The story doesn't actually say that. The blonde is attracted to her now, regardless of their prior relationship. The one with the dark hair only seems concerned that one of them being a guy is the expected arrangement, and that she made such a ridiculous mistake when they were kids. She demonstrates that she's attracted to and is very comfortable getting physical with the blonde in the present, who doesn't resemble her child self at all.
I suppose I misinterpreted it. You're right.
Nowhere does it say that either is settling, not attracted to the other, or "forced" to have a relationship because of their childhood attraction.
Isn't settling just accepting to go steady with one another? I actually like that sort of thing and thought it was like this in this one-shot. I did not claim they weren't attracted to each other nor that it was forced (I intended to put it as a "well lol shouganai" way), they very clearly were into one another from beginning to end.
Also there wasn't even a single hint of any settling
Well, fuck my English and what I think words mean but then don't.
She didn't say anything like "Oh well, it can't be helped if you are a girl" or "I guess I'll have to get used to it.". In fact she specifically said, they should go out after other girl said, she was her first love too and doesn't mind how cute she got
That's how I had perceived it at first. Then overthinking me (but by no means worked up, I was simply voicing my thoughts on it, I enjoyed this short) assumed what I already mentioned earlier.
Actually, now that I think about it, if she was already looking for relationship, her immediate respond to hook up make perfect sense. Damn, you are making me overanalyze this 4 page manga...
Meh, I don't see anything wrong. It's silly but fun, so why not? Write a 10 paragraph essay about it for all I care.
I don't know what else you guys want.
Specific niche yuri stories with niche characters and niche storylines pandering specifically to me and only me with no exceptions outside of what I do not approve of. And my favorite yuri getting an anime adaptation while everyone else gets nothing at all.