Forum › Her Kiss - Infectious Lust discussion

drpepperfan Admin
joined Oct 12, 2010

waaaaaah too cute ;-;

joined Oct 15, 2013

that slight reversal in the end :o

Cute stuff, eagerly awaiting for the next part.

joined Jan 8, 2014

Very cute! I hope the author gets to do more of these two ^_^

joined Jan 19, 2015

Whoooooaaaa didn't expect a sequal. I feel so happy. Geh. tears up

joined Sep 21, 2014

Blondie has issues, they need to communicate more, but asides from that they're adorable <3
Part 3 is already being translated by Yuri-ism, I can't wait!

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

First one was really good. Second tried to tackle too many issues in too little pages but it still was pretty good.

joined Oct 16, 2013

Ayane rubbed me the wrong way. I really dislike forcing people to come out and she even guilt tripped her after. Pretty disrespectful in my opinion. Other than their obvious communication problems, I liked the beginning of the chapter. The date was cute. I wonder how the other chapters will go.

joined Mar 12, 2014

Ayane rubbed me the wrong way. I really dislike forcing people to come out and she even guilt tripped her after. Pretty disrespectful in my opinion. Other than their obvious communication problems, I liked the beginning of the chapter. The date was cute. I wonder how the other chapters will go.

Yes this! I was a bit put off at that point. Was getting a bit manipulative towards the end as well when she decides to go hide in the bushes and watch her cry, instead of like wake her up when it was her stop. I did enjoy their date though and hope that they can communicate a bit better!

joined Feb 11, 2014

Yeah, that blond girl seemed a bit too selfish and hypocritycal to me in that second chapter... "No, I don't have a cellphone and won't get it so only way for us to get in touch is if I decide to call you and on top of that you'll assume being gay openly because I want it so !"

I'm fine when there's a reason to it that make it in the other character's best interest, but here I simply don't see how that helps the other girl to force her to come out in such a forceful way.

Kinda like the story, though, along with the art, so hope that blonde girl will get more understanding.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

I suspect Ayane's actions are largely the result of insecurity. From the start she's been very timid, like taking Sana's initial hesitation as rejection, wanting to just be the two of them rather than exposing herself to Sana's friends in the hospital and so forth. So being so sensitive, the sudden change in Sana's attitude when her friends appeared, dropping her hand and calling her a "friend", hit those insecurities so she tried to force the issue which really didn't work. Which of course made her feel even worse, so she basically fled. The bit at the end was probably a bit much with her hiding, but at least she apologized and went back on having Sana come out since she now had more confidence that Sana was in love too.

Wow that gurl's a ROMANTIC one, no phone needed if she can talk to her gf in PERSON! >///<

joined Jul 3, 2015


joined Oct 16, 2013

Wow that gurl's a ROMANTIC one, no phone needed if she can talk to her gf in PERSON! >///<

Romantic, but so inconvenient in today's society.

joined Jan 20, 2014

at first i was like ugh ayane is kinda a bitch lol. prefer to talk to her in person? more like, sana can only hang out with her when AYANE wants to, since she can't contact her. not to mention everything else that followed. very manipulative. but then, going into creative mode, started thinking. these girls are only like what, 15? 16? so basically kids. what if ayane has a reason (parent, home life) to why she can't have a phone, and is just playing it off, trying to be cool? and what if also, she's recently decided she wants to be open about her sexuality, and have an open same sex relationship? given her age, she's bound to be awkward about it if it's her first time doing it. so she runs off frustrated/embarrasses/insecure, then doesn't know how to fix the gap she just made. gets off the bus, and still doesn't know how to approach sana again. but after seeing sana start to cry she gathers her courage and comes out, again trying to play it off and sound cool. honestly, it all just makes me see her as an awkward teenage girl, trying to live out and open and comfortable with her sexuality.

joined Aug 12, 2014

the feel make me warm

joined Sep 21, 2015

Today was my lucky day: all the yuri I read was fantastic ^^ I'm glad to know that the 3rd part is already being translated!!!

joined Jul 16, 2015

I love these two. For some reason, they are perfect together. I can't wait for more!

joined Dec 14, 2014

Never get LINE, peeps. You're going to spend a crazy amount on stickers. ._.

joined Aug 16, 2014

Good to see Micchan was converted.

joined May 26, 2011

I wish we knew how old Ayane was (unless it was stated and I missed it, in which case I'm a dope). She seems older to me (maybe by a year or two or more??) but seems to be a lot more mature in general. Is she in school like Sana or no? I just don't know it's a mystery..

Well anyway, I love this series and I'm thrilled we'll see at least a few more chapters.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

I smell a 3p coming (hopefully)...

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015


I smell a 3p coming (hopefully)...

It is already available at yuri-ism

EDIT/ Nvm, they just posted it here.

Pretty sweet and funny.

last edited at Oct 20, 2015 8:08PM

Haha what's with the end here?!? I didn't want MORE than TWO GURLZ IN LOVE INVOLVED!!! XD I PRAY FOR MA PURE YURI SOULMATE LOVE WITH ONLY TWO PEOPZ! >~<

joined Dec 8, 2013

Part 4 confirmed!! :DDD

I love the art in this series. So cute. <3

I'm okay with love triangles as long as it keeps the same lighthearted tone and they all end up living together happily ever after dying in their sleep of old age in each other's arms.

(I swear I don't have a problem...)

joined Dec 1, 2010

Ayane seems like trouble >_< I hope things turn out alright in the end.

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