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joined Jun 30, 2016

Wtf? what that hell was that? the story makes no sense and that ending...ugh.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Okay, I can in all honesty say I didn't understand a thing of this story. >_<

That conclusion confused me to no end.

If someone loved this and thinks it makes sense, could they please explain to the rest of us?

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Okay, I can in all honesty say I didn't understand a thing of this story. >_<

That conclusion confused me to no end.

If someone loved this and thinks it makes sense, could they please explain to the rest of us?

Yuu fell in love with Tamaki, and in order to make Tamaki fall in love with her, she attempted to "become" the girl Tamaki loved—her ex-girlfriend Misaki. Tamaki went along with this for... some reason? I'm not really sure why, to be honest. Maybe she wanted to emulate Misaki and act towards Yuu the same way Misaki did towards her. Maybe she actually cared for Yuu to some extent, but just couldn't let go of her feelings for Misaki. Maybe she just doesn't really care about fidelity in relationships, and thought it'd be fine to date Yuu even while still in love with someone else. Maybe (despite all evidence to the contrary) we're supposed to believe that she has a healthy and friendly relationship with her ex and thought that things would somehow work out with Yuu, who's obviously unhinged and obsessed to the point of attempting to "become" Misaki. Anyways, for whatever reason she agreed to date Yuu.

Finally, things came to a head with Yuu's repeated attempts to sever the connection between Tamaki and Misaki, by deleting Misaki's contact information from Tamaki's phone and then by trying to break Misaki's phone. Tamaki realized... something and decided she couldn't be together with Yuu anymore. Honestly, Tamaki's motivations throughout this whole thing are a mystery to me. If I were in her spot, I'd be fucking terrified by Yuu messing with my phone and trying to break my ex's phone (that's some serious creepy stalker shit right there), but Tamaki doesn't seem particularly freaked out, just kind of sad. After this, Yuu stops wearing makeup and trying to be Misaki.

Meanwhile, Nagi gets involved. At first she's interested simply because she thinks Tamaki is hot. She doesn't really seem to love her, she's just attracted to her. Then Yuu confronts her, and she decides that Yuu's a pain to deal with so she'll back off. But she runs into Tamaki by coincidence and kisses her, at which point she realizes that Tamaki's also a pain to deal with, but in a different way. I think this is when she really starts looking at Yuu and begins to fall in love with her. She feels sort of protective towards her (and maybe kind of guilty for kissing Tamaki) and decides to support them.

As Nagi witnesses the problems in Yuu and Tamaki's relationship, she wishes that she were the one dating Yuu so that she could treat her better than Tamaki does. She gets more and more involved but can't fix things and witnesses it fall apart. Then she decides that she'll play the role of Tamaki and date Yuu, replicating the events of the story thus far. However, Yuu responds by saying that she can just be herself, thus breaking the cycle.

last edited at Dec 21, 2018 9:46PM

joined Aug 4, 2018


Thank you.
Really, sincerely, thank you.
I can truthfully say that I understand more of 'I Beg of You' now, after reading your detailed analysis, than I did after reading the whole story over two times, from beginning to end.

joined Aug 27, 2013

Excellent book report Schuyguy! A+ and a lovely, shiny star for you too!
(Are you on Horrible Subs with a similar name?)

Tamaki may have wanted to 'become like Misaki' in order to:
- understand what happened to herself
- to win Misaki back somehow
- to feel love towards someone else (which she imagines Misaki felt towards her, but doesn't) or perhaps more importantly to feel love from someone else

Anyhow, it was a dismal failure & Tamaki ended up hurting everyone including herself. That's possibly why Nagi is crying at the end? Because she sees just how all 3 of them have badly broken hearts now.

It's sort of open ended? I'd love to read a series on this trio. Lets hope Nagi and Yuu stay together and live happily ever after!
(as long as that bitch Misaki gets burned in a fire...)

joined Oct 16, 2013

Hm i read the spoilers so i knew what was gonna happen, but actually reading the chapter, it felt super weird. Not sure if it's because of the way it was translated or the author intentionally meant for it to be this way, but the dialogue was super wonky. Like others said, it feels really emotionless and jerky. Pacing was rushed. Kinda sad it ended in this quality because i really liked the 1st 2 chapters. Overall satisfied since it leaves room for potential Yuu and Nagi.

joined May 12, 2015

I feel no sympathy for any of these characters but that sure was messy.

joined Apr 20, 2013

"I'll become Tamaki" it's okay to laugh at this part? I did, it was so bizarre to say that with such a honest face.

Well, I didn't understood the tall girl after all, the things she was saying didn't made sense but I guess she was obsessed so it can't be helped.

I'm glad they found their answers... .... ... Really that part was funny

last edited at Dec 21, 2018 11:50PM

joined Nov 13, 2018

Huh, that's it? Well can't really say I was dissapointed considering this manga was pretty meh ever since ch1.

Ngl, I had to go back to the story to check the names, this manga was so bad that I couldn't even remember the names of the main characters, even tho they keep saying them every few pages.

Nagi trying to become Tamaki at the end was pretty cringe, but at least the highlight of this story was that Tamaki broke up with Yuu and was honest about it, rather than dragging it out and taking advantage of her, guess she wasn't that much of a dick after all.

joined Aug 9, 2011

Well, that was not good..

joined May 17, 2014

Okay, I can in all honesty say I didn't understand a thing of this story. >_<

That conclusion confused me to no end.

If someone loved this and thinks it makes sense, could they please explain to the rest of us?

Yuu fell in love with Tamaki, and in order to make Tamaki fall in love with her, she attempted to "become" the girl Tamaki loved—her ex-girlfriend Misaki. Tamaki went along with this for... some reason? I'm not really sure why, to be honest. Maybe she wanted to emulate Misaki and act towards Yuu the same way Misaki did towards her. Maybe she actually cared for Yuu to some extent, but just couldn't let go of her feelings for Misaki. Maybe she just doesn't really care about fidelity in relationships, and thought it'd be fine to date Yuu even while still in love with someone else. Maybe (despite all evidence to the contrary) we're supposed to believe that she has a healthy and friendly relationship with her ex and thought that things would somehow work out with Yuu, who's obviously unhinged and obsessed to the point of attempting to "become" Misaki. Anyways, for whatever reason she agreed to date Yuu.

Finally, things came to a head with Yuu's repeated attempts to sever the connection between Tamaki and Misaki, by deleting Misaki's contact information from Tamaki's phone and then by trying to break Misaki's phone. Tamaki realized... something and decided she couldn't be together with Yuu anymore. Honestly, Tamaki's motivations throughout this whole thing are a mystery to me. If I were in her spot, I'd be fucking terrified by Yuu messing with my phone and trying to break my ex's phone (that's some serious creepy stalker shit right there), but Tamaki doesn't seem particularly freaked out, just kind of sad. After this, Yuu stops wearing makeup and trying to be Misaki.

Meanwhile, Nagi gets involved. At first she's interested simply because she thinks Tamaki is hot. She doesn't really seem to love her, she's just attracted to her. Then Yuu confronts her, and she decides that Yuu's a pain to deal with so she'll back off. But she runs into Tamaki by coincidence and kisses her, at which point she realizes that Tamaki's also a pain to deal with, but in a different way. I think this is when she really starts looking at Yuu and begins to fall in love with her. She feels sort of protective towards her (and maybe kind of guilty for kissing Tamaki) and decides to support them.

As Nagi witnesses the problems in Yuu and Tamaki's relationship, she wishes that she were the one dating Yuu so that she could treat her better than Tamaki does. She gets more and more involved but can't fix things and witnesses it fall apart. Then she decides that she'll play the role of Tamaki and date Yuu, replicating the events of the story thus far. However, Yuu responds by saying that she can just be herself, thus breaking the cycle.

I agree with you 100% on this but I think you missed the whole point of the story. I think it's about cycles of hurt and misplaced feelings. The idea of the story is how could Tamaki be so horrible to Yuu? How could she still be in love with her ex while dating Yuu? How could Yuu put up with such things. The answer is Nagi. When you see things from Nagi's perspective as to how she feels about Yuu, it makes sense for Yuu to accept such treatment from Tamaki and for Tamaki to accept it from Misaki. To the same token that's why Tamaki can let herself be that way to Yuu, because she wanted to accept Yuu's feelings but she was still in love with Misaki. Its not until Yuu sees Nagi try to become Tamaki, copying how she tried to become Misaki, does Yuu understand Tamaki's feelings for her through her own feelings toward Nagi.

The idea behind this story is that at one point they all were and will be each other.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I agree with you 100% on this but I think you missed the whole point of the story. I think it's about cycles of hurt and misplaced feelings. The idea of the story is how could Tamaki be so horrible to Yuu? How could she still be in love with her ex while dating Yuu? How could Yuu put up with such things. The answer is Nagi. When you see things from Nagi's perspective as to how she feels about Yuu, it makes sense for Yuu to accept such treatment from Tamaki and for Tamaki to accept it from Misaki. To the same token that's why Tamaki can let herself be that way to Yuu, because she wanted to accept Yuu's feelings but she was still in love with Misaki. Its not until Yuu sees Nagi try to become Tamaki, copying how she tried to become Misaki, does Yuu understand Tamaki's feelings for her through her own feelings toward Nagi.

The idea behind this story is that at one point they all were and will be each other.

Well, yes it's a story about cycles. And I think the title is thematically relevant, the "onegai" when one of the girls begs the other for something. At first, Tamaki says yes to Yuu, (presumably as Misaki had said yes to her) and indulges her desires, believing or hoping that she can live up to Yuu's expectations (or not taking them seriously, because she kind of acts like a heartless bitch a lot of the time). For the moment, I'll assume that the author was trying to tell us that Tamaki took it seriously, but honestly I think that's a pretty dicey assumption based on how she's presented within the work.

But, as things develop, it's clear that attempting to conform yourself to another person's wishes does not lead to a healthy relationship. Yuu tries to be Misaki so that Tamaki will like her, Tamaki does whatever Misaki tells her to, and Tamaki tries to accept Yuu, for Yuu's sake. So then at the end when Nagi attempts to become Tamaki so that she can be with Yuu, this is a repetition of the cycle. However, Yuu breaks the cycle when she tells Nagi she can just be herself, and that she'll just be herself as well. Presumably Tamaki is still stuck in whatever kind of awful relationship she has with Misaki, but maybe she decided to stop being her bitch, nothing is stated either way.

joined Apr 24, 2015

The fully extended analysis of my feels right now


joined Mar 22, 2013

So the only one who actually learnt something from this was Yuu...

joined Feb 3, 2013

huh it ends just like that? just when i thought the manga is starting to be good

joined Mar 12, 2014

Well that was a jumbled mess

All the lines that shouldve had some impact just made me go "huh? What?" As they came out of nowhere

I'm guessing this was meant to be longer but got cancelled? That ending felt way too rushed otherwise

joined Jun 13, 2012

End? How hard it is to add a few more panel for Yuu to like Nagi back?

last edited at Dec 22, 2018 8:07AM

joined Feb 10, 2013

My summary: cliché argument and deficient narrative.

A pity, it could have been a very entertaining and very deep story, with a great dose of introspection for each of the characters, but it has remained superficial.

In just a few paragraphs Schuyguy It has been much brighter than the author.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Orangey posted:

I'm guessing this was meant to be longer but got cancelled? That ending felt way too rushed otherwise

Seems like it was meant to be one shot, then author decided to expend story and wrote second one shot and then wrote third one.

joined Aug 11, 2015

I have no idea how anybody found this hard to understand.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

End? How hard it is to add a few more panel for Yuu to like Nagi back?

Huh? That's literally exactly what happens at the end. How did you manage to miss it?

joined Jul 29, 2017

I have no idea how anybody found this hard to understand.

I don't think the story's themes are that hard to understand, but there are certain things about the paneling that make the conversations kind of disjointed. Like the way the camera follows the characters, and the angles it observes them from change a bit too erratically. This probably threw a lot of people out of the story. And I think everything happened really fast, so again, I'm not so surprised that that could be an obstacle to enjoyment and understanding.

Agreed--it's not that the themes or plot patterns are so obscure, it's that something isn't quite working in the nuts and bolts of the storytelling.

Best case, the author is going for something like the feel of an Ootomo Megane schoolgirl story--a fairly standard plot told a little obliquely, requiring the reader to fill in some unexpected blanks from time to time. Ootomo's not to everybody's taste, but the stories have a very specific atmosphere.

There's a subtle difference between a story told in a sophisticated way that can be a bit confusing to the audience, and a story that itself is confused.

joined May 1, 2018

I don't know what it is but everyone impersonating the other person's old crush to try and go with the other person is just disgusting to me

joined Jan 19, 2016

okay it's a good end but why so abrupt ?
Is it that hard to add a few more panels to make the end feel more smooth ?

joined May 17, 2014

As Nagi witnesses the problems in Yuu and Tamaki's relationship, she wishes that she were the one dating Yuu so that she could treat her better than Tamaki does. She gets more and more involved but can't fix things and witnesses it fall apart. Then she decides that she'll play the role of Tamaki and date Yuu, replicating the events of the story thus far. However, Yuu responds by saying that she can just be herself, thus breaking the cycle.

That's the thing though, I think the idea is she's supposed to break, but we dont know that she did as they all assumes they did. Regardless I think its all an explanation of how Tamaki got to that point with Yuu, and what led Yuu to take it. That's what I got from the final panels at least

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