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ok i admit i was a bit angry,but i don't hate those kind of people. it's just that its so sad to see people like them. i may have used a harsh language (i really apologize to them if i went a lil bit too far) but i just wanted them to open their minds to reality and realize that the real world isn't as easy and frilly as anime is where everything is possible and fluffy and rewarded with acceptance.
sorry guys for ruining the mood for this thread.this manga is actually cute and entertaining and you can ignore my comment >_< so let's wait for chapter 8 xD
last edited at Mar 23, 2018 12:27AM
ok i admit i was a bit angry,but i don't hate those kind of people. it's just that its so sad to see people like them. i may have used a harsh language (i really apologize to them if i went a lil bit too far) but i just wanted them to open their minds to reality and realize that the real world isn't as easy and frilly as anime is where everything is possible and fluffy and rewarded with acceptance.
sorry guys for ruining the mood for this thread.this manga is actually cute and entertaining and you can ignore my comment >_< so let's wait for chapter 8 xD
Nah, I won’t ignore them, discussions are fun. //
Actually, our point is pure logic.
The only thing the people said was that they enjoy the story, just like you do, and that they don’t think that incest is something bad. It isn’t like we can just go and fuck our moms sisters and daughters just because we think that it’s OK. There are certain mechanisms worked out by the evolution to prevent this, because such a thing has never been profitable for the population. One of them is development of smell tolerance - just like you don’t feel the smell of your nose and don’t find the smell of your body’s excrements disgusting enough to puke, since you’ve been smelling them from the day you were born, your mother’s smell doesn’t make you horny for the same reasons.
Thus individuals in one group won’t mate with their close relatives from the same group till their group is separated from other groups (Or there is no individuals of their species’ at all) so this is essential for their species’ survival.
The same goes for sex with animals and plants. People don’t wanna fuck them cuz they don’t find them sexually attractive. There the mechanisms are also the ones to blame – the same reason - it’s not profitable - there is no real point in fucking cow since it won’t get pregnant and let you spread your genetic code making the population bigger and more adapted to the difficulties, increasing it’s chances to survive .
The thing is that the mechanisms sometimes don’t work. Usually for some genetic reasons (mutations and suff). But while there is mutual agreement between the two sides and there is no nonmutual agreement rape involved (like in the manga, aha). Their freedom was not violated, nobody’s freedom was violated. So nobody has any right to violate their freedom stopping them doing what they want to do.
And it’s not about anime affecting us or us affecting anime or whatever. This is all about where the society goes: About scientific progress, about education spreading, about liberalization to which they lead, about people getting more tolerant to different things and to each other.
P.S. BTW at that point fucking your dog (unlike incest or some teacher having sex with 17-year-old students) is not acceptable, since even though the dog has some kinda conscious, it doesn’t speak your language nor any language at all and thus it can’t fully understand your intentions and can’t give a proper consent (and thus this is just an actual rape). The same goes for having animals as pets – they do can’t give the consent, the same goes for eating them – they can’t give the consent, the same goes for conception and giving children birth – they can’t give the consent, they are not even alive, forget about the language barrier.
Btw Children are basically just slaves if you think about it – not able to do anything without their’s master’s permission, including having sex with whoever they want, till they are 21 or whatever. But that’s another story.
P.S 2 Of course this is not how the things usually work. “the real world isn't as easy and frilly as anime is where everything is possible and fluffy and rewarded with acceptance” – as you said, but it doesn’t mean that the people won’t talk about it. It’s all the other way round – they WILL talk about it since they want the things to be changed. We want the world to be fluffy and acceptable – we will try to convince other people that it should be fluffy and acceptable. This is how humans work.
last edited at Mar 23, 2018 9:53AM
We want the world to be fluffy and acceptable – we will try to convince other people that it should be fluffy and acceptable. This is how humans work.
It's not going to be easy getting cactus sex over the "fluffy" bar.
Just sayin'.
We want the world to be fluffy and acceptable – we will try to convince other people that it should be fluffy and acceptable. This is how humans work.
It's not going to be easy getting cactus sex over the "fluffy" bar.
Just sayin'.
Nah, It's not a rocket science. Just use some scissors to cut the shit and some knife to make the port. There is juice inside of it, so you don't even need to use no lubricants.
T'Feels great, tell'ya.
I don't know what to think about Akira-san just yet. But I trust the mangaka that made the only two Nio x Yuri
doujins that we have here.
On another note, I should have waited more before start reading this manga... but well, I started, now we wait...
HellAQA said:
we're all going to hell for reading this.
Worth it. Not that I'll go to hell any way (even if I believed it), I'll keep staying in this realm so I can keep watching and reading Yuri (besides, I also must see the Yuri conquest of the Earth).
GeneralJ said:
If you are already in hell might as well hug the devil.
Thanks for the new phrase to use, it's perfect to substitute the "What is a fart for those who are already in the shit?".
Heavensrun said:
Honestly, the mom and the aunt raising their little girl as a big gay family is adorable and I now wish that was what this manga was about in its entirety.
Well, I already got a big gay family, so let's keep this one Incest
, shall we?
Btw, funny thread this one, isn't it?
Another funny thing about it is how this doujin got linked here 3 times (at least 3 times, I might have skipped some comments).
And last (and probably the most important): Anyone knows where can I buy this manga (preferably, a english friendly site)? Because since this manga seems to be technically a doujin, it's not available on CDJapan and- . . . . Found it on Amazon, but if I'm not mistaken, there's just digital "copies"(?), so if anyone knows where to buy physical copies, I'll be eternally grateful.
PS: I probably had more to say, but I forgot... well, this comment is already long enough so I guess it's ok.
And last (and probably the most important): Anyone knows where can I buy this manga (preferably, a english friendly site)? Because since this manga seems to be technically a doujin, it's not available on CDJapan and- . . . . Found it on Amazon, but if I'm not mistaken, there's just digital "copies"(?), so if anyone knows where to buy physical copies, I'll be eternally grateful.
Seems to just be digital stuff for now. Assuming that Child Ordinance Law from a few years back is still a thing, that would probably make a physical release less likely.
^Is that so? . . . . a shame, I really like this, so I wanted to buy it (even with my very limited budget), but I guess that's not gonna happen...
Btw Children are basically just slaves if you think about it – not able to do anything without their’s master’s permission, including having sex with whoever they want, till they are 21 or whatever. But that’s another story.
They aren't slaves, they're -CHILDREN-.
It is a medical fact that children do not have fully formed brains, nor do they have the knowledge or context to make informed decisions about sex (or various other issues.) They are also generally smaller, weaker, and unable to physically resist most adults. An adult, however, should be perfectly capable of realizing that such a massive imbalance in power with someone that is too young to produce informed consent means that any kind of sexual act is -their- responsibility to stop. So yeah, we don't let them "have sex with whoever they want", just like we don't let them take other stupid risks with their own bodies and health.
People can have their lolis if they want in fiction. A fantasy is a fantasy. But don't go casually throwing around bullshit justifications for actual pedophilia.
The husband, his sister, and her daughter. All loving the same woman... Whatever genes they share surely are magnetized to Ayako.
Okay, i think i mentioned this in my very first post on a mochi story, but i am a woman who is in a romantic relationship with her sister and we have been for years now. Our lifes are great, we have not been inconvenienced that much (hiding your relationship in that situation is surprsingly simple. No one thinks anything of it when you live together with your sibling.), and we are happier now than we have ever been.
How exactly are we hurting people? Why do we deserve to be charged with a crime and potentially serve jail time? We grew up together, for some reason or another the Westermarck effect didnt work, we have always contributed to society as much as anyone else, why is our love wrong? Should we split up and be miserable? Why? We have just as much right to be together as anyone else.
Its nice to see that there are some people who accept this kinda thing though.
People can have their lolis if they want in fiction. A fantasy is a fantasy. But don't go casually throwing around bullshit justifications for actual pedophilia.
She's however 16, not 8 or something. A little young, maybe, but legal in most countries for a reason (minus the incest part of course).
(that children = slave thing makes no sense though, I agree ^^)
Okay, i think i mentioned this in my very first post on a mochi story, but i am a woman who is in a romantic relationship with her sister and we have been for years now. Our lifes are great, we have not been inconvenienced that much (hiding your relationship in that situation is surprsingly simple. No one thinks anything of it when you live together with your sibling.), and we are happier now than we have ever been.
How exactly are we hurting people? Why do we deserve to be charged with a crime and potentially serve jail time? We grew up together, for some reason or another the Westermarck effect didnt work, we have always contributed to society as much as anyone else, why is our love wrong? Should we split up and be miserable? Why? We have just as much right to be together as anyone else.
Its nice to see that there are some people who accept this kinda thing though.
I think part of what complicates the issue is that incestuous relationships often have a lot of other issues entangled with them. Obviously with heterosexual relationships, there's the inbreeding angle, but also family dynamics often involve a power disparity that can be problematic. Two sisters near the same age who are both adults is one thing, but a mother and a daughter? An adult with a young person is risky to begin with, because the adult is in a position of authority and responsibility, which gets in the way of determining if consent is really possible. (And with an actual /child/, it definitely isn't.) This is why age gap yuri makes me sort of eeeeeh sometimes. Even with siblings, often an older sibling can have a real feeling of authority and/or responsibility over the younger one, which isn't a good starting point for a healthy relationship. For example, in this manga, the mother consents to a make-out session not because she's actually interested in her daughter, but primarily because she feels responsible for her and is afraid of what will happen if she rejects her outright. That's got a great basis to start a relationship on. If the roles were reversed, and the mom was pushing her feelings on the daughter, we'd rightly call that child abuse. Power dynamics are a big part of the ethics of relationship.
There's also the issue of what happens if the relationship doesn't work out. You can break things off with friends and ex's, but your family is your family, and the family unit is a bedrock to healthy development. Stats show that while families do not have to be "normal" in the traditional sense, -Having- one is a huge boost to a personals functionality. Fact is, most relationships don't work out. Most people you meet didn't end up with their high school sweetheart. They tried a bunch of relationships that fell apart for various reasons before they (maybe) found somebody they're compatible with. If your ex is your sister, one or both of you can kiss family dinners goodbye forever.
None of that may apply to you and your girlfriend, and I'm not judging your specific relationship. These are just some of the issues that crop up when you start discussing it seriously. If you guys are happy and aren't hurting anybody, I don't have any personal problem with that and I'm happy that you're happy. But the fact that you guys successfully avoided the pitfalls doesn't mean they don't still exist for other people.
Now, should there be laws? Ehh. Should their be jail time? Ehhhhhhhh. Should people avoid sexualizing close family relations? Generally, yeah, that's probably a good idea?
But the thing about fiction, and the reason a lot of people are okay with incest in fiction but not real life, is because in fiction, you can focus on the outliers. You can focus on a story where the main couple overcomes the obstacles and bucks the shackles of an often depressing and inconvenient reality, and there are no real consequences.
Just my two cents on the issue, anyway.
last edited at Mar 25, 2018 3:38PM
People can have their lolis if they want in fiction. A fantasy is a fantasy. But don't go casually throwing around bullshit justifications for actual pedophilia.
She's however 16, not 8 or something. A little young, maybe, but legal in most countries for a reason (minus the incest part of course).
(that children = slave thing makes no sense though, I agree ^^)
I don't think MrCatt was talking about the protag of this manga specifically. If he meant 16 year olds, that's a little more ambiguous, but as you said, 16 is legal in most countries. Since he specified "children", not teens, and explicitly people who are not old enough to legally exercise their judgement over who to have sex with, I take that to mean people below the age of consent.
Okay, i think i mentioned this in my very first post on a mochi story, but i am a woman who is in a romantic relationship with her sister and we have been for years now. Our lifes are great, we have not been inconvenienced that much (hiding your relationship in that situation is surprsingly simple. No one thinks anything of it when you live together with your sibling.), and we are happier now than we have ever been.
How exactly are we hurting people? Why do we deserve to be charged with a crime and potentially serve jail time? We grew up together, for some reason or another the Westermarck effect didnt work, we have always contributed to society as much as anyone else, why is our love wrong? Should we split up and be miserable? Why? We have just as much right to be together as anyone else.
. . .
But the thing about fiction, and the reason a lot of people are okay with incest in fiction but not real life, is because in fiction, you can focus on the outliers. You can focus on a story where the main couple overcomes the obstacles and bucks the shackles of an often depressing and inconvenient reality, and there are no real consequences.Just my two cents on the issue, anyway.
Agree. This is purely fictional, it cannot be compared to real-life situations. So why did we make comparison between the two in the first place? Just relax and enjoy the story, really :v
Oh, and when you think of the mother-daughter relationship IRL, it's kind of... meh. Now let's do some calculations: Legal age of consent (at which you can marry and have children) in most countries is 18. Asuka (the daughter IIRC) is 16. So at best the mother is 34. Google "women in their 30s" and see if a 34-year-old mother is still attractive or not. In my case it's a no, and I think most of you would agree (change my mind :V )
Now look at the manga. The mother sure looks mature, but she's still too beautiful for her age. When the two stand next to each other, I would imagine a high school student and her 26-year-old teacher, really.
And your explaination really gave me a deeper understanding of the complex socio-emotional aspect of this very issue we have just discussed. What enlightenment! :V
Now look at the manga. The mother sure looks mature, but she's still too beautiful for her age. When the two stand next to each other, I would imagine a high school student and her 26-year-old teacher, really.
First of all, 34 is hardly "old"--there are many great beauties who are considerably older than that.
Much more to the immediate point, many manga do a very poor job of visually distinguishing various adult ages, unless they use a handful of very stock characters (the aging businessman, the grandmother, etc.). Sometimes it seems like the only life stages in manga are high-school girl > grown-up lady > old woman--you go to sleep one night as an office lady, and wake up the next day as a bent-over grandma..
Rest assured, the age thing doesn't go unaddressed. Gets brought up next chapter, in fact.
Hey, I just checked the author's pixiv. It's got chapter 10 already. Where are you out trusty komrades from /u/ ???
Hey, I just checked the author's pixiv. It's got chapter 10 already. Where are you out trusty komrades from /u/ ???
They're translated (along with a Neko no Hi special), just waiting on the typesetter.
Just my two cents on the issue, anyway.
(For some reason the whole post gets marked as spam when i include the whole quote.)
Yeah, i get what youre saying, and agree for the most part. My opinion was always that we shouldnt glorify it, sexualise it, champion it etc, but in the very rare case that it does happen we simply shouldnt judge people for it, as long as it is consentual. And that was even before my current relationship. ^^
@CertainPudding Was the "why are we bringing up the real life issues up" directed at me? I apologize if i made anyone uncomfortable. I dont check this site very often and while catching up with the comments here i noticed some people saying how wrong and immoral wincest is and i just wanted to give my opinion on that. I think the discussion had already moved on though, so i apologize once again. Its just a topic that is near and dear to my heart so im often having trouble keeping my mouth shut. ^ ^ Especially when i hear people saying that it should be prosecuted.
I shall refrain from doing so in the future.
I shall refrain from doing so in the future.
Please don't refrain--I've very much valued having your perspective, so if you have something you want to say, please say it.
I do think many people, me among them, consider sibling relationships differently than parent-offspring relationships, where a significant power imbalance would seem to be all but inevitable. But for me, as I suspect for the vast majority of commenters, the issues around this topic are mainly abstract and hypothetical, and I welcome the chance to hear about someone's lived experience, insofar as you're willing to share it.
I shall refrain from doing so in the future.
Nah, I agree with @Blastaar, hearing from someone about their personal experiences pertaining to the subject is fascinating.
Hey, I just checked the author's pixiv. It's got chapter 10 already. Where are you out trusty komrades from /u/ ???
They're translated (along with a Neko no Hi special), just waiting on the typesetter.
Do you have it? I would appreciate it greatly if you could share it with me
@CertainPudding Was the "why are we bringing up the real life issues up" directed at me? I apologize if i made anyone uncomfortable. I dont check this site very often and while catching up with the comments here i noticed some people saying how wrong and immoral wincest is and i just wanted to give my opinion on that. I think the discussion had already moved on though, so i apologize once again. Its just a topic that is near and dear to my heart so im often having trouble keeping my mouth shut. ^ ^ Especially when i hear people saying that it should be prosecuted.
I shall refrain from doing so in the future.
I agree with others that you should feel okay mentioning it. It's relevant to the content of the story, and it got me thinking more deeply about the subject than I normally would have.
Is there a chapter 8 coming soon?
Hey, I just checked the author's pixiv. It's got chapter 10 already. Where are you out trusty komrades from /u/ ???
They're translated (along with a Neko no Hi special), just waiting on the typesetter.
Do you have it? I would appreciate it greatly if you could share it with me
Dozo, have a starfish: