Forum › Strawberry Fields Once Again discussion

joined Jun 13, 2015

Ooooh, so that's why it was called Kofuku Graffiti.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

"We have these two friends named Mimika and Kaede Yuzumori, and the younger one is a genius, so she built us a time machine and wished us luck."

Yuzumori-san gets it.

last edited at Jun 23, 2017 4:13PM

joined Sep 14, 2016

This is awesome, I can't wait for ch2. I just hope it doesn't get too serious at any point

joined Feb 2, 2016

Akita made robot or Andrew from one of the game she played or no time travel the love at first site

joined Feb 18, 2015

that height difference, though...


My problem is that bottom panel on this page. Look how tall she is! She must be a full 15cm taller as an adult than she is at age 16! Maybe it's just Pure embellishing things in her mind.

Anyways, this looks fantastic.

EXACTLY! One of my pet peeves is when mangaka draw girls who are in high school as growing multiple inches between high school and adulthood. That, for the most part, just DOESN'T HAPPEN! The vast majority of women are done growing by high school, and, other than changes due to weight changes or post pregnancy changes, practically done with physical development in terms of things like their figure. Women mature faster than men! (My daughter reminded me last night that the same is true for their emotional maturity as well... She's a bit of a smarta$$...)

However, other than that, I love the art!

blargh201 posted:

I feel like I've seen a similar plot elsewhere (not a condemnation, just a remark). The other one involved one of the couple dying and their lover went back to meet them in high school. It may have been het, though, the more I think about it....

One problem I have with the plot: what does the future Akira do now that her girlfriend is gone to the past? Can't wait to see where this goes. Black-barred out of caution.

Time travel is always a problem when you think about it, maybe when she gets back (if she can go back) it will be exactly one minute after she left in the future, or even a second later and everything will be changed... There's really no reason to keep Akira waiting because time is only going forward in the past, btw at this point in my reply I'm already confused.

Well this depends if the manga is going to go with time travel or alternate dimensions time travel, I hope it is the second because if it is the first it means that pure has to go back in time and that was already a part of history of her going back to meet her in the past or it doesn't work. I've done philosophy of time travel and I kinda hate time travel stories now.

As someone who writes novels about alternate world-lines and multiple universes, the logical conclusion would be that she would be creating an alternate world-line where Akira met her in high school and it altered her personality. If the technology that sent her here can take her back to her own time and place, it shouldn't impact HER Akira, who is strangely a head and a half taller... This one probably won't meet the future Pure... But maybe they'll stay together from high school on... unlike most high school romances.

joined Feb 17, 2013

Maybe she won't return to the future by jumping, but want to instead arrive there at the same speed as her amore? Spending their highschool years together?

She'll get the fiercest possible romantic rival at some point in that case.

Not for too long since the future her will need to bugger off into the time machine :) so either they will share her for a few years or she will keep out of sight during the few years that overlap. That's assuming her going back into the past doesn't totally change the future and she never met / dated the 'other' her - though that makes a paradox.

DR2 Hajime Hinata
joined Jul 20, 2016

more than friends, but less than friends then?
Anyway, I'm enjoying this so far it looks pretty enjoyable

Also, If she time travels and does change what happened, won't the only thing changed be Akira meeting Pure?
Which means the Akira that actually met Pure in the future would just be a forgotten future that would've never happened?

last edited at Jun 27, 2017 2:56AM

joined Apr 6, 2015

more than friends, but less than friends then?

I believe this line means "they like each other but are not dating, yet." If we believe what Pure is saying is the truth then they most certainly are lovers and are going to get married. But that's in the future and the manga will focus on their relationship and antics before they become actual lovers.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

more than friends, but less than friends then?

SUPER friends!

joined Apr 6, 2015

With people talking about the two Pures eventually crossing paths, I assumed that the time travel here works like The Butterfly Effect where her mind is sent back in time to her body in the past so there is only one Pure at any given moment. No paradox and no self-rivalry.

joined Feb 23, 2016

Hmmmm :> keeeep going~

joined Jul 15, 2016

more than friends, but less than friends then?

SUPER friends!

Well, Pure already has the obvious super-strength to fight crime...

...crap, you made me realize how much I want more Superhero Yuri. :-(

last edited at Jun 24, 2017 4:47AM

joined Dec 20, 2015

I love derederes that are a bit yandere <3

joined Dec 4, 2016

Another manga with pretty standard characters. Tsundere, air-head, shoujo girl, cold girls.. Seriously, anyone know any manga with more realistic characters personality?

joined May 24, 2014

Oooor the time travel is completely bs and Pure just became interested in Akira when she saw her in the train and the whole thing is just an excuse to hit on her :-)
.. which would be totally fine with me cos they're both cute <3

joined Feb 17, 2013

With people talking about the two Pures eventually crossing paths, I assumed that the time travel here works like The Butterfly Effect where her mind is sent back in time to her body in the past so there is only one Pure at any given moment. No paradox and no self-rivalry.

Yeah but that kind of time travel makes no sense to me - when you are in the past your future self does not exist - so if you overwrite her mind with your future one where does HERS go? You would in effect be killing your past self and replacing it - our brains aren't really only 10% used - all our neurons are doing stuff and there is no room to have her mind stored in there too somewhere.

Also your only option would be to stay back in time because you have no time travel 'device' with you - your mind couldn't be pulled back to the none existent future by any tech there - that doesn't exist yet.

I guess this method would work if you sent your mind into an alternate reality past version of you - but you will still be 'killing' them.

last edited at Jun 24, 2017 6:09AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

With people talking about the two Pures eventually crossing paths, I assumed that the time travel here works like The Butterfly Effect where her mind is sent back in time to her body in the past so there is only one Pure at any given moment. No paradox and no self-rivalry.

Yeah but that kind of time travel makes no sense to me - when you are in the past your future self does not exist - so if you overwrite her mind with your future one where does HERS go? You would in effect be killing your past self and replacing it - our brains aren't really only 10% used - all our neurons are doing stuff and there is no room to have her mind stored in there too somewhere.

Also your only option would be to stay back in time because you have no time travel 'device' with you - your mind couldn't be pulled back to the none existent future by any tech there - that doesn't exist yet.

I guess this method would work if you sent your mind into an alternate reality past version of you - but you will still be 'killing' them.

You need to watch the Butterfly Effect then, I'll use spoiler tags if you feel like you want to watch it before reading this. In the movie the main character basically does overwrite his younger self. The movie actually starts out showing that the kid grew up having various black outs where he did things he couldn't remember. The MC has an ability, that he inherited from his father, to be able to send his mind back in time to change the past. He can do it at will and has no problem sending it back to the future to see how he changed the time line. You can also read Ashita, Kimi ni Aetara since the MC seems to have the same ability but is able to send her mind forward in time to see how what she does in the present effects the future, and it basically runs on the same principle that she overwrites her future self's mind until she is sent back to the present. I don't think the idea of "killing" yourself by replacing your mind with another version from a different time is all the unethical. I mean, sending your mind back would just be you with just a lot more experience, basically Homura in a nutshell.

I also don't think Pure even wanted to go back to the future anyways. If it's through either technology or magic I think Pure knew it was a one way trip. The whole point is to spend her high school years with her future sweetheart.

About the whole brain science, multiple personalty disorder is a real thing. I don't think the mind has that much trouble dealing with more than just one person hanging out in there. I believe it's theorized that everyone actually has two minds anyways, where one is dominate and the other is subdued. I'm no where qualified enough to explain it but from what I remember people who get their left and right lobes separated from surgery to treat severe epilepsy can actually have the subdued half express itself. Such as the two lobes can disagree to do something, like one can make the right hand pull up their pants while the left hands starts to pull them down because they can't agree on whether or not they want to get dressed. I believe there was an experiment where a split-brain patient felt an object with their left hand but could not see it with their right eye, they were not able to verbally identify what they were touching but they could use their left hand to write down the correct identity. The brain is an amazing organ, I think it's futile to try to theorize how it would handle a future copy of the mind it currently has coming back to hold up residence.

joined Oct 16, 2016

This thread makes my head hurt.

joined Sep 8, 2016

Very promising!

joined Jan 21, 2016

This is a YES.

Little Red Rum
joined Mar 6, 2015

Best Mangaka Rohan posted:

Dat phone crushing though...... >.>

Maybe she's half android

What if she IS?? Judging by Akira's mindset, Pure could be an android that was built by her future-self based on a character from an otome game

joined Jun 3, 2017

So cute >.<

joined Nov 23, 2014

Clearly there is only one reasonable explanation for seven year time travel.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Skyrin posted:

Clearly there is only one reasonable explanation for seven year time travel.

Isn't that seven years forward in time though and not backwards?

joined Nov 23, 2014

Skyrin posted:

Clearly there is only one reasonable explanation for seven year time travel.

Isn't that seven years forward in time though and not backwards?

Well sure but it rewinds back when the sword is returned on the pedestal. At any rate it is magic, it can do whatever as long as we reach the Yuri of Time!

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