OK, guys, we had the original cover and now this chapter gave us the cover for Volume 3... but we're missing the cover for Volume 2. Well, at least this site and myself are missing it. Does anyone have it?
This misses vital background story pages thanks to the no-free-porn-pages policy ...
I wouldn't really call it "vital". Let me summaries them for you.
"Rati, I love you!"
"Oh we roleplaying?"
"No, I seriously love you!
"You sure? You know about my harem?"
"Yes, I don't mind! In fact I will sleep with any girl you do!"
girls "Oh hi!"
"Love and sex are different"
"Differential? OMG My math homework"
And so Rati helps her out with the homework cue in page 136
How is SM sex supposed to work with a centaur anyway?
I mean, riding crops, whips, and branding come to mind. I suppose if you transfer all the staples of horse roleplay onto a centaur it's basically the same thing. But with a centaur instead of somebody in a bit on all fours.