I liked this, I think it's pretty fitting for a character who was born in a highly pretentious/judgemental environment to think they'd be able to live better by pretending to be a gender they're not, and keep up such a pretense to the point of momentary madness/despair.
And while "I'm not into women, I'm into you!" thing is pretty memey, she DID say "I like you, the woman." And there were multiple acknowledgements throughout the story from Misaki that she liked the more femenine aspects of Akira.
About the kidnapping thing, it IS pretty yikes, but also this is a story and everything worked out in the end, and we don't really have to think about the psychological implications of Akira being willing to do that since we won't see more about them as a couple lol
Btw. I'm assuming her real name is probably based on a literary reference, but I don't know much about japanese lit to make an educated guess.