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joined Aug 23, 2015

and an otaku was born

joined Sep 21, 2015

Faceless little guy.. I thought this was gonna turn into a hentai

Also what's with the Madoka cosplay at the end.

last edited at Oct 25, 2019 11:07PM

joined Apr 1, 2013

These chapters are starting to feel like short fillers or something..? whats going on with the story atm? or is this just distraction? I want some drama or new evil characters to show up soon that will rival Shy as opponents its starting to feel bland now :( although dont get me wrong these episodes seem to be improving Shy like giving her better understanding of being a hero? but yeah i miss seeing her best friend now i want to see them together

joined Jun 11, 2016

I mean, for a filler chapter this wasn't too bad. I kinda wanna see Pilse again.

joined May 30, 2013

Nothing except yuri is a true reward.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Is not really filler, is just showing how well people treat her now compared to the first chapters... An actual filler would be to show a cartoon villain like stealing panties or something and then beat him and realize that he had no relation to the real enemy with the rings.
Introducing new character like last time or seeing a different side of them like the time previous to that is also not filler... Is just that it isn't a fight.

last edited at Oct 26, 2019 2:00AM

joined Apr 11, 2016

Of course an anime about magical girls fighting for a civil revolution is a vehicle for staple capitalist practice. Wonder if the author meant to poke fun at something in particular...

Anyways, Shy was mighty cute wearing that dress. Funny how an actual hero played for a stage hero as a side job of sorts. Hum. Rapid Rabbit may want to have a word with you, Shy.

joined Apr 28, 2014

"Liking something has nothing to do with being a boy or a girl."

Well, there's no way I'm not going to read into that given the site we're on.

joined Jul 15, 2016

"We will protect the revolution" what kind of Marxist superhero show is that?

Of course an anime about magical girls fighting for a civil revolution is a vehicle for staple capitalist practice.

Turning Marxist ideas into a three decades-long cash cow is certainly one way of doing a permanent revolution... right up there with mass producing those Che Guevara T-shirts. :D

"Liking something has nothing to do with being a boy or a girl."

Well, there's no way I'm not going to read into that given the site we're on.

IMO it's a deliberate subtext-slash-foreshadowing by the author, and you can't convince me otherwise. ^^

last edited at Oct 26, 2019 5:27AM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

zeffy101 posted:

its starting to feel bland now :(

I wouldn't mind reading entire series about Shy being adorable.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Shota fan acquired.

joined Mar 28, 2015

yuripie posted:

"We will protect the revolution" what kind of Marxist superhero show is that?

As revolutionary as Utena.

Altair Uploader
joined Nov 30, 2016

"We will protect the revolution" what kind of Marxist superhero show is that?

Sounds like this chapter needs the communist tag

joined Sep 27, 2017

Is not really filler, is just showing how well people treat her now compared to the first chapters... An actual filler would be to show a cartoon villain like stealing panties or something and then beat him and realize that he had no relation to the real enemy with the rings.
Introducing new character like last time or seeing a different side of them like the time previous to that is also not filler... Is just that it isn't a fight.

This 1000%. I've been convinced for a very long time that people don't know what filler really is. People don't want character development, pacing, world building. They just want the next "bad guy" to show up so the hero can punch them. They don't care about a story taking a moment to be relaxed, giving the story and characters time to breathe. It's always gotta be action 24/7 otherwise it's "boring filler". Thankfully the people complaining aren't writing the story.

joined Apr 1, 2013

Is not really filler, is just showing how well people treat her now compared to the first chapters... An actual filler would be to show a cartoon villain like stealing panties or something and then beat him and realize that he had no relation to the real enemy with the rings.
Introducing new character like last time or seeing a different side of them like the time previous to that is also not filler... Is just that it isn't a fight.

This 1000%. I've been convinced for a very long time that people don't know what filler really is. People don't want character development, pacing, world building. They just want the next "bad guy" to show up so the hero can punch them. They don't care about a story taking a moment to be relaxed, giving the story and characters time to breathe. It's always gotta be action 24/7 otherwise it's "boring filler". Thankfully the people complaining aren't writing the story.

I wasnt really complaining so to speak.. just expressing my opinion is all
i just wanted some type of drama to happen which Shy will use her new fond ability and experiences against.
Im not against the peaceful moments, i just wanted some spice to happen is all. Maybe i was abit too strong by calling out the chapter to be bland in my wording but i just want to see a build up or evil plotting to some degree or at least a character which will rival Shy as an enemy

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

zeffy101 posted:

i just wanted some type of drama to happen which Shy will use her new fond ability and experiences against.

And you'll see that for sure. Just right now we're in the calm/peaceful moment of the story before next big plot development. Calm before the storm, so to speak.

joined Apr 30, 2014

I've been thinking this awhile, but does this series deserve a comedy tag?

joined Feb 10, 2013

Shota fan acquired.

She already had one so shota fan 2

joined Jun 11, 2016

Reading this chapter again, I was being unfair in calling it filler. Taking a breather to flesh out another aspect of your story is always a good thing. Doing so makes it more impactful when it returns to the plot because it shows you what's at stake. So while this is a side-story, calling it filler is kinda harsh. It does a good job of shedding light on a new aspect of the world with Businesses using Heroes to promote their leftist propaganda anime products as well as showing us progression of SHY's character.

last edited at Jun 8, 2020 2:25AM

joined Jun 12, 2017

Just picked this up. Spirts is really fluffy and Iko is really cute.

joined Apr 9, 2019

I love how this universe's Precure is CiviRevo. It really goes to show just how prevalent Pretty Cure is as a staple of pop culture. Also, Civil Revolution is a good civilization!

joined Mar 23, 2019

Filler? No filler here, just more of cute Shy being shy. :]

joined Dec 17, 2017

How is this a filler chapter? it's character development. Not every story is done in 5 chapters, people.

"We will protect the revolution" what kind of Marxist superhero show is that?

Never google "Utena" or your fragile worldview will be shattered like a tear gas cylinder being dropped into ice-cold water [Don't do that at home, kids].

last edited at Oct 27, 2019 2:13PM

joined Oct 23, 2018

sexy balloon catching technique

joined Jun 30, 2015

How is this a filler chapter? it's character development. Not every story is done in 5 chapters, people.

"We will protect the revolution" what kind of Marxist superhero show is that?

Never google "Utena" or your fragile worldview will be shattered like a tear gas cylinder being dropped into ice-cold water [Don't do that at home, kids].

"Magical girls of the universe, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chain binding your soul to your body!"

Btw what fragile worldview, though? It is rather funny to see capitalism making money on, uh, Marxism-like ideologies.

last edited at Oct 27, 2019 9:32PM

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