Why is there so many labels for sexuality it makes no sense now a days. If you like someone that should be it or if your asexual and don't like people sexually that’s cool. I don't understand these new terms like pansexual and demi sexual. People like to overcomplicate things nowadays.
Well, gender and sexuality is more complex for some people than others. I know several people who feel standard gender definitions just don't fit for them, so I'm pretty cool about those things, even though I had never heard of most of the terms when I was younger. They are pretty simple, actually, if just look at the prefix:
a - not - as in not attracted.
Hetero - attracted to the opposite
Homo - attracted to the same
Bi - attracted to both or either
Pan - attracted to any - basically means that the gender is irrelevant to whichever type of attraction you are talking about.
Poly - attracted to many but not all - this is used by people who are attracted to people who fall outside of the standard binary genders (trans, gender-fluid, agender, etc...) possibly as well as one or more of the standard genders, but not ALL like PAN. It generally implies attraction to non-binary or transgender people though.
Demi - attraction comes after strong emotional bond. Basically, you have to get close to the person before they become attracted to you in that way.
So when someone suggests that Yuu is Demiromantic, it is suggesting that she needs to have a strong emotional connection before she feels a romantic attraction.
last edited at Sep 6, 2016 5:30PM