I'll be honest - I don't read much romantic tension from this. More like siblings*/friends**, as those random characters implied.
*not the Mocchi type of siblings
**not the Nettaigyo type of friends
I would have agreed with you, until this chapter, but this one seemed full of romantic tension.
It just doesn't quite convince me.
Sleeps together -> nothing
Sits on the train together -> nothing
Walk around shopping -> nothing
Get separated, Mao being a teeny bit possessive (of a pet) -> oh, a tiny bit of romance!
Errrm. Feels weak.
I see the romance being a very gradual/slow process. Demon King is unlikely to ever become flustered or hesitant about affection, likely showing great confidence in most(if not all) situations, so when Nio starts to develop deeper feelings little will likely change in the way Demon King acts. Sure, she calls Nio their pet, but one could argue that's just her unique way of affection. Assuming she was actually looking for a lover, it could also be that Demon King has long since considered the likely limited lifespan of their future "lover" compared to their own lifespan, so calling them pet could be a potential coping mechanism.
Of course, I could be reading too much into this like I often do. For all I know it's actually as simple as Demon King wanting a specific human for a pet and chose Nio, with the idea that if things happen to get romantic then so be it.
last edited at Nov 1, 2018 12:58PM