Forum › A Yuri Story About a Girl Who Insists "It's Impossible for Two Girls to Get Together" Completely Falling Within 100 Days discussion

joined Oct 25, 2014

I sure hope Aya has a good explanation. She's gonna need it. lol

Aya: It's just a Prank Bro (Gone Wrong) (Gone Sexual)

I meant how is she gonna explain the other girl to Marika. Aya said she's not fooling around with other girls, so she's got some explaining to do.

I can tell everyone and their mother is losing their minds over the sex scene, but I don't give two fucks about that.

last edited at Sep 7, 2022 10:03PM

joined Aug 21, 2019

Yay! It's the rape chapter

joined Nov 28, 2021

I really don't think the payment makes it ok or better, not to mention that Aya had said in an earlier chapter that if Marika told her no she would stop.

Look, I've read the LNs, I'll continue reading this manga, and I enjoy their relationship, but it's really weird that some people just want to wave this away.

I don't think the money makes it better or worse either, but the story has already been written and printed, so it's up to the reader's interpretation. I'm just gonna have to wait for later chapters to explain anything I have questions about, so it's just wasting my own energy to focus on the moral or ethical implications of something that is not taking place in the real world. I have enough sense to know that this situation is something that should absolutely be questioned if it was, so instead it's just time to turn brain off and look at pretty girl kiss.

joined Feb 19, 2016

Dynasty Scans don't defend female rapists where you wouldn't defend male rapists challenge (Impossible)

joined Mar 6, 2021

Aya is terrible at reading signals because she's a friendless loser who gets no bitches
Marika is terrible at giving off signals because she's also an idiot who gets no bitches and stacks 0 paper

Teren Mikami is a hack for claiming either of them can read a room and then never really acknowledging any of this (real)
I'm like 90% sure Kayako's only here for the dubcon every 100% consenting sex scene from here on gets like 3 pages

joined Apr 11, 2019

very poggers (i haven't read it)

joined Apr 12, 2018

Between this and "There's no way I could have a lover!" I increasingly get the sense that Teren Mikami has kind of a sketchy idea of what makes a good romance. I would still say I prefer this one to the other, since even if that one lacked the more explicit scenes, just the overall relationship dynamic there felt uncomfortably predatory and manipulative. Here, there's at least the understanding that Marika is interested in Aya, and deep in denial about her own sexuality, that makes the relationship work for me. I really liked the first half of the chapter!

But yeah, the rape scene, let's call it what it is, really challenged my interest in continuing with this. The only thing that sort of saves it for me is Marika offering to pleasure Aya in return, but the fact remains that Aya pushed and pushed in the first place even when she repeatedly said no. Just going by the general pattern established so far in both this and the author's other works, it feels like this isn't going to be treated as something Aya did wrong that she needs to learn from and act differently.

It sucks, because despite the name, the rest of the story thus far has been a really interesting, thoughtful look at someone discovering their sexuality and everything that comes with that, such as the bar chapters. But whenever it strays into sexual content it gets very uncomfortable, and while if addressed properly that could make Aya a very interesting flawed character, right now it feels like she's only a few steps removed from being the creepy dude from Fifty Shades Of Grey. If Aya hasn't shaped up by the end of this hundred days, I would hope Marika dumps her and finds a better girlfriend.

I don't know if I'll drop this yet, and hopefully this will be the worst it gets, but it's on real thin ice.

joined Apr 14, 2022

Minor-ish spoilers for people on the fence and who may want more information to decide whether they want to continue; no real details, just an answer to "does it get worse":
In terms of consent between Aya and Marika, this was the lowest point. It gets better from here. There is still something arguably even more problematic with side characters yet to come, but it's mostly in the background.

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

The issue here isn't even that Aya did this. It's that there is no commentary from the author. It wouldn't be the first relationship that has had a terrible moment that can be salvaged, but it's treated both in the manga and the LNs as just another event between them. I'm not asking for moralizing from author, but some kind of acknowledgement that that was really fucked up.

Honestly, I don't believe this is worse than your standard shoujo smut fare.

I read quite a bit of shoujo. Standard shoujo smut fare has changed in that respect since the 90s. You don't get much like this any more.
Not going to take a position on the scene in general, just thought this point specifically was inaccurate.

TheLubeTube Uploader
Me-A Scans
joined Jul 27, 2018

Shoutout to the ""poweruploader"" on MD who upon finding out that my MD group was closed just chose to not credit me so I have to beg arite like a dog if i want to upload any typo corrections, up yours as well xoxo

joined Nov 11, 2010

In the end, shows the author's limitation: Marika learns about Aya's (weird) past; Marika is still digesting the information, and says she is not in the mood for hentai stuff, as Rosalía would say; Aya and Marika end up discussing about their relationship; Aya is forceful (rape), Aya who explicitly said would never be forceful to Marika. The chapter was focused on getting empathy towards Aya. And here we all are talking about: rape. Rape or rapey, as you wish to say it. Overall, the set of actions felt off, to me that is bad writting.

On the intentions of the writing -- without getting into spoilers, the rape scene in this chapter is actually one of the major emotional climaxes of the story because it represents the first moment where Marika realizes her feelings for Aya.

Marika's reluctance to have sex is not because she is digesting Aya's background -- recall in the previous chapter, Marika caught Aya meeting Astarotte in front of Aya's house just after Aya called, for the first time, to cancel one of their meetings.

Hearing about Aya's middle school experiences makes Marika feel more sympathetic to/interested in Aya. However, at the same time, Marika had just confirmed that Aya lied to her, and is overwhelmed by Aya's confidence and sexual skills into thinking that Aya has tons of experience with girls and is just playing with her.

Marika's resistance to having sex with Aya in this chapter stems from JEALOUSY, and being unable to bring herself to believe Aya's sweet words professing her devotion to her. However, it's precisely this jealousy and insecurity which makes Marika respond powerfully when Aya finally makes her move, because, as Marika notes "In this moment, she really is looking only at me".

Aya, for her part, found herself unable to resist Marika precisely because she was perceiving Marika's insecurity and neediness. Yes, it was still rape. The scene nonetheless works as one of the highlights of the novel because it was for both Aya and Marika an amazing clash between their emotions and their rationality.

Between this and "There's no way I could have a lover!" I increasingly get the sense that Teren Mikami has kind of a sketchy idea of what makes a good romance. I would still say I prefer this one to the other, since even if that one lacked the more explicit scenes, just the overall relationship dynamic there felt uncomfortably predatory and manipulative. Here, there's at least the understanding that Marika is interested in Aya, and deep in denial about her own sexuality, that makes the relationship work for me. I really liked the first half of the chapter!

About Watanare ("There's no way I could have a lover!"), that series is actually an explicit, fully committed harem/polyamory series. Mai is the heroine of the first novel, whose role is to awaken Renako to the idea of loving women/lesbianism. She is by no means intended to be perceived as perfectly desirable or an idealized romantic partner. On the contrary, Mai's overconfidence and self-assuredness is often made the butt of the comedy in the series, as the second volume, featuring Satsuki as Renako's contract two-week girlfriend, is explicitly about Satsuki's quest to get revenge on Mai in response to Mai humiliating her at the end of the first volume (and Renako's attempts to get them to reconcile). Recall that part of the climax of Watanare's first arc involved Mai asking Satsuki to have sex with her, saying "You love me, don't you?", specifically because Mai was looking to have sex with someone she DIDN'T love to punish herself after Renako slapped Mai after Mai nearly raped her.

The most popular heroine in Watanare is in fact, by a ridiculous measure, Ajisai, to the point that it is almost pitiful how few people were rooting for Mai by comparison (although few actively dislike her after she helped push Ajisai to confess in volume 3). Nonetheless, the series resolved the love triangle between Mai, Ajisai, and Renako by making Renako commit explicitly to polyamory, so for as long as Mikami Teren can continue writing the series compellingly, there's no reason for conflict.

joined Apr 27, 2021

So in a better world, this is how this chapter should've gone, Arata Iri eccentricities excluded: (

I've also thought a lot (too much) about this chapter and skim read a bit of the next part in the LN and I will definitely drop this now. I just realised that what I wanted from this story was a romance with some comedy about a "straight" girl being turned. But whilst the first few chapters were kinda following that line it has become somewhat dark now and I don't like that anymore. I wanted to like Aya, but I just can't anymore, she's acted shitty and even reading about them "resolving" their issues later I just felt nothing but disgust and anger. If a romance story makes me wish that the main couple does NOT get together ever then it has failed, at least for me personally.

I also hate how in a story whose premise is that love between girls is cool and possible, all established lesbian characters seem to be sexual predators, really great representation...

Anyway, enough ranting, everybody's got different preferences and levels of tolerance and I'm not blaming anybody for enjoying this story, I just needed to vent because I am honestly extremely disappointed at the turn it has taken.

joined Feb 10, 2022

I just can't understand you guys throwing hate to a manga as if you're paying to read. Anyway, mikami announced this manga is coming to its end

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 7:33AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just can't understand you guys throwing hate to the a manga as if you're paying to read.

Bad argument, just because something is free doesn't mean it have a pass to be bad.

joined Feb 10, 2022

I just can't understand you guys throwing hate to the a manga as if you're paying to read.

Bad argument, just because something is free doesn't mean it have a pass to be bad.

I didn't say it's a bad manga, did I?

joined Jun 25, 2019

I just can't understand you guys throwing hate to the a manga as if you're paying to read.

Bad argument, just because something is free doesn't mean it have a pass to be bad.

I didn't say it's a bad manga, did I?

Then where is the problem with throwing hate at it ?

joined Feb 10, 2022

I just can't understand you guys throwing hate to the a manga as if you're paying to read.

Bad argument, just because something is free doesn't mean it have a pass to be bad.

I didn't say it's a bad manga, did I?

Then where is the problem with throwing hate at it ?

You didn't answer my question;)

joined Apr 14, 2022

I think the thing that strikes me the most as "bad writing" is that the rape just wasn't necessary. It contributes absolutely nothing to the story. It could be a plot element if it were actually treated as a big deal, as something thay caused tension between them, but she just rapes her and then the story glosses over it as if nothing happened. So why include it?

joined Feb 10, 2022

Rape? I don't see the it. Aya forced her? Yes, that's right. At the beginning she forced marika, and got her naked against her will but as you see marika herself agreed and let it be, she even requested aya to let her pleases her, and ended up with both of them making love. Geez man you're too sensitive. Either way they confess their love in ch10

joined Apr 14, 2022

Aya forced her? Yes, that's right.

That is the literal definition of rape, yes.

Geez man you're too sensitive.

It's really childish to start insulting people for not loving the story you do. People are allowed to not like things.

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 9:50AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Rape? I don't see the it. Aya forced her? Yes

Yep, you just give the definition of rape.

You didn't answer my question;)

You didn't hate it yeah, but that doesn't mean other have the same opinion.

joined Jan 17, 2017

One thing I do want to point out is, this definitely isn't "it isn't rape if she liked it in the end."

I don't know if it was omitted in the manga or just the TL, but the equivalent in the LN had the inner "devil" Marika point out that if she didn't want this, she would've just not gone to Aya's house in the first place. Nobody forced her to do that. Now, the questions of whether or not it's okay that just going to Aya's house is functionally consent from Marika according to the story, or that Aya apparently just telepathically knows that Marika's protests are contrary to what she actually wants (another thing her inner monologue calls out, though she tries to deny that one), those are something else entirely. The fact is, Aya's not actually forcing her at all, it's just VERY dubcon.

joined Feb 3, 2021

I don't know if it was omitted in the manga or just the TL, but the equivalent in the LN had the inner "devil" Marika point out that if she didn't want this, she would've just not gone to Aya's house in the first place. Nobody forced her to do that. Now, the questions of whether or not it's okay that just going to Aya's house is functionally consent from Marika according to the story, or that Aya apparently just telepathically knows that Marika's protests are contrary to what she actually wants (another thing her inner monologue calls out, though she tries to deny that one), those are something else entirely. The fact is, Aya's not actually forcing her at all, it's just VERY dubcon.

Sex isn’t the only thing they do when she goes over there. And Marika CLEARLY stated “I don’t want to have sex today”, “No, stop, I said no”. Yes, Aya forced her. There’s no ifs, ands, or buts to be had. If Aya hadn’t initiated and pushed past Marika’s very clear protests, they wouldn’t have had sex. Consent can and may be revoked at any point.

joined Jun 25, 2019

What am i reading ? I don't think her going to her house mean she consent to have sex, it doesn't feel related at all. It's not like she send her a message " come to my home to have sex"

joined Jan 17, 2017

Consent can and may be revoked at any point.

It can, yeah. It's just that in this particular instance, Aya just kind of magically knows that Marika isn't actually trying to get her to stop, because this is fictional smut land where the characters don't actually have to communicate directly for their true intent to be conveyed during sex. It's a situation that would be unquestionably rape in reality, don't get me wrong. It's just not here, because if Marika REALLY wanted her to stop, and she never wanted that for one millisecond, Aya would just magically know because fictional smut land.

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