Forum › Witches' Sabbath discussion

joined Jan 31, 2013

Unexpectedly tame, but still just about as crazy nonsensical as I've come to expect (if in a subtle way). This was pretty adorable, I hope it's a girl too.

joined Jul 17, 2013

Oh, this was a little weird (?) but i really liked it, very cute!

joined Jan 27, 2012

I guess this is another way for lesbian couples to get pregnant. Using Black Magic!!!

joined Sep 23, 2013

The blonde's creepy smile was all I saw as supernatural.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Assuming black magic babies follow normal genetics, they don't need to worry about it being a boy; they only have X chromosomes to give

last edited at Nov 5, 2013 12:17AM

joined Oct 15, 2013

I was expecting something insane/crazy from Dowman Sayman... and we got this... this... it's quite adorable if I may say so, going on my favs :D

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

Wow. A completely happy Dowman Sayman oneshot, no strings attached. Totally unexpected, I'm thrilled!

joined Jul 23, 2013

Wow. I usually don't like Dowman, because of all the het he does (I'M A YURI ADDICT!!! DX ), but this was actually kind of cute. Still don't like the idea of the girl getting pregnant in high school (especially with the assistance of black magic!), but still a good read.

joined Apr 10, 2013


Still don't get it but I'm happy for them.

joined Mar 29, 2013

gay witches are very important to me and i hope they raise their little baby satan up right

joined Feb 28, 2013

AWWWW!! They are adorable!

I hope they get an adorable little witchy baby girl.

joined Apr 27, 2013

Assuming black magic babies follow normal genetics, they don't need to worry about it being a boy; they only have X chromosomes to give

Nah. They talk about semen on P6, so maybe they aren't using body fluids of their own?

That'd make the rest of the ritual unnecessary, though

joined Feb 17, 2013

I really like pretty much everything Dowman Sayman because of the crazy. And this was actually cute/positive at the same time.

joined May 28, 2011

Assuming black magic babies follow normal genetics, they don't need to worry about it being a boy; they only have X chromosomes to give

Nah. They talk about semen on P6, so maybe they aren't using body fluids of their own?

they say is their own child, so I am assuming the semen is just part of the ritual, like the circle and the snake blood. otherwise it doesnt make sense...

joined Feb 2, 2013

Dowman, thanks for existing,
and thanks to the traslators and editors too...

joined Feb 8, 2013

Oh so this is how two girls should make babies =O writes down

joined Aug 22, 2013

I guess this is another way for lesbian couples to get pregnant. Using Black Magic!!!

so instead of science babies it's... magic babies?

joined May 22, 2013

I guess this is another way for lesbian couples to get pregnant. Using Black Magic!!!

so instead of science babies it's... magic babies?

Now you mention it, why does Science babies equal to Magic babies here?

joined Sep 25, 2013

They seem a bit young to be giving birth to the Anti-Christ.

joined Apr 30, 2013

Cute :) ..

joined Nov 28, 2011

Well then, that was strange for lack of a better word!

joined Jul 20, 2011

That one was very sweet. And very non-strange for Sayman's standards.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

Assuming black magic babies follow normal genetics, they don't need to worry about it being a boy; they only have X chromosomes to give

Nah. They talk about semen on P6, so maybe they aren't using body fluids of their own?

they say is their own child, so I am assuming the semen is just part of the ritual, like the circle and the snake blood. otherwise it doesnt make sense...

Agreed. The semen is symbolic of fertility, they're not using it for genetic material. This isn't science. Now that also means the X chromosomes thing may be irrelevant, but I still would figure that symbolically, a girl and a girl should make a girl.
Also agree with everyone else--this is the cutest, sweetest Dowman Sayman ever.

joined Jun 1, 2013

Woo hoo woo hooo ~

Quite insanely good. And

Ahahhahah X"D Dowman ~ Still waiting for his other series though .

joined Jun 23, 2013

wut? really?

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