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joined Sep 1, 2017

I agree: you’re totally crazy to think something is up.

I think he/she is a literature teacher

That’s not how a literature teacher interprets textual evidence.

No, they interprets the author's thoughts which some author didn't even know they've been thinking like that.
True story from my country

Literary interpretation and paranoia are both forms of pattern recognition, but they aren't the same thing.

"Yuri-scepticism" is a trauma-induced form of neurosis that manifests in a kind of paranoia where, when characters in a story repeatedly say "we're dating," the paranoiac responds "they're not dating."

Stop picking on me (sob). I know, I have a problem (hic). I tried to get treatment, but my health insurance won't pay for anti-yuri-scepticism medication (sob).

I’m sorry—I just lost it a little bit when one of the cutest yuri couples in the history of the universe was off-handedly accused of being not yuri. And so I was meaner than I should have been.

Call it what you will—what Chidori and Nonoha have is real, dammit. They’ve given us the hottest in-PE-class eye-sex ever witnessed by human beings, they’ve introduced us all to the sensuous delights of upper-arm-pinching, and they’ve performed the most erotic and deeply emotionally resonant indoor-shoe footsie ever.

And no one can come along with some conventional bog-standard middle-class white-bread definition of what counts as “yuri” and try to take that away.

No one. Ever.

That said—can we be pals?

It's all good in the hood dude*. You are right, Chidori and Nanoha are complete yuri overload. It still bugs me that Chidori started an inner monolog with stating neither of them have a boyfriend, though. Why would she harsh my yuri mellow with boys? I hope my lover wouldn't need to clarify, that they're not seeing anyone else (regardless of gender). When Chidori thought that. I was like wait, are you saying that it was a possibly for you two to have boyfriends while you're "dating"!? Please don't tell me you're not doing the "gay for the stay" thing. That would make me sad. While I freely admit I let my yuri-skepticism taint the total yuri cuteness of this series. I still find it disturbing that Chidori started the monolog that way.
*Disclaimer: I use dude as a gender neutral pronoun. I

joined Mar 28, 2015

Dating is a state of mind here, rather than actions.

joined Feb 18, 2015

Dating is a state of mind here, rather than actions.

True! Especially since they are both afraid of their relationship being exposed to their friends and the school... and probably their parents, but parents don't seem to be around much in the story, since the two of them never go to each other's houses.

What these girls need is a good, old-fashioned sleepover to move their relationship forward... and add keeping their relationship secret from their parents into their stress ball of life...

joined Jan 11, 2018

I like this chapter, she makes it clear she likes her for the girl she is not as a "prince".

joined Feb 23, 2016

I like how she did the hair

joined Jun 20, 2017

I think this might be the first time the "secretly dating" line wasn't said in first person. For a moment there I thought the chapter would be from the pov of a classmate who already figured out they are dating. I got all excited for nothing. Cute as always, though.

joined Feb 14, 2014

I think this might be the first time the "secretly dating" line wasn't said in first person. For a moment there I thought the chapter would be from the pov of a classmate who already figured out they are dating. I got all excited for nothing. Cute as always, though.

yeah same here. i was like "so which one saw them kissing?"

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I think this might be the first time the "secretly dating" line wasn't said in first person. For a moment there I thought the chapter would be from the pov of a classmate who already figured out they are dating. I got all excited for nothing. Cute as always, though.

You're right. I went back and looked, and the only other time that bit was in the third person was Chapter 10, in the flashback: "Chidori and Nanoha. Before they had started dating."

But I think it's just third person narration, not sure if it actually means someone's found out, though that is certainly possible. Just going by memory, I think that the introduction in the third person is used pretty frequently from this point onward.

joined Feb 18, 2015

I like this chapter, she makes it clear she likes her for the girl she is not as a "prince".

Exactly! Chidori doesn't see her the same way the other girls do.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I get it, I get it!
doesn't get it.

Why so short feeling, chapter?

joined Mar 28, 2015

"You're a girl, act like it!"

Uuh... how about she acts the way she feels more comfortable with?

Chidori, why you so controlling?

joined Feb 23, 2014

"You're a girl, act like it!"

Uuh... how about she acts the way she feels more comfortable with?

Chidori, why you so controlling?

I don't know how you missed the point of this chapter so much

joined Jan 20, 2014

I love the fact that this isn't another story of "I ended falling in love and it was with a girl", it's a

Also Chidori it's good with hair care, is Chidori a young Kaoru? A conspiranoico thread.

last edited at Sep 29, 2018 6:48PM

joined Oct 1, 2014

I like this chapter, she makes it clear she likes her for the girl she is not as a "prince".

Exactly! Chidori doesn't see her the same way the other girls do.

I loved that! She loves her girl as she is ❤
Chidori is so gay ❤

joined Sep 28, 2011

So the others know. The narration was in third person, they gotta know

joined Nov 18, 2017

Did anybody notice how in this introduction (chapter 20), Chidori and Nanoha were referred to in the third person. Does that mean somebody outside knows their relationship?

joined Nov 18, 2017

I don't see why Chidori and Nanoha keep saying they're dating, because they're really not. I mean, how is what they are doing together any different than being close friends.

Dating just means that two people are hanging out in a romantic setting. Believe it or not, what they are doing isn't that different than a lot of early couples, and I'd argue that being in a relationship is far more casual than people make it out to be. I say the only way to tell if two people are romantically attracted aside from PDA (which even that isn't that accurate), is how they react to each other. I would go on a long spiel about how these two are romantically attracted to each other, but I'm typing on my phone and my fingers are cramping.

joined Oct 25, 2015

re Nya-chan:

"You're a girl, act like it!"

Uuh... how about she acts the way she feels more comfortable with?

Chidori, why you so controlling?

I got the as a girl bit, but I didn't care for this delivery either. Hoping to be able to wipe this from my mind. :/

last edited at Sep 22, 2018 6:35PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Wait... Who is the long black haired girl at the end?

joined Nov 14, 2013

Wait... Who is the long black haired girl at the end?

Probably pre-haircut Chidori from the last page of chapter 14

last edited at Oct 1, 2018 8:41PM

joined Oct 1, 2014

That's some lesbian activity.

joined May 30, 2018

nanoha had her eyes on the prize thats for sure

joined May 20, 2013


joined Jul 29, 2017

I found it laugh-out-loud hilarious that at first Nanoha seemed to be playing that old, old double-entendre game of using a phrase like “how huge they are”—meaning Chidori’s eyes or something.

But no, it’s really her darling’s mega-boobs after all.

joined May 20, 2013

Nanoha in her time off

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