Somehow this reminds me of another doujin which also ends in a reversal. The MC feels insecure because her partner doesn't seem to be in it when they make love and afterwards thinks something along the lines of "So this is what the wolf's face looks like when she is asleep". I tried to think of the author's name but it eludes me.
Somehow this reminds me of another doujin which also ends in a reversal. The MC feels insecure because her partner doesn't seem to be in it when they make love and afterwards thinks something along the lines of "So this is what the wolf's face looks like when she is asleep". I tried to think of the author's name but it eludes me.
Somehow this reminds me of another doujin which also ends in a reversal. The MC feels insecure because her partner doesn't seem to be in it when they make love and afterwards thinks something along the lines of "So this is what the wolf's face looks like when she is asleep". I tried to think of the author's name but it eludes me.
That was pretty fucking adorable. Even though they're kinda outlandish, I really love the lips and tongues. They're these long ass hentai tongues coming out of pencil thin grins that stretch across their entire face.
Somehow this reminds me of another doujin which also ends in a reversal. The MC feels insecure because her partner doesn't seem to be in it when they make love and afterwards thinks something along the lines of "So this is what the wolf's face looks like when she is asleep". I tried to think of the author's name but it eludes me.
So, I guess I'm the only one who wasn't so hot about the drawing style? The story was ok, and if there was a sequel, I'd probably read it, but it didn't leave me freakishly wanting more. Eh, to each her own.