Forum › Indigo Mermaids discussion

joined Jun 12, 2015

. . .how the fuck did she even get in the water!? Didn't Rena say she wouldn't have the strength to move for a while. And if takes immediately after the first part than Maho couldn't even roll herself out the cave (cove, whatever). She'd just be on the ground wondering "the fuck just happened" and Rena would be long gone.

When Rena took the "stone", the weather was bad and the tide was strong, so...

last edited at Dec 23, 2015 3:50AM

joined May 11, 2012

Didn't the weather get bad only because she took the jewel and it was reacting to her negative feelings?

joined Mar 28, 2015

Now, it left me to wonder how mermaids make love when they are in the sea. Maybe they don't : they have no visible genitals when in mermaid form. A bit contrieved that they have to go on land and be human in order to have sex.

Or they are like some kind of amphibians that can only reproduce on land.

joined Jul 15, 2015

I tried googling fish sex. Ended up with a wikipedia article about sex for fish. (ugh, btw..)
Also some dude named Jorma Vulli who fucked a burbot in the 70's. Go funland.
edit: what the fuck, he fucked a fish and then cooked and ate it. And made a magazine article about it.

last edited at Dec 23, 2015 4:49AM

joined Mar 9, 2013
"It's just as bad as your swimming... But it feels good."

I would burst out laughing in the middle of it, I would not be able to keep a straight face to continue. Noooope. XD

joined Mar 25, 2013

She's saying goodbye to her and supposedly leaving forever "Enjoy your life" and 3-4 pages later they're making-out like nothing happened? Sure.

Mira is Mira though, and her stuff is good. Besides one work that is. Borderline two. That is only according to me, no need to get your panties in a twist (:

joined Sep 11, 2014

Im glad I'm not the only one with that one how are they going to do it to that mermaid sex scene. I was like "so hmm, is it just going to be breast stuff?? *they go on shore so their genitals reappear. Wow, how convenient!!!!!"

Maybe mira thought mermaid/fish genitals were too wild for his or her target audience?

joined Mar 28, 2015

I tried googling fish sex. Ended up with a wikipedia article about sex for fish. (ugh, btw..)
Also some dude named Jorma Vulli who fucked a burbot in the 70's. Go funland.
edit: what the fuck, he fucked a fish and then cooked and ate it. And made a magazine article about it.

That was disturbing.

Anyway, fishes don't have sex. The male just spreads semen on the eggs eventually, but it doesn't involve any kind of penetration. There're probably some exceptions though.

Mammals, like dolphins, on the other hand, have sex. I found some articles about a man, and a woman, who had sex with dolphins. I'm not an advocate for zoophilia, because consent is dubious, but are dolphins intelligent enough to give consent, that is another debate.

So, we will go with the idea that mermaids are mammals (after all, they have mammaries), like dolphins.

But they can't go on scissoring! Sad...

joined Jul 15, 2015

Anyway, fishes don't have sex. The male just spreads semen on the eggs eventually, but it doesn't involve any kind of penetration. There're probably some exceptions though.

Some sharks do! My username is strangely relevant.

joined Mar 8, 2014

Awww that was so cute

joined Mar 28, 2015

Anyway, fishes don't have sex. The male just spreads semen on the eggs eventually, but it doesn't involve any kind of penetration. There're probably some exceptions though.

Some sharks do! My username is strangely relevant.

With a nickname like this, you would know, obviously... *wink wink*

last edited at Dec 23, 2015 5:49AM

joined Jul 30, 2015

Oh Mira, I love your storys :3 Very very good one! Beautiful story!

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

when mira tires, she can write decent stories to accompany her talent for sex scenes

I'll be honest, even as a fan of Mira I'll say that a lot of her earlier sex scenes were quite awkwardly posed, as was much of the rest of her work. She's gotten much better since the old days of My Neighbour Yumeno-San, as charming as it was.

joined May 20, 2013
"It's just as bad as your swimming... But it feels good."

I would burst out laughing in the middle of it, I would not be able to keep a straight face to continue. Noooope. XD

Daaaamn. Didn't know Mermaids at sea could get burned.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Anyway, fishes don't have sex. The male just spreads semen on the eggs eventually, but it doesn't involve any kind of penetration. There're probably some exceptions though.

Some sharks do! My username is strangely relevant.

Actually, that was quite interesting, because Sharks can actually reproduce without males by parthenogenesis.

I'm suddenly more fond of them.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This track suddenly seems very relevant. Especially the bits about salmon and anglerfish.

joined Oct 30, 2015

I love the Yuri but I love the story even more! I think I might fall in love with this Author's Manga(s).

last edited at Dec 23, 2015 11:53AM

joined May 11, 2012

So if female sharks can repruduce trough parthenogenesis, does that mean Samejima from Anko-san of the Deep-Sea Fish could do it too?

joined Sep 11, 2015

This made me sad :(

Don't worry, hopefully its gonna get better in the next part.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Yay! Happy ending ^_^
I thought it was pretty good

joined Jul 26, 2013

Ohhh does that mean the aunt did get married at the end? Yayyy!

joined Jul 8, 2013

Kind of a dumb ending imo. And she seriously tried to kill this girl without actually having ANY evidence as to what had actually happened? Y the hell did she think the stone was even fucking in her!? I mean seriously. I would not have forgiven her. But then again, I'm a cynical asshole so maybe I'm not the best standard to follow here. Doesn't mean the whole situation wasn't pretty fucking stupid though lol.

joined Mar 22, 2013

This kind of ending always leave me wondering, she lived in the land like a normal human, now she lives in the ocean, ins't that like, a super boring life? Just swim around and nothing else to do besides explore the ocean and eat fish, well they will have hot lesbian mermaid sex everyday, but still, unless she treats the ocean like a home and go into land everyday to do things, which they both probably do, this kind of ending would not be happy at all...

OMG If I could chose to live as a mermaid in the ocean I'd do it right away. The ocean is so vast and I'd explore places where no human would have ever been. :D (Then after two weeks I'd miss music and regret going into the ocean, but still... I wish I could live underwater, everyone's got their own paradise and hell I guess^^)

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

This kind of ending always leave me wondering, she lived in the land like a normal human, now she lives in the ocean, ins't that like, a super boring life? Just swim around and nothing else to do besides explore the ocean and eat fish, well they will have hot lesbian mermaid sex everyday, but still, unless she treats the ocean like a home and go into land everyday to do things, which they both probably do, this kind of ending would not be happy at all...

OMG If I could chose to live as a mermaid in the ocean I'd do it right away. The ocean is so vast and I'd explore places where no human would have ever been. :D (Then after two weeks I'd miss music and regret going into the ocean, but still... I wish I could live underwater, everyone's got their own paradise and hell I guess^^)

Personally, if I was spending that time with the love of my life, plus becoming more and more detached from the land dwellers due to my immortality, I think I'd manage to adapt. And if there was some way to use the stone to start bringing mermaids back to the seas, so much the better.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Some passing giant picked her up and dropped her head first into the water...

So she was the daughter... backstory yuri is ded ;_;
Newlyweds at the end... background yuri probs ded ;_;

Second chapter felt so rushed.

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