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joined Jul 22, 2015

A kiss finally!!!!! Also secret is totally out. Bracing for incoming love triangle drama once tsuntsun VP gets told by Maki-kun.

joined Dec 5, 2015

Maki, no, Don't you dare do SHIT. Let these girls have their time and stop leaving your stuff everywhere!

joined Mar 6, 2012

"oh this is nice.. a kiss, woo! Whats this? NO! Don't ruin the moment! noooo!"

Drama inc.

joined Feb 28, 2013

Not going to lie, i'd give anything for Maki-kun to be a transboy.

joined May 15, 2014

this can go two ways, this starts unwanted drama or it forces there relationship forward. lets hope for the ladder.

Norainhere Staff
joined Jun 27, 2014

Ah, thank you so much for the chapter! So now Maki knows about them, huh? I wonder how he's going to react in the next chapter. Probably very awkwardly. I honestly don't think he's going to be the cause of that much drama, considering they didn't even realize he was there. Plus what exactly would he do, confront them? He seemed more embarrassed than anything else.

And they kissed again! Hooray! Is anyone else getting a vaguely tsundere-ish vibe from Yuu? Not in an overly exaggerated way or anything, just how she because of how she denies caring about Touko.

last edited at Jan 14, 2016 10:59PM

joined Mar 23, 2014

After seeing two girls kissed, Maki-kun converted to yuri-ism and vowed to worship Madokami his entire life.

joined Oct 20, 2015

haha..feels kinda weird to read "koito san"..sounds exactly as "coito" and it means "penetration" in spanish :v
want more chapters :c

joined Aug 17, 2013

My god, that dialogue was incredible.

Dammit I love this author. Yuri seldom gets to this level of trope-bending, progression, and general writing skill anymore.

This > Boobs & butts anyday,

joined Jan 31, 2013

I kinda like the no string attached kiss.

joined Sep 21, 2014

Iirc Maki indeed doesnt do shit. Apparently, (just like the way he ended up supporting his sports team and watching from the sidelines) he prefers to watch people's romance and see how it progresses. I dunno if he really does that, but I guess he's more interested in keeping tabs on them, rather than getting directly involved.
From what people think he's gonna do, isn't that a nice plot twist

joined Jun 5, 2014

Not going to lie, i'd give anything for Maki-kun to be a transboy.

Now that you mention it.... that sounds like a great idea.

joined Mar 6, 2015

I'm hoping for Maki to be best wingman!

joined Aug 16, 2014

And maybe the play would have koito and touko as the main actors?? Just a thought hehe

joined Aug 29, 2013

I love everything about this manga. The art is so clean and pleasant to the eyes. The character profiles are very well thought out. Cute yet sill makes you think. Just perfect on its own. Kinda sucks that it's my only favorite on-going yuri manga right now. Other series I'm interested in are not Japanese. Takemiya Jin's stories are good too, but they're not long enough and not too deep either. Nishi Uko's much deeper, but don't have good update schedule. Citrus and Netsuzou Trap are kinda trash, intended only for the mass audience. Japanese authors need to step up their game and make a weekly/biweekly yuri webtoon lol

joined Nov 2, 2013

the credits page. gets me every time.

joined Mar 28, 2015

the credits page. gets me every time.

Ikr! Girlfriends reference.

joined Feb 23, 2015

Maki-kun is an uke so he'll be supporting them and they'll be the gay student council team

joined Aug 10, 2015

the credits page. gets me every time.

Ikr! Girlfriends reference.
you re right i didn t notice awesome manga by the way

last edited at Jan 15, 2016 2:33AM

joined Jan 11, 2014
joined Sep 18, 2014

I like their banter this chapter. It's very cute yet very flirty.
My favorite?

Nanami: What? You don't love me, yet you still want to kiss? You're a loose woman, Yuu.
Yuu: If you're going to make fun of me, permission withdrawn!

joined Jan 29, 2015

Yasss!!! A kiss!!! This is really a good one...!

joined Aug 15, 2015

I think I got way too excited seeing a new chapter of this more than I normally would. Hopefully this series will able to cure my thirst for romantic yuri which seems to be quite rare based on how original this series have been.

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

After that nonsense where Nanami glances at the computer and Yuu immediately knows what she is supposed to do for her as her special person ... I am officially renaming them Yuumi and Nanachiko. She's already got Touko-chan's name.

last edited at Jan 15, 2016 4:17AM

joined Feb 11, 2014

Always suspected that guy joined the student council because he was interested in Yuu. Dunno if that's actually the case, but hope that won't end up causing some drama down the line. That story is already interesting as it is and there might already be some pseudo love triangle or jealousy when the vice prez will discover that Nanami is in love with Yuu, from that bonus chapter showing her viewpoint...

Really love that manga, in any way. :3

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