If the naughty happenings does not happen in the toilet, it is the nurse office. If not the nurse office, the naughty happenings happens in the toilet. Fuck! Must camp toilet. Shit, must camp nurse office. Fuck shit, stuck with two difficult choices.
simple solution. every hour rotate between nurses offoce and toilet. continue rotation until you are mistaken for nurse, janitor or creepy perv. if called a perv, denounce any pervy associations and pick option three: looking for lost ***** <fill-in-the-blank-of-your-lost-item>. if that doesn't work, flash your sweetest, saddest puppydog eyes and ask if they'll help you find said lost item, then continue rotation of trolling nurses office and toilet.
see, problem solved or you end up in jail.
last edited at Dec 21, 2015 9:51PM