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Forum › Yamada to Kase-san discussion

joined Oct 15, 2014

I thought the time between going out together and having sex was less than a year? They didn't start dating until at least a couple of months into their final year of high school (whenever the marathon takes place).

The marathon took place in the middle of the second year's third semester (according to the Seven Seas release), which would be around February-ish? Either way, they started dating before the third year started.

last edited at Jun 24, 2018 3:55PM

joined Jul 29, 2017

Again, it's a miracle that Kase managed to hold out for years until she got to do it with Yamada. Not sure how she did that without spontaneously combusting from thirst.

I thought the time between going out together and having sex was less than a year? They didn't start dating until at least a couple of months into their final year of high school (whenever the marathon takes place).

I once tried to figure out a complete timeline for this one, but was undone by the Japanese school year and some vague seasonal indicators (hard for me to get my head around early February counting as “Spring”). I had it as either slightly under or slightly over a full year from first kiss to the falling cherry blossoms of paradise.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Again, it's a miracle that Kase managed to hold out for years until she got to do it with Yamada. Not sure how she did that without spontaneously combusting from thirst.

I thought the time between going out together and having sex was less than a year? They didn't start dating until at least a couple of months into their final year of high school (whenever the marathon takes place).

I once tried to figure out a complete timeline for this one, but was undone by the Japanese school year and some vague seasonal indicators (hard for me to get my head around early February counting as “Spring”). I had it as either slightly under or slightly over a full year from first kiss to the falling cherry blossoms of paradise.

Well, keep in mind that the two of them trained for a while prior to the marathon. So long enough for Yamada to manage that kind of distance, in the usual accellerated manga terms, still means the best part of a month. And they were hanging out for a while as friends prior to that so I'd be inclined to call it something in the 9-10 month range.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Either way, 9-10 months feels like an eternity in horny teenager time.

joined Sep 1, 2017

I've been wondering, for a while.Are kids in japanese schools expected to know, all of the, names of the other kids, in their year? Man that would suck for me. It took me a few weeks just too remember my teachers names.

joined Sep 1, 2017

Why is Yamada always so.... useless, when it comes to sex and stuff. She is such a starfish. Has she never heard of touching someone back? Makes me cringe

Hey, if Kase's happy, everybody's happy.

It is a common dynamic in yuri where there is the passive submissive character whom rarely or never reciprocates physically. Often the submissive will apologize for never doing anything, but their dominant partner will say they’re satisfied so long as the sub is satisfied. I think this is a popular fetish in Japan as well in general.

I think the passive submissive one is ment to come off as too shy, to take the lead. I also think the japanese see getting the shy girl to open up is cute. The series will probably end with Yui finally feeling confident enough to finally call Kase, Tomoka. My guess would be, that Yui taking the lead, in bed, will be left to our imaginations.

joined Jul 15, 2016

The author keeps relapsing back into School life, which is great and cute, don't get me wrong, but I get a feeling she doesn't really know how to develop the plot now that they're in college. I'd really like to know how these two's relationship develops in the present/future...

joined Apr 15, 2018

Two months for ten pages

joined Oct 15, 2014

Two months for ten pages

To be fair there was the whole OVA thing

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

I want more college life :(

joined Jun 28, 2016

The author keeps relapsing back into School life, which is great and cute, don't get me wrong, but I get a feeling she doesn't really know how to develop the plot now that they're in college. I'd really like to know how these two's relationship develops in the present/future...

I wonder if the Author is trying to build up back story, so if/when a full anime is made they have enough content.

joined Apr 17, 2018

According to the Wings official twitter account, the next Yamada to Kase-san story will be in the August edition released on the 28th of June, and from the sample and auto-translate it looks like they are back to stories about their university lives.

joined Nov 13, 2015

Kase-san in Yamada's hat.
I think my heart's finally giving in to all the sweetness-related abuse I've put it through. It's been nice, folks.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Man, Kase had Yamada-itis BAD before she ever exchanged word one with her little sproutling.

Plugging this latest one into the very first chapter reminds me how remarkably head over heels these two both were for each other from the start, and what a perfectly balanced opposites-attract relationship they have. Everyone can see how adorable Yamada is, but chapters like this show us how Kase also admires Yamada for her inner qualities, and learns from her example before she even meets her.

Forward motion on their university lives would be wonderful, but sometimes I think I’d be content if we just went back and saw every time they went home from school together.

joined Apr 17, 2018

This is from Hiromi Takashima's blog and it's an excerpt from the next chapter that will be published in the next edition of Wings released today:

joined Dec 4, 2016

This manga is going nowhere! Will they ever going to have sex? ( I'm mocking those people who complain 'no development' on every subtext manga lol).

joined Feb 10, 2016

This is still one of my favorite manga <3

joined Jun 28, 2018

Soooooo happy that this series is continuing

joined Sep 5, 2012

Well, it's nice to see that people in Dynasty never changes. I love you all for making my day with your over-analyzed conversations. Thank you.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Please please let it be a little naughty time between these two~

last edited at Aug 12, 2018 8:10PM

joined Sep 30, 2017

Please please let it be a little naughty time between these two~

Totally agree. Yamada still needs a lot of practice from Kase in the arts of lesbian love-making.

joined Nov 2, 2013

Kase-san low key asking for nudes

joined Jul 29, 2017

Kase-san low key asking for nudes

Maybe just pokies.

Kase’s thirst grows exponentially greater . . .

joined Aug 9, 2018

Dat jealousy! Is this a foreshadow of the next chapter ahead once Yamada goes to that mixer? :o

joined Apr 20, 2013

Oh woah control yourself Kase san!!! I know she's cute and she's alone and you in love and you've not see her in days and... you know what, go for it!!!!
Edit: Wops! almost missed that sweet valentine's special... is rare for a love manga to leave Valentine's as an extra

last edited at Aug 13, 2018 12:44AM

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