Wow what a gem. What a gem of a kirara manga this is. These kind of manga are usually so melodramatic but in this manga it feels less so, it feels so real and sincere. Also feels less hectic and busy. This is going very very high in my favorites.
I've experienced something comparable to repeating a grade. The synopsis caught my eye, I had to read this manga. First few chapters were so relatable. And then the manga gets deeper into Koto's condition, the relatability jumped 2000%. This is the exact thing I went through, and for a lot of other people too. The long-lasting depression that takes away your ability to do anything. It really changes you, literally changes your brain. Everyday you think about bettering yourself, but everyday you just can't do anything, and everyday you beat yourself up for it. People that care will breathe down your neck to make sure you do something, and you might get some things done. But you don't want that forever, you want to be able to do things on your own. But when you're alone you're back to being "useless", and then you beat up yourself for that and it just repeats. The road to recovery is a long one.
If I had read this manga when I was at my lowest, it would have been the thing that changed my life. It would have been the sign that I was going through something serious. I thought I was just being lazy and useless. I think this is the case for some people too. Really thankful for the translations. Looking forward to the next chapters.