^ if you're scared of what might happen next in this manga, then you clearly haven't watched Wonderwaffle's "Alternate Future of Canada - Remastered: The Movie". Once you watch it, its main villain (and possibly main character), Talinight, is gonna be the only thing that makes you scared.
I phrased it incorrectly, sorry. I'm gonna tell you from personal experience. Talinight is gonna scare so much shit out of you (not literally, but you get the point), that getting scared from something else would barely even count as being scared, in comparison to the scare you get from Talinight. shivers I'm getting chills down my spine just thinking about him. I can see his flag, his ugly, drugged, evil, purple eyes, his insanity and the consequences of it, inside my head right now! screams
last edited at May 1, 2019 5:20PM