If it actually ends with all het, That would actually be one of the biggest disappointments. I actually enjoyed reading this, thinking "Which pairing is it gonna be!?" . Although, I was getting a little suspicious, of what the author was planning when I noticed they were focusing more on other characters, from the main three. Maybe this wouldn't feel so bad, if I only read the first chapter and left it at that. I honestly don't know how to express my loathing right now. It's like the villain won! What's the point of a love triangle if none of them get together! I still might read it, because I might need some closure. Also, does anybody know how the Japanese audience reacted to the ending? I know they have different opinions on same sex stuff, so I'm curious.
EDIT: At least, the story ended happy, according to the spoiler summary. If it wasn't for that extra page, I wouldn't be so upset!
last edited at Apr 30, 2017 2:15PM