Forum › Yuri Natsu -Kagaya Inn- discussion

joined Aug 7, 2017

Wait until the next chapter is uploaded. Saw it on Danbooru, left me alternating between laughing and shaking my head in disbelief.

joined Sep 30, 2017

As Kuki Just showed us:

Sororophobia > Lesbophilia > Entomophobia

joined Jun 23, 2017

Kuki, Kuki... You're hopeless and I love it :3

joined Oct 16, 2016

At some point this series went from standard Mochi affair to It's Always Sunny in Kagaya Inn.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

The new guest is being silly why would anyone at Kagaya Inn be a siscon?

joined Mar 20, 2017

Kuki, you can never escape Hana-chan's grasp , LIP (Les In Peace)

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Lol sexual harassment......i feel bad for her XD

joined Apr 20, 2013

Miki was the scary one and Hana the cute one... But now...

joined Jul 15, 2016

We'll catch the cicada ourselves in our room

Is that what young people are calling it nowadays? :-/

joined Apr 5, 2013

The new guest is being silly why would anyone at Kagaya Inn be a siscon?
New guest? They're the first guests!! Tsukuda and Micchan!
Good to see that they're lovey-dovey. And good to see that Micchan is fiercely protective of Tsukuda-shi! And has a sharp eye. (Or at least is not totally blind, Miki isn't precisely subtle.)

Who exactly is Hana supposed to tell at this point besides their mom or something? Everyone saw her sexually harass the guests this time.
The police?

Good girl Hana, always being there to put a stop to Kuki's rampages.
Mochi is truly a blessing!!

joined Oct 10, 2016
joined Jul 19, 2015

Does every chapter include pissing now? When it's not the guests it's the fucking cicadas. What are you doing Mochi

joined Jun 27, 2017

It's no secret that y/urine is closely connected to yuri.

joined Jun 23, 2017

Poor Nazuki, she keeps being manipulated left and right... Have some pride!

joined Jun 3, 2017

Thats kuki screaming in the back right?

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

So much blackmail and scam going on here O.O

I love it!

joined May 28, 2012

Scammer-chan finally shows her true color lol.
As expected.

joined Apr 15, 2013

This is an interesting twist. I really want to see how Yuki interacts with her sister now.

joined May 27, 2015

It's no secret that y/urine is closely connected to yuri.

Reminds me of the poor guy who started the "Yuri Nation" blog.

Also, I'm shocked it took until 2017 for someone to finally make a yuri piss game using that pun, "Yurinate". It was pissy as fuck but I felt it wasn't yuri enough

joined Sep 30, 2017

Sweet baby Jesus. Half of the girls in this Inn are deliciously deranged.

La Aoi Beau Chico
joined Oct 9, 2016

How fucking gullible do you have to be to beg n apologize on all fours for a kiss!? Bish you better be treating me to a 4 course meal, some ice cream and late night sex for me to beg on all fours! Have some dignity, for fuck's sake mate!

joined Sep 8, 2016

Damn, Mochi’s kink is coming out more and more each release...

I love it.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

I guess they never said this was the NICE yuri onsen. I am starting to think this is where people thrown out of that one have to go.

joined Dec 16, 2014

The new chapter was a little bit annoying to read. Didn't like it

joined Aug 7, 2017

Thats kuki screaming in the back right?


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