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joined Jun 6, 2013

Not a drill? It's a real kiss?! PANIC.

Oh she's falling in love, so that's why the arrows are all weird?

last edited at Aug 6, 2021 3:19AM

joined Apr 25, 2018


Now how do three girls kiss

joined Feb 18, 2013

I don't get it. Why bother making her ability disappear at all? What value does that add to the narrative? Considering it's the only really unique aspect of the story (which is printed in three colours just to support that aspect!), I don't see why the author would make overtures of removing it.

joined Apr 2, 2017

those last 2 pages... ALL ABOARD THE POLY TRAIN!!!

joined Sep 6, 2018

They would make the cutest throuple, I'm so happy for them.

Also, also! Sayo did it! She got the girl!!! I'm so happy for her. She's such a sweetheart, and given the arrows we've seen from her, she's been managing her strong desires very maturely.

I'm also so glad we get to see a childhood friend win. I'm not as much of a fan of it in a heterosexual context, and I can see why the destined childhood friend -> partner thing is subverted so often (thanks to an article I read a while back about the trope that I can dig up if anyone's interested) but when it's between women, and it's played straight (no pun intended lol) it hits different. One might think it's the fact that gay crushes on your childhood best friend are actually extremely rarely fulfilled for a variety of reasons despite how common that situation is, which could bring readers a sense of catharsis, but I don't even think that's what makes this so satisfying and compelling. I can't quite put my finger on it right now, but something tells me it's about how the story interacts with genre. Like, because the "childhood friend loses" thing is so solidified, seeing Sayo rise to overcome it not just because she's the one selected by chance to win a harem thing, but because she personally undergoes a great deal of development to unlock her inhibitions about being honest with her feelings, while the MC simultaneously grows to become someone who can accept those feelings, and they both find that being together in that new way really works for them--it's sort of like they're defying fate, and because it's written with verisimilitude we as readers can receive it as this very hopeful message, that, yeah, you can put in the work to maybe make things work out with that girl you like.

Lmao, I guess I did put my finger on it. But yeah, it's like, maybe because I spend so much time on the internet I see that "useless lesbian" thing over and over, to the point where sometimes it feels like most of the gay women are going "haha, this is just how it is"--there's this wider feeling that we can't get things to work out, that we can't get the girl, and so it's really cathartic to see Sayo break through that same kind of anti-predestination. Does anybody feel that, is that for real?

It also helps that she's adorable totally deserves to get what she wants and be happy. She's so kind. What a sweetheart.

joined Oct 9, 2019


joined Jul 5, 2020

Am I the only one who is sadder about her losing her powers? That's a pretty cool power that has a lot of untapped potential.

I think it is more like a curse that can affect her everyday life in horrible ways and condition her to see relationships with a narrow field of view. Too much responsibility for a teenage girl honestly

Any good power requires training. She needs to sit down and start taking notes and analyzing what the shapes/color intensity/number/etc means regarding the love that a given person has. Once you get all figure out you can start blackmailing and manipulating people into doing your bidding.

joined May 2, 2019

I know its weird but i want sayo x rina...

joined Sep 11, 2019

I know its weird but i want sayo x rina...

Wait for Poly ending where all three of them live together like the teachers lol

joined May 12, 2020

Am I the only one who is sadder about her losing her powers? That's a pretty cool power that has a lot of untapped potential.

I think it is more like a curse that can affect her everyday life in horrible ways and condition her to see relationships with a narrow field of view. Too much responsibility for a teenage girl honestly

Any good power requires training. She needs to sit down and start taking notes and analyzing what the shapes/color intensity/number/etc means regarding the love that a given person has. Once you get all figure out you can start blackmailing and manipulating people into doing your bidding.

Whoa. Slow down there Diablo

joined Mar 22, 2021

That kiss came out of nowhere but it was a amazing. The childhood friend is doing it!

joined May 8, 2020

This is gonna be a poly ending 10000%.
Also I got the feeling that her powers make her sick. She didn’t fell ill and the arrows where disappearing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

->Poly because can't bear to have characters with a sad ending.

K whatever is good to make people think it's good ending. I guess there is not a lot of poly stuff so people take whatever stuff they can. Still have my hopes they can solve it without going the poly route but i shouldn't expect much.

last edited at Aug 6, 2021 7:00AM

joined Mar 31, 2021

That kiss came out of nowhere but it was a amazing. The childhood friend is doing it!

Well, Mei did ask Sayo to be selfish, the girl just said what she wanted

Also that double page for the kiss was so beautiful HAAAA

last edited at Aug 6, 2021 7:37AM

joined Jun 9, 2018

I don't get it. Why bother making her ability disappear at all? What value does that add to the narrative? Considering it's the only really unique aspect of the story (which is printed in three colours just to support that aspect!), I don't see why the author would make overtures of removing it.

to demonstrate that she's actually falling in love? the story doesn't have to continue after her powers disappear

joined Sep 15, 2020

I don't get it. Why bother making her ability disappear at all? What value does that add to the narrative? Considering it's the only really unique aspect of the story (which is printed in three colours just to support that aspect!), I don't see why the author would make overtures of removing it.

Because she doesn’t really need that kind of power, in the first place the power was used as a catalyst for why she mistrusts love in the first place, her being overtly aware of people’s feeling towards others and especially towards her put her in a bad position since she doesn’t know what do in those situations nor does she actually know if it’s even right at all. And even if she did grow to up to use it properly, no one really needs that kind of power in their life because people shouldn’t need to rely on a crutch like that if they want to function as normal person, lest they become someone who is incapable of making decisions or pursuing relationships with people unless they find that reciprocation of their feelings are guaranteed.

And if speculation is right, and her powers disappear when she genuinely starts to fall in love with someone, it shows she’s grown in the right direction since she doesn’t rely on the arrows to continuing pursuing a relationship with others

joined Oct 22, 2018

Alternatively, it could be that she doesn't lose her power completely, but she only stops seeing the arrows of people she's in love with, rather than all arrows. IIRC someone else already argued that on the previous chapter, but I'm only noting that because I concur with that interpretation until proven otherwise.

joined Apr 29, 2019

Poly ending? Pls no, it would be horrible writing

joined Jun 11, 2016

Poly ending? Pls no, it would be horrible writing

OH NO another poly ending what a fucking disater!!!! /s

Fucking for real man, the story so far has hinted at it so fucking much. Not having poly ending for this WILL be bad writing.

I know some of you guys don't like poly ending, and it's admittedly not my favorite either (cuz it feel like the easy way out), but the author has clearly gave hints about it before. Calling it bad writing is dumb.

You know what is bad writing? The love triangle in Koi to Uso where the author clearly don't know what the fuck they're doing so they have TWO endings, one for each girl, to placate the fans. Now that's shitty writing.

joined Jun 25, 2019

the story so far has hinted at it so fucking much.

Which in itself it's kinda bad writing, if your readers already know how you gonna end it. Also Poly is something you handle with care, because it's too easy to throw a poly ending and call it a day but i feel like people forget that not a lot of peoples are really okay with sharing their loved one with someone else. See the Canno's poly manga,even if it was axed, at least you had a character with poly background. Here you don't, you have 2 girls with a massive crush on the same person and someone who never know love and suddendly you throw them in a poly endning like that ?
At the end of the day, if it go that way (cause it still possible that it don't go that way), it will still a slighlty bad writing to me.

last edited at Aug 6, 2021 10:06AM

joined Oct 12, 2020

I was so ready to get jebaited by the kiss scene again… So happy that they just went for it.

joined Sep 11, 2020

Ooohhhh is it that as she falls in love, her arrow powers disappear? As she understands herself more, she doesn't need to understand others?

Anyway this is adorable. I want my poly ending tho~ =w=

joined Apr 27, 2021

I'm also so glad we get to see a childhood friend win. I'm not as much of a fan of it in a heterosexual context, and I can see why the destined childhood friend -> partner thing is subverted so often (thanks to an article I read a while back about the trope that I can dig up if anyone's interested)

I'd actually be very interested in reading that article. Still got it anywhere?

joined Aug 6, 2021

Homie just date both of them fr

joined Jun 6, 2013

They would make the cutest throuple, I'm so happy for them.

Also, also! Sayo did it! She got the girl!!! I'm so happy for her. She's such a sweetheart, and given the arrows we've seen from her, she's been managing her strong desires very maturely.

I'm also so glad we get to see a childhood friend win. I'm not as much of a fan of it in a heterosexual context, and I can see why the destined childhood friend -> partner thing is subverted so often (thanks to an article I read a while back about the trope that I can dig up if anyone's interested) but when it's between women, and it's played straight (no pun intended lol) it hits different. One might think it's the fact that gay crushes on your childhood best friend are actually extremely rarely fulfilled for a variety of reasons despite how common that situation is, which could bring readers a sense of catharsis, but I don't even think that's what makes this so satisfying and compelling. I can't quite put my finger on it right now, but something tells me it's about how the story interacts with genre. Like, because the "childhood friend loses" thing is so solidified, seeing Sayo rise to overcome it not just because she's the one selected by chance to win a harem thing, but because she personally undergoes a great deal of development to unlock her inhibitions about being honest with her feelings, while the MC simultaneously grows to become someone who can accept those feelings, and they both find that being together in that new way really works for them--it's sort of like they're defying fate, and because it's written with verisimilitude we as readers can receive it as this very hopeful message, that, yeah, you can put in the work to maybe make things work out with that girl you like.

Lmao, I guess I did put my finger on it. But yeah, it's like, maybe because I spend so much time on the internet I see that "useless lesbian" thing over and over, to the point where sometimes it feels like most of the gay women are going "haha, this is just how it is"--there's this wider feeling that we can't get things to work out, that we can't get the girl, and so it's really cathartic to see Sayo break through that same kind of anti-predestination. Does anybody feel that, is that for real?

It also helps that she's adorable totally deserves to get what she wants and be happy. She's so kind. What a sweetheart.

Linter, I mean there is a predestination feeling of that's just the way it is you don't get the girl with lesbians. Especially if you're a fat one like me. So just because Sayo did it doesn't mean it'll happen for any of us sadly. Which you probably weren't saying that, but I am saying it bitterly. Most lesbians that I meet in real life and up just settling for hetero. I'm mostly just ranting to myself now. Very angst about it these days.

So it's cathartic to see it, but it is conversely painful.

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