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joined Mar 28, 2015

It was a joke anyway. I don't care about the age gap of manga characters

I've read enough hentai to know there's worse than this out there.

This manga wants to be a romantic comedy, with a tsundere and a thoughtless teasing vampire and it's somewhat cute, but not very compelling.

joined Jun 12, 2017

Look at them, running around in high heels like that.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Clearly they have made judicious investement in relevant character perks:

High-Heeled Heroine [cinematic]: You can run, climb, fight, and so on while wearing high heels without suffering any special penalty for bad footing. - - This can give a reaction or Sex Appeal bonus in situations best left to the imagination.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

random posted: which legislation specifically? Because she'd likely meet the age of consent in a whole bunch of places, including about half of US states.

Mind, it's not like Miyoko has thus far expressed specifically sexual interest in her to begin with...

Has her age even been given? I don't recall seeing anything about it so it seems like people are just assuming that since she's a vampire she's much older.

joined Dec 30, 2014

random posted: which legislation specifically? Because she'd likely meet the age of consent in a whole bunch of places, including about half of US states.

Mind, it's not like Miyoko has thus far expressed specifically sexual interest in her to begin with...

Has her age even been given? I don't recall seeing anything about it so it seems like people are just assuming that since she's a vampire she's much older.

If it's really that important, Miyoko is 150 years old.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Has her age even been given? I don't recall seeing anything about it so it seems like people are just assuming that since she's a vampire she's much older.

Not really but from the context it can be inferred Miyoko's both fairly well-connected (eg. explicitly where she gets her blood supply, and implicitly however she finangles her official paperwork) and apparently a seasoned fighter, which don't exactly suggest she was "turned" yesterday.
Some of her musings also imply she's susceptible to the sort of ennui that stereotypically affects immortals who've been around for quite some time. She's herself pretty explicit that one of the reasons she likes hanging around N00b Hunter-chanSaki is because she makes life interesting...

joined Jun 3, 2017

Is there a reason for Newbie-San to hide from her mother the fact that she has gotten sucked?

Turning has almost always been depicted to happen immediately, it actually doesn't matter.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is there a reason for Newbie-San to hide from her mother the fact that she has gotten sucked?

You mean besides the obvious utter embarassement and her Stubbornly Proud Tsundere level of OVER 9000...? :/

Turning has almost always been depicted to happen immediately, it actually doesn't matter.

...I can think plenty of depictions where the transition into an exciting new (un)life as a glorified mosquito takes a while, actually.

joined Jun 3, 2017

Exposure to vamps has been limited by 50%.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

My 'tragedy senses' are tingling >.>

joined Sep 25, 2015

I really like this one. I hope we don't get a bad ending.

joined Jun 3, 2017

Positive bad ending.

joined Nov 8, 2017

Oh wow, hadn't seen chapter 3 already came out. I almost skipped it now that chapter 4 came out. :O
Either way, this series is being great as of yet. :3

joined Sep 1, 2017

A date, blushing, violent, murderous flirting. Ah, anime romance is in the air.

joined Sep 9, 2016

I need that cat plush in my life.

joined Nov 27, 2017

Clearly they have made judicious investement in relevant character perks:

High-Heeled Heroine [cinematic]: You can run, climb, fight, and so on while wearing high heels without suffering any special penalty for bad footing. - - This can give a reaction or Sex Appeal bonus in situations best left to the imagination.

Is that Straight to VHS? That is totally me, though. I don't know why but moving in heels just never seemed harder to me.

joined Jun 27, 2017

Mom is probably exterminating vamps for a stupid reason, given the comedic focus of the manga. Maybe because dad was secretly a good-for-nothing vamp and ran away with somebody younger once she was old enough and pregnant with her daughter?

Although that's kinda a good reason to want to kill them all. But it's the sort of thing I'd expect here.

joined Jul 15, 2016

Look at them, running around in high heels like that.

That is some YoRHa level shit, right there...

joined Oct 27, 2017

I see two possibilities

Either the title lives up to its name and we get bad ending, or another story where mom doesn't like the fact that her daughter fell in love with a G̶i̶r̶l̶ vampire and needs convincing.

joined Mar 28, 2015

That would be quite a plot twist actually.

Last chapter, Saki finally kills Miyoko with a stake in the heart and then realizes that she loved her all along. Despair abounds. The End.

That would be worth it, just to read the reactions here.

joined Jan 27, 2016

Hope for a happy ending or a sad ending where she killed her finally and realizes that she loved her

joined Sep 10, 2017

Hmmm rather than Saki killing Miyoko, I feel that the title is hinting at the opposite. You know the irony where the one who keeps shouting "I'm killing you" ends up dead? Yeah, exactly what I was thinking whilst reading this

joined Jul 26, 2016

Is that Straight to VHS? That is totally me, though. I don't know why but moving in heels just never seemed harder to me.

GURPS actually, but certainly a solid fit for high-octane games deliberately going for B-movie cheese. :d

Look at them, running around in high heels like that.

That is some YoRHa level shit, right there...

TBF the heels are apparently part of the androids' leg structure and it's not like they're working with mere human muscle and bone anyway; why they have that feature is another question entir- HAHAHA who am I kidding it's for the sake of moar delicious 2Booty ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Or as it was put in an MMORPG chat I witnessed shortly after the game was out:
"tfw 2B's ass has more polygons than entire Zelda Wind Waker"
"tfw 2B's ass is better content than entire Zelda Wind Waker"

joined Mar 28, 2015

Plot twist: Miyoko was going out with the mother 25 years ago, but they broke up because of a misunderstanding that caused the mother to hate vampires.

Now, Miyoko chases the daugther.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Make-up threesome when?

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