Forum › Master and Mel OneeLoli Hentai discussion

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

sorathecrow posted:


Disappointed in no tailsex.

It goes to show how messed up my reading is thanks to manga that i had zero trouble reading that the first time through, and i only noticed how weird it looks when you pointed it out.

Took me few seconds to realize it.

sorathecrow posted:

Ok no. Stop. This is completely wrong. This is totally wrong and if you think otherwise you are sick.

Is okay, they are just drawings. No real lolis were lewded in the making of this art.

If only logic would work on those people.

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Rosi4567 posted:

Ok no. Stop. This is completely wrong. This is totally wrong and if you think otherwise you are sick.

Is okay, they are just drawings. No real lolis were lewded in the making of this art.

I mean yeah I know, but I’m actually worried about the people that enjoy this kind of things. If someone is getting hot with this it means they are pedophiles, and that really, really worries me. Especially because the girl in this manga is really young. It would be awful if someone would want to do this kind of things with little girls irl. That’s what worries me, that some of the people that actually enjoy this are planning on doing something like this, and that this manga is only encouraging them.

Except it doesn't work like that. Most people can separate fiction from reality. What you enjoy in fiction doesn't necessary transfer into what you like in real life. If you wouldn't lewd the loli before reading it, then reading it won't suddenly change it. And there is actually also a argument to make it actually lets people who are actual pedophiles find outlet for their desires and not go lewd lolis in real life. Taking it away from them can actually push them to look for real thing. I'm aware it can work in reverse and for some pedos it will become not enough after some time, but again, you need to be attracted to real children in the first place for it to matter. Also people forget lolis are almost nothing like real children, behavior and look wise so enjoying stuff like that is actually completely different from what actual pornography is and what pedophiles look for.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 7:53PM

joined Sep 28, 2017

I mean yeah I know, but I’m actually worried about the people that enjoy this kind of things. If someone is getting hot with this it means they are pedophiles, and that really, really worries me. Especially because the girl in this manga is really young. It would be awful if someone would want to do this kind of things with little girls irl. That’s what worries me, that some of the people that actually enjoy this are planning on doing something like this, and that this manga is only encouraging them.

You've said the magic words (? ): IRL. If people comes and read manga is because they want to avoid reality at least for a while. Sure, there are some crazy guys out there that can't tell reality and fiction apart, but they are the less. The kind of people that do the crazy stuff shown in lots of genres, not only lolicon. Think gore, terror, violence, rape, mutilation, incest, or the John K. Peta works.

joined Oct 6, 2015

Ok no. Stop. This is completely wrong. This is totally wrong and if you think otherwise you are sick.

Oh boy here it comes xDD fictions are fiction. I love killing people in GTA. Does that make me a killer now?

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 7:57PM

joined Sep 20, 2017

Holy fuck that's the first NSFW by Itou Hachi that I ever saw. Not complaining (believe me, I'M NOT COMPLAINING), but I don't think I'll ever forget how embarrassing was my reaction IRL

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 7:57PM

joined Sep 6, 2015

Huzza for Hachi porn, long may it reign over the Oneeloli Kingdom!

@Nevri: That is not how fiction works. Reading loli stuff will legitimately turn you into a paedophile, just as reading works which feature incest will make you lust over your own family, and of course, watching stuff like "Dexter" will turn you into a psychopathic serial killer. That is just how fiction works. It is actually amazing fiction is even legal. Imagine how much crime we could prevent if we would just ban works that contain anything morally dubious.

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 5:03PM

joined Dec 10, 2014

It's complicated. Being into this doesn't de facto represent an attraction to actual kids. I mean, for one it's not visually realistic. Just as people who are into anime guro don't necessarily want to see actual gore or cause actual mutilation and stuff. Being drawn can make it enough of its own thing that it isn't necessarily reflective of anything other than being into the drawn stuff.

There's also the layer of if you see yourself as audience to what's depicted, or identify with the adult, or identify with the child. Wanting to be small and be fucked by an adult is different from wanting to be an adult and fuck a kid. Since, you know, in the former case you want to be fucked by an adult.

tldr: shit's complicated and you don't know other people's minds

Nevri Uploader
Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Quisty posted:

crazy stuff

Yea, because incest is such crazy thing to do. I wonder when people will finally stop flipping over something that is completely harmless. In moments like this, those old traditions really get on my nerves with perpetuating those outdated morals which were never really true to begin with.

last edited at Jul 18, 2018 8:03PM

joined Aug 24, 2017


joined Jan 13, 2015

God I wish that were me.

joined Jul 18, 2018

That awkward moment when nobody is making doujinshi of your manga so you have to do it yourself.

joined Jul 18, 2018

Fuck Yeah!!! A dream come true

joined Aug 7, 2017

Is it just me, or are page 4 and page 5 supposed to be switched around in chronological order?

joined Aug 16, 2014

I thought it was good, but at the same time, I can't help feeling as though I've lost something important...

joined May 13, 2018

Imagine calling a group of people sick because you disagree with their fictional preferences.


joined Mar 16, 2018

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

Ok no. Stop. This is completely wrong. This is totally wrong and if you think otherwise you are sick.

Oh boy here it comes xDD fictions are fiction. I love killing people in GTA. Does that make me a killer now?

Yes, now get to the casino you need to play the drum line to Mr. Brightside

joined Oct 17, 2016


GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011


Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

joined Jul 26, 2016

brb getting arrested =3=


joined Aug 24, 2017

To all the people defending this with the “it’s fictional so it’s ok” Itou Hachi is perfectly allowed to draw this kind of stuff since it is fiction. What’s really sick and twisted is that people are not just reading it but enjoying it and there even might be people who are masturbating to this stuff. Just the possibility of that being true sickens me to no end.Like seriously take a step back and think about it, you guys are defending child porn, fictional or not. And before anyone says “I’m not a pedophile I would never think about having se with a real child” THEN WHY TF ARE YOU READING THIS?
And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girl

joined May 11, 2015

I've now "read" it a couple of times and I can't help the feeling like I'm looking at badly drawn fanart. Either that or Itou Hachi has started drawing while taking a crap. This hardly looks like the characters in the other work at all. cO

joined Aug 24, 2017

It's fucked up in het and it's fucked up in yuri

For all of y’all with double standards. I bet you wouldn’t feel the same if “Master” was a man

joined Dec 10, 2014

And I thought ppl on this site were better than those sick male otakus who have wet dreams about fucking their favorite 8 year old anime girl

Of course I'm better, I have wet dreams about being an 8 year old anime girl.

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