Forum › Met My Sister on a Dating Site discussion

joined May 7, 2017

Fun page: Mochi puts salt in my open broken heart.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's obvious she can't concentrate when she's there, because she wants to jump and kiss her.


joined Jul 15, 2016

Basically romance rule number one: communicate properly.

Corollary: "Romance genre rule number one: don't communicate properly."

joined Apr 18, 2016

Basically romance rule number one: communicate properly.

Corollary: "Romance genre rule number one: don't communicate properly."

Of course, we wouldn't have a plot if they handled things right.

joined Apr 20, 2013

sorathecrow posted:

Basically romance rule number one: communicate properly.

Corollary: "Romance genre rule number one: don't communicate properly."

Of course, we wouldn't have a plot if they handled things right.

Well, the author handled that very well in More than Friends, but this time she/he didn't go for that route so I hope there's a fresh development at least.

joined Apr 28, 2016

I feel like we're burying the lead here.

There actually are men in the Mochiverse.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I feel like we're burying the lead here.

There actually are men in the Mochiverse.

Yeah, but they're not important.

joined Dec 4, 2015

I feel like we're burying the lead here.

There actually are men in the Mochiverse.

Yeah, but they're not important.

This must be the most true thing I've read in my entire life (and past it).

last edited at Jun 22, 2017 11:44PM

joined Jun 22, 2017

I hate incest, but I actually enjoy this.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Damn... Awww she cried. Oh. . . Can't wait for the next chapter.
D': Old wounds reopened. :l

joined Jun 12, 2015

I think this story has lost its impact. I thought that Mochi would make it better with more chapters but right now it's not the same anymore :/

joined Apr 27, 2017

I want moar development >.<

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The Stan pages keep getting better.

joined Apr 18, 2016

Ah no... ;~; Don't cry, little goober. Also the credits pages are the real cliffhangers here. What will happen next.

joined Jun 11, 2016

It looks like this manga took a turn for the better. This and More Then Friends are my top 2 favorite series from her.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

La Drame.......strikes again!

joined Jul 3, 2015

Wow the big sister is such an insensible jerk!!!!

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Younger sister has finally realized they're both girls! What the heck are they doing?

joined Apr 9, 2015

when the credit pages are just as fun as the manga

joined May 15, 2015

ty based Stan for using Muppo in your credit pages

joined Feb 23, 2016

I see •3•

joined Jan 23, 2016

when the credit pages are just as fun as the manga

The chapter got me "shit, it just got serious..."
And then come the credit page and I can't stop laughing now XD

joined Dec 4, 2015

meteor2 posted:
Wow the big sister is such an insensible jerk!!!!

Since I'm a ghost and all my brain cells are already dead, I didn't quite understand...
Why, do you think that?

last edited at Jun 25, 2017 2:21AM

joined May 2, 2017


joined Dec 28, 2016

Apparently this is getting an official manga release that's available for purchase??? Pre-order now and releases on July 26th.出会い系サイトで妹と出会う話-電撃コミックスNEXT-もちオーレ/dp/4048932446/

last edited at Jun 25, 2017 4:00AM

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