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joined Jan 17, 2017

Isn't your logic a bit circular there? "Rapeyness doesn't make it trash, because rapeyness is normal in trashy smut"...? It's a bit strange to try and come to the defense of the scene while at the same time calling it trashy, which basically means you're agreeing with the criticism...?

This story has/had the potential to be a lot more than trashy smut, so it's no surprise that people are disappointed when they find it doesn't live up to its potential.

Is it? Basically all I'm saying is, this series has its issues, and requires a strong suspension of disbelief to accept that what seems like a very rapey scene that would, again, unquestionably be rape in real life, was intended not to depict rape, but rather pretty much the exact opposite: Marika finally beginning to accept that she does indeed continue to follow along with Aya because she wants to, not because of money or coercion or even her own pride.

Is that indicative of bad writing? Probably, I'm certainly not gonna argue against that. Do I think this scene is probably the worst part of the series as a whole? Honestly, it's between this scene and a certain character who just causes all sorts of uncomfortable problems, so I'm looking forward to the fallout from that. Was Marika at all forced to do anything whatsoever in this chapter? No.

last edited at Sep 8, 2022 12:39PM

joined Jan 17, 2017

Ummm no, Aya has no such special ability.

It's trashy smut. Everyone has that ability unless they conveniently don't for plot reasons. That's part of what makes it trashy, yeah?

joined Jan 17, 2017

Consent can and may be revoked at any point.

It can, yeah. It's just that in this particular instance, Aya just kind of magically knows that Marika isn't actually trying to get her to stop, because this is fictional smut land where the characters don't actually have to communicate directly for their true intent to be conveyed during sex. It's a situation that would be unquestionably rape in reality, don't get me wrong. It's just not here, because if Marika REALLY wanted her to stop, and she never wanted that for one millisecond, Aya would just magically know because fictional smut land.

joined Jan 17, 2017

One thing I do want to point out is, this definitely isn't "it isn't rape if she liked it in the end."

I don't know if it was omitted in the manga or just the TL, but the equivalent in the LN had the inner "devil" Marika point out that if she didn't want this, she would've just not gone to Aya's house in the first place. Nobody forced her to do that. Now, the questions of whether or not it's okay that just going to Aya's house is functionally consent from Marika according to the story, or that Aya apparently just telepathically knows that Marika's protests are contrary to what she actually wants (another thing her inner monologue calls out, though she tries to deny that one), those are something else entirely. The fact is, Aya's not actually forcing her at all, it's just VERY dubcon.

joined Jan 17, 2017

But also, I got way too distracted from the main story by goddamned Karen. Holy shit woman, keep your fucking pants on. Two 14 year-olds, at the same time!?

It's worse than that, the other girl is still in middle school. And it started a year ago. I think the thing that squicks me the most, though, is how s*x-obsessed said middle schooler is. Sex positivity is cool and all, but holy hell not at that age.

Yeah, like, did seemingly the single horniest character in the entire story (which is really saying something considering how Aya gets sometimes) REALLY have to be a middle schooler? "Oh, she sometimes comes over to my house to touch herself while reading my manga." Like, WHAT?