Forum › Happy Sugar Life discussion

joined Jul 29, 2017

So, in thinking about the moral/ethical hierarchy of (mostly bad) actions in this story, I got to wondering:

What’s the healthiest relationship in the series?

Shouko/Asahi, right? There's nothing internally wrong with that one, relatively speaking.

I mean, aside from one of them being dead, I imagine that would makes things a little more complicated.

I take the point, though—in moral/ethical terms it’s probably as benign as it gets here. But there’s no doubt that the relationship ultimately was deleterious to Shouko’s physical health.

At least we know that the relationship is unlikely to take a darker turn, although in this series I’d never say it’s impossible for anything to get worse.

joined Nov 18, 2017

I have not read the manga, but do people actually like this? Just a small summary of it rose 101 red flags for me

It really depends on your taste. For me, this story was very dark and very gritty, but had an artistic vibe to it that made it interesting. Many chapters will leave you in suspense and others will keep you wondering who will win or what will happen next. Many chapters can completely change your perspective on the situation or characters, and by the end, nobody is pure.

Overall, if you into dark, interesting, and artistic themes, and can handle a lot of darkness, and I mean a LOT of darkness, you'd probably enjoy this.

joined Sep 8, 2016

"I wish thath my heart could be filled. but if that's impossible then at least, I want someone to guide me"

Con toda esa escena pensé "¡Oh, la rosa de guadalupe!" ok, no, es la flor representativa XDD hasta la musiquita sonó en mi mente (sí, soy mexicano).

So far I still want this story with a happy ending. The yandere and the loli worth it among all thath plot but at the same time a dead end would be good too.

I have not read the manga, but do people actually like this? Just a small summary of it rose 101 red flags for me

It really depends on your taste. For me, this story was very dark and very gritty, but had an artistic vibe to it that made it interesting. Many chapters will leave you in suspense and others will keep you wondering who will win or what will happen next. Many chapters can completely change your perspective on the situation or characters, and by the end, nobody is pure.

Overall, if you into dark, interesting, and artistic themes, and can handle a lot of darkness, and I mean a LOT of darkness, you'd probably enjoy this.

Right, felt the same.

And, in the 37th chapter, whose jar is breaking? I mean, it's supposed to be a jar full of "love" but it's breaking so what is the meaning? Is it like "too much happiness" or "That love won't be fulfilled" or "sato is awakening the same issue as her aunt"?
Or worse, it's the anouncement of the beginning of the fynal arc of the story because, somehow their love has been fulfilled?

last edited at Jul 14, 2018 3:44PM

joined Dec 4, 2015

That flag haunts me... The end seems close, but I can't see the passports thing actually working... I just want Sato and Shio to be happy (sorry Asahi), is that too much (also, the jar breaking just further increases my worries)?

About Yuuna's (Shio's mom) backstory, it was painful, but I fear it wasn't as painful for me than it should have been, the reason being, while I was reading it, I was getting flashbacks of Henshin (or "Metamorphosis", in english) and... I really regret reading that manga (if I say something like "don't read it", how many would do the contrary?)...

EDIT: Just watched the first episode... Did I just saw the end? Oh boi...

last edited at Jul 14, 2018 8:14PM

joined Jul 13, 2016

So many deathflags, just don’t end up with the worst end :(

joined Jul 29, 2017

The end seems close, but I can't see the passports thing actually working.

Having just gone through the passport control of two countries in the last 72 hours, I can tell you that in real life it would have almost no chance of working, at least for those two countries. In fact, like one of those countries, Japan has recently introduced facial recognition technology at its major international airports (too recently to make it into the manga, I’m sure).

The best bet in the world of the story would be if a bored passport-control officer doesn’t pay much attention to two kids traveling together and just waves them through. But that won’t be a plausible plot point in fiction for very long.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

My thought is that if the passport photos are at least a few years old, then maybe it'd work out. Kids change so much as they grow that as long as the pictures are sorta similar and the ages look right, they might get let through. Or the author is relying on the fact that all his characters have basically the same face....

Either way, I doubt they even make it out of the city, much less manage to get out of the country. Something has to intervene and stop them from leaving, or else all tension in the story disappears.

joined Sep 22, 2014

So, in thinking about the moral/ethical hierarchy of (mostly bad) actions in this story, I got to wondering:

What’s the healthiest relationship in the series?

Shouko/Asahi, right? There's nothing internally wrong with that one, relatively speaking.

I mean, aside from one of them being dead, I imagine that would makes things a little more complicated.

I take the point, though—in moral/ethical terms it’s probably as benign as it gets here. But there’s no doubt that the relationship ultimately was deleterious to Shouko’s physical health.

At least we know that the relationship is unlikely to take a darker turn, although in this series I’d never say it’s impossible for anything to get worse.

...You make a good point.

But looking at all the "possible" relationships, using that term very, very loosely, we have:

Sato/Shio (codependence, manipulation, harm to outside parties)
Shouko/Asahi (Asahi's not in a position to love someone, Shouko is currently indisposed)
Shouko/Sato (Apparently the "I love you" might have been platonic :c ...Also Sato murdered her)
Sato/Mitsuboshi (manipulation, neither party is in a good place to love someone, the confession hasn't been brought up again)
Mitsuboshi/Shio (no)
Sato/Suu (Suu is being played like a fiddle, stalking, nonmutual)
Daichi(the teacher)/Sato (stalking, cheating, manipulation, attempted statutory, nonmutual)
Daichi/his wife (he's been cheating on her for ages with minors)
Manager/Mitsuboshi (actual sexual assault, statutory, ptsd, nonmutual, kidnapping, torture)
Yuuna/her husband (the worst thing on this list somehow)

But come next chapter, maybe Mitsuboshi will meat Sato's aunt, her love of broken people will meet his fear of adult women, and we will get an even more unhealthy interaction.

Either way, out of this list, if one being dead is a disqualifier, we would have to say that the teacher and his wife have the healthiest relationship. At least she's blissfully happy.

joined Jul 29, 2017

But come next chapter, maybe Mitsuboshi will meat Sato's aunt

Given the context, this is the most disturbing typo ever.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Personally, I'm super excited for Mitsuboshi running into the Aunt. It's promising to be quite a ride.

Shouko/Sato (Apparently the "I love you" might have been platonic :c ...Also Sato murdered her)

Yeah, I think it was platonic. Daisuki can be used for both romantic and non-romantic love.

And if you look at everything else Shouko does throughout the series, she's clearly heterosexual. She was the one trying to drag Satou back to their pastime of going out to find guys to fuck. And she was always wishing for her "prince" to find her. And it seems like she was falling in love with Asahi.

That's not conclusive, since she could still have been sexually attracted to women as well as all that, but she never shows that kind of interest in Satou. She clearly says that Satou is the best friend she's ever had and the only person she can show her true self to. That seems like a pretty good explanation for her use of "I love you".

So I'd say the likelihood of Shouko having romantic feelings towards Satou is low.

last edited at Jul 14, 2018 9:41PM

joined May 24, 2014




joined Dec 3, 2016

Anybody knows if I can buy the manga's volume? If so, where?

joined Jul 19, 2014

I have this sinking feeling that Mitsuboshi is going to end up killing the aunt and thus kind of screw over Sato and Shio's plan for escape. I can so easily see him going to the aunts apartment thinking Sato will be there, and the Aunt being who she is will trigger his PTSD thanks to manager-san and he'll end up killing her or something.
I hope I'm wrong.

joined Jan 7, 2014

Ahah what the fuck they actually did kiss

joined May 24, 2014

The animu decided to start in


An inusual place

joined Dec 4, 2015

Anybody knows if I can buy the manga's volume? If so, where?

I buy my mangas at CDJapan (I'm out of money to import 8 volumes of this manga right now, but I'm planning to).

joined Sep 18, 2016

The animu decided to start in


An inusual place

Yeah, it didn't happen in the manga. I wonder if the author told the anime staff how the ending will be, or if they decided to make an original ending.
And one more time, I prefer the manga over the anime. My second favorite thing about this manga is how cute and well done the art is, but the animation looks messed up and the colors are so weird?? But I enjoyed the soundtrack and the voice acting (specially Shouko's, her voice is so cute! P.S. RIP my OTP: Shouko x Satou). Well, I hope the anime at least makes people draw fanart for it.
I did start to really like Satou's autie. I felt sorry for the girl who is in love with Satou, they would make a cute pairing. My boy Asahi is starting to lose his cuteness.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Anybody knows if I can buy the manga's volume? If so, where?

You can buy them on Amazon's very simple if you want the paper books, and somewhat more complicated if you want the ebooks.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Anybody knows if I can buy the manga's volume? If so, where?

You can buy them on Amazon's very simple if you want the paper books, and somewhat more complicated if you want the ebooks.

How so? Never ever had any problems with ebooks on amazon. And I have hundreds of them.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

How so? Never ever had any problems with ebooks on amazon. And I have hundreds of them.

Well, I'm not sure about you, but for some regions or for some people will refuse to sell ebooks unless you have an address in Japan. It's fairly easy to get one, but it is a couple steps more complicated than ordering physical books.

joined Feb 15, 2013

I kinda like Satou's aunt after recent chapters.

I means she still fked up but her easy-going attitude of 'you just killed people and want me to risk my life to help you with no return, sure, no problem, I loved you btw' was very... admirable in some ways.

She really loved everyone unconditionally.

I really hope that Satou and Shio will make it. Sure the whole passport thing is a bit of a stretched, but honestly as someone mentioned, kids' face change a lot, and depending on Satou's acting skill, she may be let it off easy.

(And yeah i know the anime's opening may not be the best. But still. Hope.)

last edited at Jul 16, 2018 11:34AM

joined Jul 28, 2016

Does anyone know where I can find the lyrics (and the title) for the opening and ending songs? I really love the opening song and its perfect blend of cuteness and creepiness, and I'd love to actually know what the singer's singing. I like the ending song less 'cause it seems pretty generic in comparison, but I'm still curious to know the significance of the lyrics and all that.

Also, yeah, what the hell was up with that opening... I sure hope that it's just a metaphor or something rather than something that actually happens.

joined Jan 20, 2014

one thing that wasn't too clear that makes me curious, if the father in law died in that car crash too...what's the likelihood her parents committed suicide and took him down with them to atone? awfully coincidental that they all died together, don't you think?

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

one thing that wasn't too clear that makes me curious, if the father in law died in that car crash too...what's the likelihood her parents committed suicide and took him down with them to atone? awfully coincidental that they all died together, don't you think?

They were all going to the ceremony, perhaps they were walking or driving together, or just happened to show up at the same spot. Not much of a coincidence when three people who know each other, heading to the same destination, are in the same place at the same time.

And your theory doesn't really make sense—Yuuna's parents had just told her that they'd take her back into their house. Why the hell would they want to kill the father-in-law? How would that help Yuuna at all? Why would they think that would help them atone?

Honestly, of the four people who completely fucked over Yuuna's life, the father-in-law was the least responsible. Sure, he was a slimy piece of shit, but compared to her parents' betrayal, he actually was a positive impact on her life. He paid her living expenses and kept his son away from her. That's more than her parents did after she was raped. Ruining her life even more by killing a guy who wasn't even as bad as them... I don't think anyone, even her awful parents, could imagine that would count as "atonement".

last edited at Jul 16, 2018 2:53PM

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

xxcindybeexx posted:

one thing that wasn't too clear that makes me curious, if the father in law died in that car crash too...what's the likelihood her parents committed suicide and took him down with them to atone? awfully coincidental that they all died together, don't you think?

I think it'd be far more likely that the piece of shit husband would be responsible for it if it turns out not to be an accident.

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