That was really nice. I'm glad I read the comments first, since I typically skip anything with the aaaaaaaaaaaaangst tag. This really needs a lighter tag, it was only mildly dramatic.
I felt the angst coming from the short-haired girl throughout most of the story, so I thought it fit. Maybe people are conflating angst and drama, which are typically tags that are seen together. I have no issues reading stories with angst or drama, but when they're paired up it usually means a rough read.
Many people seem to be conflating angst with drama. Angst is a general feeling of anxiety or insecurity about oneself. It applies here, even if it's a cutesy story.
It's like someone drew a manga of my life! Being so afraid to desire. Afraid that if she finds out how much you need her, you might scare her away, or worse, she might pity you. GAAAAAHHHH! This is so much!