Is that Straight to VHS? That is totally me, though. I don't know why but moving in heels just never seemed harder to me.
GURPS actually, but certainly a solid fit for high-octane games deliberately going for B-movie cheese. :d
Look at them, running around in high heels like that.
That is some YoRHa level shit, right there...
TBF the heels are apparently part of the androids' leg structure and it's not like they're working with mere human muscle and bone anyway; why they have that feature is another question entir- HAHAHA who am I kidding it's for the sake of moar delicious 2Booty ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
Or as it was put in an MMORPG chat I witnessed shortly after the game was out:
"tfw 2B's ass has more polygons than entire Zelda Wind Waker"
"tfw 2B's ass is better content than entire Zelda Wind Waker"