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joined Nov 14, 2013

Then Iori fucking cracks that asshole's skull open with a bat

Man i hope so

joined Feb 17, 2018

Some authors should hire some writing help. This development is beyond moronic.

The worst part is that it's fairly realistic. The only non-realistic part actually is that Iori-san would be so kind.

Also: it's not far-fetched that the violent girl would let Minami go, but it's unlikely the subject will be dropped so easily as the story continues (if it does). That's what unstable people do.

yeah this feels like it's executed badly but the dynamics are very real

joined May 20, 2013

Guro tag on Shizuku when?!

joined Mar 12, 2014

But for real why did she hit her with an ashtray

"You can't go back to hers you're just looking for a family, I'm all you have" * ashtray *

A few pages later

"Do whatever you want"

like what is this

last edited at Oct 16, 2018 3:33AM

joined Sep 6, 2018

But for real why did she hit her with an ashtray

"You can't go back to hers you're just looking for a family, I'm all you have" * ashtray *

A few pages later

"Do whatever you want"

like what is this

Actually, the ashtray happens first, as physical punishment for seeking independence. The “Do whatever you want” is granting permission when the abuser already knows that person (OL) had already moved on because she (the OL) didn’t pursue her when she returned to her abusive partner.

Things will get interesting when abuser forcibly attempts to retrieve her subservient childhood partner from OL again.

joined Oct 25, 2011

Actually, the ashtray happens first, as physical punishment for seeking independence. The “Do whatever you want” is granting permission when the abuser already knows that person (OL) had already moved on because she (the OL) didn’t pursue her when she returned to her abusive partner.

I think you might be misreading it. 'The dumbass' isn't Iori.

joined May 14, 2017

I just want to say "Oh Shit!!!!"

joined Mar 29, 2017

Some authors should hire some writing help. This development is beyond moronic.

Should have probably just been a cute love story about an OL and the stray she picked up (or forced herself on) like it was after the first chapter. Good thing this part only lasts for 4 chapters.

On the other hand it makes it stand out a bit instead of being the same old song and dance so it evens out i geuss.

Indeed. Nothing wrong with drama. Juxtaposing it with fluff makes it kind of interesting if only it were executed well.

This tension doesn't really feel earned. It just seems like it was thrown in there on a whim and it's also ending on a whim. Not like I want this to drag out but it didn't have the emotional impact a backstory of those extremes should have.

This reminds me of Kannazuki no Miko easly one of the worst things I have ever seen but himeko hard carried into being atleast decent. If we let that one get away with: shoehorned het, forced drama, giant random mech battles(seriously wtf) , time line bs, random drama arc, nonsenicall characters, rape, and being reborn as twins and still say it was good. I think we should forgive abit of a wonky misplaced drama arc but that is just my take on it.

joined Mar 7, 2017

Found it kinda funny they look like Hina and Tsugu it doesn't help the credits picture is HinaTsugu ahaha

last edited at Oct 16, 2018 8:54AM

joined Feb 18, 2018

Actually, the ashtray happens first, as physical punishment for seeking independence. The “Do whatever you want” is granting permission when the abuser already knows that person (OL) had already moved on because she (the OL) didn’t pursue her when she returned to her abusive partner.

I think you might be misreading it. 'The dumbass' isn't Iori.

Iori is a dumbass for getting involved in this crazy situation, and I suppose she is soon going to be in too deep. If this goes the normal "story of abuse" route, what's going to happen is that Minami will come back to Iori, Iori will take her in, they will get more addicted to each other, and sensing that she is losing control of Minami, Shizuku will start directing her rage at Iori. So either Iori will stand her ground and fight against Shizuku (if Minami goes like "don't save me, I don't deserve you!" we can call this the "Citrus ending" in which love interest of the MC waits to be saved). Or this will embolden Minami to learn to have boundaries and kick Shizuku out of her life for good (best ending).

It depends on whether the hero of the story is Iori or Minami herself (a story of rescuer/being rescued or a story about a person learning to rescue themselves).

last edited at Oct 16, 2018 9:35AM

joined Aug 4, 2018

Some authors should hire some writing help. This development is beyond moronic.

Hahaha yes. Seeing this author mess up this bad was quite sad, the story had a pretty decent start.

On the other hand it makes it stand out a bit instead of being the same old song and dance so it evens out i geuss.

I don't think such a poor and disjointed development is gonna do this series any favors. If anything, you don't want your series to stand out because of domestic violence themes that felt out of place.

Agree on all accounts.

I find it endlessly amusing that some people believe this development (suddenly making up a tragic past of horror and violence for one of the MCs, and throwing in a clingy abusive ex-lover for good measure) makes the story stand out. Whoever thinks this isn't "the same old song and dance" obviously has never read much yaoi/yuri to compare with.

There wasn't a need for any of this angsty mess. The daily life of the main couple -- an OL of 28 full of prejudices and a modern-minded, tattooed, disinhibited waitress of 18 -- was more than enough to fill the story with fun and waffiness.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I find it endlessly amusing that some people believe this development (suddenly making up a tragic past of horror and violence for one of the MCs,

Like whatever you like, by all means, but Minami as a victim of habitual physical violence was in Chapter 1.

joined Jul 24, 2017

It's pretty good. 7/10

joined May 19, 2014

I'm going to pretend this ended several chapters prior.


joined Jul 1, 2014

I dunno. I'm curious to see where this is going. I have hopes that it will all work out for the main couple, but not before there are some more beatings and drama. I don't think she's letting her go back without a reason, after all. If it does go negative, I have a great ability to pretend things like that didn't happen.

Willow and Tara are still living happily together in my mind.

joined May 28, 2014

The last line of chapter 10 would make more sense if it was something like: She is not the dumbass she was then.
I don't know Japanese, but it would explain Shizuku's change of mind.
Likewise on the first page of chapter 10 maybe threatening to kill her instead of trying?

Anyway I still like this one, pretty interesting story. This one and "Accept My Fist of Love!"are my favorites at the moment

last edited at Oct 16, 2018 4:47PM

joined Dec 11, 2017

I mean, guys, this isn't a proper serialized manga. This is a twitter webcomic where the author is giving us little peeks into these girl's stories. I feel like people are being overly critical of something that is basically the author's play-project.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I find it endlessly amusing that some people believe this development (suddenly making up a tragic past of horror and violence for one of the MCs,

Like whatever you like, by all means, but Minami as a victim of habitual physical violence was in Chapter 1.

There's a huge difference between this and that.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I find it endlessly amusing that some people believe this development (suddenly making up a tragic past of horror and violence for one of the MCs,

Like whatever you like, by all means, but Minami as a victim of habitual physical violence was in Chapter 1.

There's a huge difference between this and that.

Thank you, like any conscious reader, I am well aware that several scenes about a character being hospitalized for domestic violence are not identical to several chapters connected to that character’s backstory.

I was addressing the “suddenly making up” part, since some kind of return to the issue of Minami as victim of violence was implied from the very beginning of the story.

joined Jul 17, 2018

I dunno. I'm curious to see where this is going. I have hopes that it will all work out for the main couple, but not before there are some more beatings and drama. I don't think she's letting her go back without a reason, after all. If it does go negative, I have a great ability to pretend things like that didn't happen.

Willow and Tara are still living happily together in my mind.

Of course! Where else would they be?

distant crying

joined Jun 12, 2017

"We were both abused and I sympathize with you, so I will also beat the shit out of you."

joined Jun 27, 2017

That abused become abusers more often than others is an unfortunate truth. That those people often act very erratic is true, also.

So might be bad writing. Might also be just be realistic though. Truth sometimes is stranger than fiction after all ;)

joined Jul 21, 2016

An ash tray is a bit much lol. And she accepts it and is like ah well okay. Just ignore me smashing your face in a moment ago.

joined Apr 12, 2018

This abrupt shift back into fluffy funtimes is nice, but abrupt.

joined May 4, 2018

Great OG yuri. How can they be so cute? If only she could get a tatoo then she would be cool and cute.

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