Watch Saki + Nationals in Anime, you really don't miss anything and you get a pretty kickass soundtrack
Achiga-Hen sucks until the final episodes (pretty much when Teru shows takes the seat which would be 9-16)
Huh. I liked the Achiga-hen manga better than the main series honestly, despite having very little (no?) actual yuri.
didn't read manga Achiga-hen, battles are poorly rushed in the anime until Teru shows up, their time to shine didn't feel really earned, I thought Ritz was trying very hard to look for excuses to get them to second place more than any other match and something more personal, I just hate how all of them mesh in together when we have way more crazy creative character designs which help me seperate them all.
Shizunos superpower was kinda interesting and I guess they foreshadowed it enough with her Determinator superpower but she is seriously uncharismatic for an ace.
last edited at Jan 2, 2016 3:52PM