Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Jun 28, 2019


I hate when this happens.
Show some guts and come out proud, geez.

To clarify, the term Nikaidou uses in ch93 is "tottemo nakayoshi na kankei" (ie. "friendly" as in "close", not explicitly "we're friends"). Basically, it hits the perfect middle ground of describing how close they are while still leaving it vague enough for Ranbara to misunderstand.

That makes sense. And Kageko being the adorable ball of shyness and dorkiness she is, she no doubt prefers to keep her relationships private (as in, it would be mega embarrassing for her to let people know she's dating someone) so she's grateful that Sakurako gave a nonspecific answer that doesn't tell any lie or falsehood but keeps the issue vague.

joined Jan 17, 2017

Animation when

Jeanne Mathison
joined May 24, 2019

Kageko being the adorable ball of shyness and dorkiness she is, she no doubt prefers to keep her relationships private (as in, it would be mega embarrassing for her to let people know she's dating someone) so she's grateful that Sakurako gave a nonspecific answer that doesn't tell any lie or falsehood but keeps the issue vague.

She told the truth and nothing but the truth.

But she didn't tell the whole truth.

urbs Uploader
joined Oct 10, 2020

One more chapter and we are caught up to the webcomic raws. With that said, if anyone wanted to donate vol 3 raws of the serialized version to /u/ that would be mighty cool of you, mainly for any extras that were included.

last edited at Jul 27, 2021 1:37PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sakurako-chan wants to study.

joined Nov 22, 2019

Certified Idiot triangle moment.

Tsuki-chan Uploader
Chads no Teikoku
joined Dec 18, 2013

Sakurako, who's always been super thirsty, discovering yuri hentai...
That will be interesting

joined Mar 21, 2019

Sakurako, who's always been super thirsty, discovering yuri hentai...
That will be interesting

Absolutely nothing bad will come from this.

joined Jan 6, 2015

Why does this feel so heartwarming? It's three naked girls in a bath with two of them discussing how to illegally acquire porn, but wholesome. I love it.

joined Oct 19, 2020


joined Aug 10, 2015

Why does this feel so heartwarming? It's three naked girls in a bath with two of them discussing how to illegally acquire porn, but wholesome. I love it.

...somehow I didn't even think about it that way, but when I read your post it did suddenly hit me lmao

joined Feb 21, 2019

she's interested in entering the world of l-lewd yuri doujin!

joined Aug 12, 2019

Sakurako, who's always been super thirsty, discovering yuri hentai...
That will be interesting

Absolutely nothing bad will come from this.

it's only for researching

last edited at Jul 27, 2021 8:36PM

joined Jan 21, 2019

I hadn't caught up to this manga in months, there have been some nice developments haha
I'm glad the shitty editor got what he deserved, it was so hilarious seeing all that misfortune pile up LOL

joined Jun 15, 2021

It is not my first time reading this. I still do not understand what the heck is this. It feels more like a shounen manga for early teens. I still do not know what to make of it....would someone tell me what is the purpose and attraction this manga has? I am not going to read this a third time until someone told me it is worth my time and energy to read it.

joined Jul 29, 2017

It is not my first time reading this. I still do not understand what the heck is this. It feels more like a shounen manga for early teens. I still do not know what to make of it....would someone tell me what is the purpose and attraction this manga has? I am not going to read this a third time until someone told me it is worth my time and energy to read it.

Nobody else can do that for you. To me, this series is cute, funny, over-the-top, close to a parody of yuri-romance conventions, and incredibly sweet. The MCs are completely adorkable.

I don't want every series to be like this one, but it makes for a very nice palate cleanser for all the drama-heavy, trope-serious, drawn-out series.

Sometimes I want those things. Other times I want this.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Nobody else can do that for you. To me, this series is cute, funny, over-the-top, close to a parody of yuri-romance >conventions, and incredibly sweet. The MCs are completely adorkable.

The only feeling that I get is like a sarcasm for Yuri (as in a parody). But by chapter 50 I started to lose interest. By the time I read it for the second time at Chapter 50, I got bored. Typical of a second reading I pay more attention to the background drawing, read backwards to figure how a chapter can be develop from the previous one. Nothing interesting there. I hope something may happen or something I miss but nothing happens. Putting Ranbara is probably a pre-text to a love triangle, especially after 90. But it is kind of strange to have a triangle when the two MC do not admit to Ranbara that they are girlfriends. Heck, Tadokoro's mom knows right away the first time she sees them.

joined Jun 15, 2021

Why does this feel so heartwarming? It's three naked girls in a bath with two of them discussing how to illegally acquire porn, but wholesome. I love it.

...somehow I didn't even think about it that way, but when I read your post it did suddenly hit me lmao

Especially I am sure Ranbarra drew plenty of those herself.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Nobody else can do that for you. To me, this series is cute, funny, over-the-top, close to a parody of yuri-romance >conventions, and incredibly sweet. The MCs are completely adorkable.

The only feeling that I get is like a sarcasm for Yuri (as in a parody). But by chapter 50 I started to lose interest. By the time I read it for the second time at Chapter 50, I got bored. Typical of a second reading I pay more attention to the background drawing, read backwards to figure how a chapter can be develop from the previous one. Nothing interesting there. I hope something may happen or something I miss but nothing happens. Putting Ranbara is probably a pre-text to a love triangle, especially after 90. But it is kind of strange to have a triangle when the two MC do not admit to Ranbara that they are girlfriends. Heck, Tadokoro's mom knows right away the first time she sees them.

As I suggested, your feelings are your feelings (or lack thereof)--there's nothing anybody else can do about them.

joined May 24, 2014

Pixivy update (again)

Yukata Time, gear up and ready to go!!!

joined Jan 11, 2018

Give the illustrator a girlfriend!

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, looks like the two have some couple time now... ^_^

joined Feb 3, 2021

"ranbara rui a mostly dull person who through sheer effort and determination became a successful illustrator and a winner at life" - inspired ; ;

joined Oct 19, 2020

Can almost hear the Commando theme play over that last page

joined May 24, 2014

And with this update /u/ scanlations have catched up to pixivy!!!

last edited at Jul 28, 2021 5:31PM

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