat mom was literally responsible for her mom's death. It all feels to me like a perfectly credible clusterfuck of bad decisions made with good intentions. I'm just hoping the author has a route intended that untangles it, tho there's no way that isn't messy.

I've just had a lot of "oooh, THAT'S why." moments with this series, and I appreciate that feeling.

last edited at Mar 26, 2019 7:52PM

joined Apr 16, 2013

I feel really bad for Kaoru :( i'm guessing at some point she will realize that she likes Uta too, from the type of manga this is. There's the possibility that Uta will have already moved on by then though.... Still hoping they get a happy ending together, i got really invested in this manga somehow hahaha (rip my heart)

joined Jan 19, 2016

usually i love fun credit pages but this one ruined all the momentum for me

hope kaoru gets divorced and ends up on the streets being a hoe that gets picked up by uta

joined Oct 22, 2018

That's how Chaosteam works.

joined Aug 26, 2018

hope kaoru gets divorced and ends up on the streets being a hoe that gets picked up by uta

Are you alright? Do you need to talk about it? We are all here to help you with your issues.

joined Jul 29, 2017

hope kaoru gets divorced and ends up on the streets being a hoe that gets picked up by uta

Are you alright? Do you need to talk about it? We are all here to help you with your issues.

Not all of us . . .

joined Feb 18, 2018

hope kaoru gets divorced and ends up on the streets being a hoe that gets picked up by uta

This made my day. Would be hilarious if it happened.

last edited at Mar 27, 2019 8:10AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

Are you alright? Do you need to talk about it? We are all here to help you with your issues.

Not all of us . . .

You could at least pretend to care.
Edge syndrome is a serious issue. They will cut themselves eventually and then it gets so messy.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Are you alright? Do you need to talk about it? We are all here to help you with your issues.

Not all of us . . .

You could at least pretend to care.
Edge syndrome is a serious issue. They will cut themselves eventually and then it gets so messy.

Point taken. I'll definitely try to work on my "pretending to care" skills.

I guess even wishing for random horrible outcomes for fictional characters that one finds annoying is a form of caring . . .

joined Dec 11, 2017

You could at least pretend to care.
Edge syndrome is a serious issue. They will cut themselves eventually and then it gets so messy.

Point taken. I'll definitely try to work on my "pretending to care" skills.

I guess even wishing for random horrible outcomes for fictional characters that one finds annoying is a form of caring . . .

You don't know that's their motivation! Maybe they just (justifiably) believe that the situation is untenable, and that Kaoru will inevitably leave Reiichi without an escape hatch, ending up homeless and forced to turn to prostitution to survive, at which point their sincere hope is that Uta will find Kaoru and rescue her from the gutter! ;p

joined Jul 29, 2017

You could at least pretend to care.
Edge syndrome is a serious issue. They will cut themselves eventually and then it gets so messy.

Point taken. I'll definitely try to work on my "pretending to care" skills.

I guess even wishing for random horrible outcomes for fictional characters that one finds annoying is a form of caring . . .

You don't know that's their motivation! Maybe they just (justifiably) believe that the situation is untenable, and that Kaoru will inevitably leave Reiichi without an escape hatch, ending up homeless and forced to turn to prostitution to survive, at which point their sincere hope is that Uta will find Kaoru and rescue her from the gutter! ;p

Point taken yet again! That’s as least as reasonable a plot trajectory for getting these two together as anything else on the narrative horizon.

My bad . . .

joined Oct 23, 2018


joined Mar 28, 2019

No not the Frozen reference xD (jk it’s pretty random and funny)

And also, is it just me, or is Uta’s hairpin really bothering me? It makes her look much younger than she is. I would have gotten rid of that hairpin and gave her longer hair to suit her maturity.

last edited at Mar 28, 2019 10:57PM

joined Mar 28, 2019

i wish the author would introduce a new love interest for Uta, this girl deserves some happiness. Kaoru at this point just pisses me of with her insensitivity

Yeah, but Kaoru can’t do anything about it anytime soon because she thought of Uta as family and she is still hopelessly in love with that cheating brother. If anyone, I hate the brother the most for agreeing to marry her. Now he’s making her miserable while he’s going off on “trips” to screw Miss Boobybombs.

Anyway, yeah I think this relationship is one that needs time because she just found out now that Uta is serious about being in love with her. I think she is just massively afraid of having hurt Uta’s feelings, rather than being insensitive.

joined Dec 16, 2017

There is nothing worse than the feeling of being unable to do anything for the one you care about. She's in a precarious situation and I think, to Kaoru, she's afraid more of losing the last bit of comfort she's got. She can't get it from her cheating husband and she cannot give it to Uta. She also has tone realize that Uta is strong in moving forward and she doesn't want to be left alone. Ultimately, she's selfish. This probably is less about Uta and more about maintaining her status quo.

joined Mar 28, 2019

This probably is less about Uta and more about maintaining her status quo.

Yeah, that might make a lot of sense too. I guess I can’t exactly pinpoint this character because she rarely expresses her own voice at this point.

joined Aug 26, 2018

No not the Frozen reference xD (jk it’s pretty random and funny)

And also, is it just me, or is Uta’s hairpin really bothering me? It makes her look much younger than she is. I would have gotten rid of that hairpin and gave her longer hair to suit her maturity.

I have never in my life heard the claim that long hair makes you look more mature. And hairpins are normal for any age group.

PS: There is an EDIT button. If you use it you won't have to quadruple post.

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