Forum › Yuri Kuma Arashi discussion

joined Jan 22, 2015

Wait, maybe I'm missing something here, but when did Kureha find out that Ginko accidentally killed her mom? Also, WHAT THE HELL? I could take the rest of the bizarre stuff so far, but that just came out of left field...

Wtf? Don't brainwash your kids and take them bear hunting folks.

joined Jun 5, 2015

God, I hate Ginko's mom, The whole character annoy me.
These last chapters were absolutely confusing for me. And when did she learn about how her mother died?
The manga began so nice but turned into such a mess, a shame...

joined Feb 3, 2013

I'd assume at this point that executive medling is preventing Morishima from finishing the manga, since I see no other way someone could see that asspull and think it's an ok way to continúe the story.

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 6:34PM

joined Apr 15, 2011

@blopa - hmmmm, good point. one question i've been mulling over is what would stop Morishima from creating a doujin that "tries" to give a better explanation of the story?

LOL, i like what you've called this... an "asspull". LMAO!

joined Apr 28, 2016

@blopa - hmmmm, good point. one question i've been mulling over is what would stop Morishima from creating a doujin that "tries" to give a better explanation of the story?

LOL, i like what you've called this... an "asspull". LMAO!

It's a very common phrase in certain corners of the internet.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

@blopa - hmmmm, good point. one question i've been mulling over is what would stop Morishima from creating a doujin that "tries" to give a better explanation of the story?

LOL, i like what you've called this... an "asspull". LMAO!

It's a very common phrase in certain corners of the internet.

See also PIDOOMA, used in other circles.

joined Apr 15, 2011

@blopa - hmmmm, good point. one question i've been mulling over is what would stop Morishima from creating a doujin that "tries" to give a better explanation of the story?

LOL, i like what you've called this... an "asspull". LMAO!

It's a very common phrase in certain corners of the internet.

@Nidienne - yeah, i know the term, i was laughing because it's the first time someone on here has called it out as such, but thanks for providing the link.

See also PIDOOMA, used in other circles.

@Nez - say Nez, the wiki entry is hillarious. i totally dig the latin name and may need to start including it in either my code or when i document other's code.

Completely off-topic... but speaking of pulling bullshit out of one's ass, i'm listening to one of my country's presidential candidates. talk about Argumentum ex culo and the mother of all BS arguments... ugh! :-(

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 10:22PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

The reactions to this penultimate chapter should be interesting...

joined Jul 7, 2016

For a long time, I was thinking that this story made much more sense than the anime's. Now, I'm beginning to think otherwise.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Random Estonian out of nowhere, what. Just about the last place where I expected to run into that.

Seems more or less correct too.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This series has never made sense. Each chapter I feel like I grasp less of the world than I did before reading it. Does this series not have an editor? I find it hard to believe that it makes so much more sense in Japanese to the point where an editor would give it the OK. It can't just be an issue of it being lost in translation.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It kinda went full circle with the anime. I can see how Ikuhara is behind this. Well played.

joined Jan 22, 2015

That's it. I need some counselling. And more shrooms.

joined Jul 28, 2016

I was surprised by how not confusing as hell this was in the beginning... and look where it is now. Well, everyone's a bear now, everyone's happy, I guess that's how it's gonna end.

joined Dec 16, 2015

...ok I dunno what is going on anymore...I need a adult.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Completely off-topic... but speaking of pulling bullshit out of one's ass, i'm listening to one of my country's presidential candidates. talk about Argumentum ex culo and the mother of all BS arguments... ugh! :-(

It is somewhat frightening that
1) Given the most obvious assumption about what country that is, this gives me no way of telling which candidate it was, and
2) Really, if I'm being fair, it doesn't actually give any guidance whatsoever about what president-headed country that might be.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Meanwhile, is there something wrong with me if I thought this chapter actually explained quite a bit? OK, true, some completely ludicrous things happened, but the overall shape of what's been up all this time is becoming pretty clear (and is in a way disappointingly ordinary).
I mean, this turns out to be a story of the return of the long-lost childhood first love, a staple of shoujo romance. It's just that in this case, one of the childhood lovers accidentally killed the other one's mother, and reacted by doing weird displacing things both in terms of memory and perception, perhaps with her mother's help when mom realized she couldn't handle the truth. Since the lover's mother she shot was a bear-hunter and because of her own mom's stylistic issues, the whole bear thing got brought in. After all, who would have killed a bear-hunter? A bear, clearly.
She didn't consciously remember her first love, but when she saw her again she perceived her as the only human because first love and because her slain mom was clearly not a bear. And she fell for her all over again, and since then the story has been to a fair extent about her gaining the strength to face the truth, layer by layer, so the two of them could overcome the trauma and love each other without being haunted by the past.
So in essence, childhood sweethearts + traumatic event and almost Freudian repression, overcome by the therapy of love.
And, OK, there's some stuff about them having somehow met while still in their mom's wombs and being almost destined to love, to fulfill in this generation what the previous generation didn't have the moxie to pull off.
Sprinkle symbolism as/if desired.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 7:19PM

joined Sep 22, 2014

The bear symbolism in the anime was heavily tied to the views and expectations of lesbianism and they way they're treated in Japanese culture, but the bear symbolism here is something psychologically tied to Ginko and her mother and the way they view themselves and society as "other," except for a girl they fell in love with, who they viewed as "human" or "unlike me or anyone else and impossible to be reached."

Interesting. Cute bears doing cute things.

joined Sep 21, 2015

A healthy person can't live with a crazy person for long without turning crazy herself. Lol.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

The bear symbolism in the anime was heavily tied to the views and expectations of lesbianism and they way they're treated in Japanese culture, but the bear symbolism here is something psychologically tied to Ginko and her mother

Well, that's not too surprising I guess. Morishima Akiko's approach to the issue of how Japanese culture reacts to lesbianism has always been pretty much "I refuse to give a fuck", so it would be out of character for her to turn around and explore it and treat it as a big inhibiting issue.
And it's always felt to me like a conscious strategy--basically "My characters will behave as if social acceptance is not an issue, and by refusing to treat it as a problem we will assume acceptance into existence".

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 1:39AM

joined Jul 20, 2011

It's a very common phrase in certain corners of the internet.

See also PIDOOMA, used in other circles.

"Proctolojustification". I love this term.

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 6:49AM

joined Oct 15, 2014

And here's the last of it!

joined Jun 28, 2016

Well its finished.. I don't know if i am happy or sad.

joined Sep 22, 2014


joined Jul 28, 2016

Yurikuma Arashi Airline.

Embryo yuri.

Mention of polyamory.

The whole Harishima thing... also, who was she again (in the anime)? Was she that girl who was sleeping with Yurika and then got eaten by her or was that someone else? In retrospect, I guess that would make her love for Yurika in the manga make sense. I don't think she showed up even once in the manga, although I suppose that's why her whole lack of presence thing was lampshaded.

What a great concluding chapter (well, chapters). It's a bit weird how Milne just came back out of the blue, but at least Lulu's happy. Glad to see that Mitsuko and Sumika (apparently) hooked up too.

last edited at Aug 21, 2016 4:29PM

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