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joined Sep 21, 2015 After Shouko let her down, she stopped thinking about her as a friend.

joined Apr 24, 2018

I sincerely hope the Sato gets her comeuppance in this manga. There is no excuse for the horrors she has committed, and she is the straight up villain now. To be fair I don't like the yandere trope generally, unless played for laughs, but obviously Sato has killed multiple people now, and it's just horrible IMO

joined Jan 30, 2015

So there will be anime adaptation out in july, Im happy, so much yuri lately in anime version :) Looking foraward, also curious about opening/ending songs

joined Feb 21, 2018

Why would anyone believe that Asahi was lying? He's spent months wandering the streets putting up flyers about a missing girl. What could possibly possess someone to do that, except for the obvious reason that she's his missing sister, just like he says. When Shouko saw Shio living with Satou, taking a picture and sending it to Asahi is a perfectly reasonable response. It's his missing sister that he's been looking for for months, letting the guy know she's alive is just the right thing to do.

We have multiple examples in this manga with characters becoming overly obsessive over this little girl. This manga exists in a world that someone could be lying about why they are searching for a specific little girl. Especially a homeless dude under a constant mental breakdown. And no, a reasonable response would have yelling out to Satou to ask about Shio. Not whipping out her phone, taking a picture and texting without saying a word.

Plus, even if it were all some giant misunderstanding, or if Asahi were lying, and Satou's relationship with Shio were perfectly innocent, then Satou would have nothing to hide, and lose nothing from Shouko sending a picture to Asahi. The only case in which Satou would suffer from her doing that would be if she had actually kidnapped the girl.

If Asahi was lying taking a picture motivates him to track them down and puts Satou in danger from a crazed homeless kid. If Shouko thought Satou had nothing to hide then she would have called out to her, not taken a picture.

Also, why do you think Shouko lied to Satou? Judging by all the dialogue on page 186, Shouko directly and honestly confronted Satou about kidnapping Shio, and told her to return her to her family. That's the opposite of lying.

She only confronted her after Satou yanked her into the apartment and even then Shouko lied about sending the picture.

I would agree with you in that this might be a betrayal from Satou's perspective, but I don't think even that would be true. Satou cut off all ties with Shouko. Satou might have seen Shouko's reaction to meeting her aunt as a betrayal, but after that she treated her like a stranger. You cannot be betrayed by someone who owes you no loyalty.

Satou cut ties with Shouko, not the other way around. And its not like Shouko knows that. Betrayal is still possible.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

Satou cut ties with Shouko, not the other way around. And its not like Shouko knows that. Betrayal is still possible.

Uh... Shouko definitely does know that Satou doesn't think of her as a friend, since Satou told her right here.

In any case, I just think it would be incredibly unreasonable to question that a kid trolling the streets night and day searching for a girl and putting up missing posters would be making the whole thing up. Also, she looks exactly him. They're obviously related.

Sure there are a bunch of weirdos in this world, but it seems like only Satou has met so many of them. Shouko has clearly had a normal life, and any normal person in this situation with the evidence she's seen would jump to the (correct) assumption that Satou had kidnapped that girl. Having arrived at that conclusion, sending a picture as soon as possible to the poor brother letting him know his sister is alive is just the right thing to do.

Sending that picture turned out to be the smart decision too, since she ended up getting fucking murdered by Satou. If she hadn't sent that picture, Asahi would never have found out who Shio was with or even that she was alive.

last edited at Apr 24, 2018 8:08PM

joined Jun 17, 2014

my heart dropped a bit after she just stabs her.

joined Feb 15, 2013

Satou cut ties with Shouko, not the other way around. And its not like Shouko knows that. Betrayal is still possible.

Uh... Shouko definitely does know that Satou doesn't think of her as a friend, since Satou told her right here.

In any case, I just think it would be incredibly unreasonable to question that a kid trolling the streets night and day searching for a girl and putting up missing posters would be making the whole thing up. Also, she looks exactly him. They're obviously related.

Sure there are a bunch of weirdos in this world, but it seems like only Satou has met so many of them. Shouko has clearly had a normal life, and any normal person in this situation with the evidence she's seen would jump to the (correct) assumption that Satou had kidnapped that girl. Having arrived at that conclusion, sending a picture as soon as possible to the poor brother letting him know his sister is alive is just the right thing to do.

Sending that picture turned out to be the smart decision too, since she ended up getting fucking murdered by Satou. If she hadn't sent that picture, Asahi would never have found out who Shio was with or even that she was alive.

Sorry can't agree on most of the stuffs you are saying here.

Look aside, because everyone in this manga is kinda looked like each other. The only reason that you can trust a homeless guy with very unstable mindset trying to search for a little girl is if (as Shouko's case) she blindly fall in love with him. No one with a sane mind running away from home and spending months searching for his sister. Most will either depend on the authority, go to school or have a proper part time job, try to keep their life afloat so they can welcome their sister back if one day they found her. Even from a legal POV, the correct action would be to take Shio away from both Satou AND Asahi (and their mother) and let her being adopted by a 3rd party.

On Satou's motive. Let's say, your good friend was known to live in an abusive household. Suddenly she moved out from her abusive home, took in a kid from somewhere, and started to become a productive member of society. Your first thought would be (and should be), 'oh, she see herself through this kid and want to make up for her'.

If you trust your friend, your first thought should be "there must be a reason for this". Not "oh , holy crap what is the worst interpretation of this that a homeless guy i know told me about"

last edited at Apr 25, 2018 3:52AM

joined Jul 29, 2017

These arguments based on claims about the most realistic behavior or plausible psychological reactions under these circumstances are truly hilarious.

At least now you all know what to do the next time this situation occurs in real life—run a background check on the little homeless kid in the hoodie putting up all the “Missing” posters.

joined Oct 25, 2011

These arguments based on claims about the most realistic behavior or plausible psychological reactions under these circumstances are truly hilarious.

At least now you all know what to do the next time this situation occurs in real life—run a background check on the little homeless kid in the hoodie putting up all the “Missing” posters.

You forgot the part where he's obviously crazy too.

joined Jul 29, 2017

These arguments based on claims about the most realistic behavior or plausible psychological reactions under these circumstances are truly hilarious.

At least now you all know what to do the next time this situation occurs in real life—run a background check on the little homeless kid in the hoodie putting up all the “Missing” posters.

You forgot the part where he's obviously crazy too.

In this storyworld, that pretty much goes without saying.

joined Sep 6, 2016

Fuck yessss, she messaged him. Ahh, I just hope her sacrifice is not in vain.

joined Sep 22, 2014

Sending that picture turned out to be the smart decision too, since she ended up getting fucking murdered by Satou. If she hadn't sent that picture, Asahi would never have found out who Shio was with or even that she was alive.

Oh definitely. As sympathetic as I am towards Satou in this crazy, dangerous world, Asahi's been left on a wild goose chase for a while now, him finding Shio's location has been teased for a while so it's good that he has a tangible, actual lead now. He's been pretty fruitless on his own.

Best Mangaka Rohan
joined Dec 13, 2016

Time i drop this shit.

joined Jul 13, 2016

I thought Shouko-Chan was in love with sato , so why did she kiss Asahi? Or am I just interpreting it wrongly since I view it from a romantic side? I’m just confused .-.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I thought Shouko-Chan was in love with sato , so why did she kiss Asahi? Or am I just interpreting it wrongly since I view it from a romantic side? I’m just confused .-.

Shouko is straight. Her main connection with Satou was that they'd go out after work to pick up guys (and based on Satou's record, presumably they were successful more often than not). I mean, that's not conclusive, she could be bi, or be repressing her true feelings, but she's stated on more than one occasion that she's looking for her Prince Charming. Either way, her love for Satou was always presented as the love of a close bond of friendship. Satou was the only person who knew Shouko's true self, so Shouko felt a deep connection to her. Maybe there was something more, but if so it was hidden.

last edited at Apr 27, 2018 6:07PM

joined Sep 22, 2014

I thought Shouko-Chan was in love with sato , so why did she kiss Asahi? Or am I just interpreting it wrongly since I view it from a romantic side? I’m just confused .-.

I thought it was a confession of love too when she told Shio that she loved her. I guess I was off there :c Pity, but Shouko/Shio still seemed like a good pairi at the time.

joined Oct 18, 2017

I find it hard to sympathize with Shouko at this point.

@Risingstar3110 already mentioned most of what i would have mentioned so i'll just add the bits that havent been mentioned yet.

Let us all remember that Shouko is a naive rich girl who's playing at being a bad girl and having flings with random guys. She's not a moral paragon in this story. I think, in some ways, she may be as twisted as the rest of the crazy bunch BUT she seems like the 'normal' one simply because we see more of the insanity of the rest of the cast.

I sympathize that she lost her life but i dont sympathize that her actions resulted in Sato killing her. She failed the test badly with Sato's aunt so she should have left well-enough alone but she didnt. I think she was blinded by her naivety and perhaps feelings towards Shio's brother into doing what she did, mainly badly betraying someone who would not take betrayal very well.

They say stupidity can be fatal and stupidity was the root cause of Shouko's untimely, and likely painful, death.

last edited at May 16, 2018 8:56PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

So, in this, the guy looking for Shio is the good guy and all the lesbians are cray-cray. Shio is exempt because she's probably an abused child.

The message here is "lesbians are crazy predators", and at the end of the day, Shouko's het attraction to that boy will save Shio from the clutches of the mad lezzie.

Can't say I like the direction it's going.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

The message here is "lesbians are crazy predators", and at the end of the day, Shouko's het attraction to that boy will save Shio from the clutches of the mad lezzie.

I don't really see how you've gathered that from this story.

All the heterosexual relationships we've seen (minus one) have been even more predacious. There's the woman who tied up Mitsuboshi and raped him, the teacher who cheats on his wife to prey on high school girls, whatever horrible thing happened between Shio's mom and dad, Mitsuboshi's own creepy fascination with Shio, Satou's aunt's many relationships that involve her regularly getting beaten by men, and then the empty relationships Satou and Shouko had with the many men they fucked. We've only really seen two lesbians, Satou and Suu. Satou, for all the fact that she has a kidnapped girl locked in her apartment, treats Shio far better than basically any other character treats anyone else, and Suu was the least malicious of all the crazy people Satou has dealt with so far.

I think the only way you can take "lesbians are crazy predators" as the message of this story is if you ignore literally everything about the story except the most recent chapter.

joined Jul 29, 2017

I don't really see how you've gathered that from this story,

In fact, I’m astounded that anybody thinks this story has a “message” at all.

It’s more like we’re sitting next to somebody at a bar who turns and says, “Hey, you want to hear something crazy?”

joined Jun 27, 2017

It’s more like we’re sitting next to somebody at a bar who turns and says, “Hey, you want to hear something crazy?”

It's pretty much only the "density" that makes this so crazy - you could probably pick each singular "incident" and find real life occurrences that fit. Some of the fucked up stuff here isn't even rare.

But I agree, I don't think the author is particularly making any sort of comment about anything (I find that manga generally don't ^^).

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

I'd agree that it doesn't feel like there's any coherent message at all. Or if there is, it's a fucking crazy message for lunatics. Like "never trust anyone" or "love turns people into psychotic murderers". Sometimes a story is just a story.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It’s more like we’re sitting next to somebody at a bar who turns and says, “Hey, you want to hear something crazy?”

It's pretty much only the "density" that makes this so crazy - you could probably pick each singular "incident" and find real life occurrences that fit. Some of the fucked up stuff here isn't even rare.

But that's just how crazy bar-type stories go: "So there was this time this thing happened, OK, but then this guy did THIS, which wouldn't have been so bad except then this friend of his girlfriend did THAT, and then the cops came, but they just said THIS, meanwhile, this weird neighbor . . . "

And before you know it you're hiding a lost child in your flat with a bunch of garbage bags in the next room smelling of decomp.

Or so it seems.

joined Aug 19, 2012

Can someone spoil me the latest raw? Couldn’t decipher much with my bad chinese but is the flashback character her aunt or is that shiro mom?

Also who is suu again?

last edited at May 22, 2018 12:38AM

joined May 22, 2018

Can someone spoil me the latest raw? Couldn’t decipher much with my bad chinese but is the flashback character her aunt or is that shiro mom?

Also who is suu again?

I could help translate for you, am fluent-ish in Chinese.

Do you have a link to the raws/chinese-translated raws?

last edited at May 22, 2018 2:47AM

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