Forum › Snake Woman and Little Miss Offering discussion

joined Oct 17, 2018

daaaamn the snake lady is soooo smooth

joined Aug 7, 2017

Damn, I could almost hear the ultra-teasing tone in the last couple of panels. Suiren can't have enough.

Also, I'm now firmly convinced that the two have been kissing and getting physically intimate for several chapters, but despite all that, Suzu is firmly in the belief that it's a purely physical relationship born of Suiren's desire for her body that just so happens to unexpectedly include inexplicable protectiveness and kindness from Suiren towards her, and is ignorant of her own growing romantic feelings towards her mistress (to say nothing of Suiren herself being possibly unaware that her attraction to Suzu is more than just physical).

last edited at Apr 16, 2020 7:31AM

joined Dec 23, 2017

Now that the feelings are out there this manga only gets sweeter every chapter. We are here for it

joined Nov 18, 2019

This sensei makes me need insulin XD

joined Apr 23, 2019

I live for the fact shes started really teasing her

joined Nov 7, 2013

im getting jealous with the both of them. aaaah

joined Feb 15, 2013

The real actual question is: is there any spot on peach-chan’s body that the snek lady’s tongue has not yet reached.

No one can convince me that nothing lewd happens offscreen after all these sensual moments.

last edited at Apr 18, 2020 3:51AM

joined Aug 12, 2013

I love this series so much. I really hope Suzi's nightmare never comes true.

joined Jun 13, 2019

The real actual question is: is there any spot on peach-chan’s body that the snek lady’s tongue has not yet reached.

No one can convince me that nothing lewd happens offscreen after all these sensual moments.

Pretty sure it's the womb.

joined Jun 13, 2019

The real actual question is: is there any spot on peach-chan’s body that the snek lady’s tongue has not yet reached.

No one can convince me that nothing lewd happens offscreen after all these sensual moments.

Pretty sure it's the womb.

joined Sep 9, 2016

Asparagus? Top-tier vegetable.

joined Feb 8, 2018

I cannot stop smiling, while reading this :D

joined Sep 16, 2014

Sensual moments are nice and all, but they need to show us more sexual moments.

joined Feb 24, 2019

Ah, so sweet! I already can't wait for more!

joined Jun 27, 2017

Those last two pages ...

joined Oct 10, 2016
joined May 30, 2020

Poor Suzu.

I suppose it's confirmed that they do have sexual moments outside of the story we see.

joined Aug 26, 2014

this is honestly one of the most anticipated yuri manga out there.
Waiting for it to be translated is torture!

joined Aug 28, 2016

Aaahhh is there really a new Nagori Yu series being translated????!! Bless the Sexy Akiba Detectives, I can't wait to see which one it is!

joined Dec 26, 2014

This manga gives me diabetes

joined Nov 7, 2013

so wholesome i kenat

joined Oct 10, 2016

Poor Suzu.

I suppose it's confirmed that they do have sexual moments outside of the story we see.

And what if that's what Nagori-sensei wants us to think?
Yeah yeah unreal but hey let me live

joined Jan 13, 2019

never had asparagus, shit smells nasty man

joined Jan 31, 2015

Poor Suzu.

I suppose it's confirmed that they do have sexual moments outside of the story we see.

And what if that's what Nagori-sensei wants us to think?
Yeah yeah unreal but hey let me live

You mean all the suggestive peach eating wasn't proof enough?

joined Aug 7, 2017

... Asparagus? That's very random.

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